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YMMV / Destripando La Historia

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  • Alternate Character Interpretation: Is Persephone genuinely sweet and dutiful as her mother thinks, or she's a Bitch in Sheep's Clothing that finds her mother's overprotectiveness annoying? Is Demeter seeing her in a positive light out of nostalgia?. Hestia's video seems to indicate the latter a bit more, as it features a bitchy Persephone.
    • A general aspect of the series, since it's about contextualizing famous iconic characters from culture and mythology into sillier/ modern reinterpretations. So Hestia and Freyja turn from beautiful demure goddesses to funloving punk/geek girls, Sun Wukong takes a lot of cues from shonen anime, Loki and Thor are influenced heavily by their interpretations in the MCU, etc etc.
    • Depending on the song, Hades in his own song he's aloof but Dark Is Not Evil and a relatively ok god. In Demeter's he's portrayed as a Dark Is Evil Big Bad and looks a borderline Satanic Archetype when telling Demeter that he gets to keep her daughter during winter. Just look at his Face Framed in Shadow in that scene.
    • The exact same thing happens later with Isis. Ra's song portrays her usurpation of Ra's name as a power hungry move, but her onw video portrays that acction as an atempt to give Horus enough power to defeat Seth, who had previously murdered Osiris and torn him to pieces. One of the video's comments puts it best:
    In the song of Ra, Isis is seen as a manipulative and greedy woman, and in this one she is seen as the mom that everyone would want to have.
  • Crosses the Line Twice:
    • Zeus killing Iasion and raping Demeter? Awful. Zeus taking selfies after doing the deed and later with a pregnant and irritated Demeter? Hilarious.
    • The Crown Prince is disturbingly chirpy even after having raped Talia and later cheating her with Rapunzel.
  • Ensemble Dark Horse
    • The Bogatyr's Dog from the Russian Snow White video was one of the funniest parts of that video and having an Heroic Sacrifice gives him quite a following. Noticing this, in a later video featuring the rabbit's story it's revealed that the rabbit decided to resurrect him out of sympathy for his sacrifice, allowing the dog to travel with him and becoming a recurring Continuity Cameo.
    • Demeter, even before getting her A Day in the Limelight video, became beloved for being the only sane person between the Olympic Gods and having the status as both The Woobie and the Butt-Monkey gives her a lot of sympathetic traits.
    • Loki, to the point that he appears frequently even in the videos about gods from other Mythologies.
  • Growing the Beard: Occurs two times.
    • Changing from drawing stills on a whiteboard to digital, while at first controversial, later on was considered a success in the long run, considering it allowed the animation to turn more and more detailed, fluid and complex.
    • Changing the topics they covered from fairy tales, children's books and Disney films to characters from mythologies/In the public domain. It allowed Pascu and Rodri to avoid a copyright strike and focus people's attention on lesser-known stories and characters.
  • Jerkass Woobie:
    • Hera is nonetheless described as pretty arrogant, initiating a war because she wasn't deemed as the fairest by Paris; and despite her insecurities and justified grudges towards Zeus, her treatment of Hephaestus was still pretty harsh and unwarranted. (Although he got his revenge later on.)
    • The Crown Prince. Sure, he's a hedonist jerk who raped Talia and later cheats on her with Rapunzel, but he's willing to take responsability for the babies and his love for Rapunzel is genuine.
  • LGBT Fanbase: This series is quite popular among gay audiences, in no small part because it doesn't glance over same-sex pairings like many anglophone adaptations/covers of mythology do.
  • Memetic Mutation:
    • It's Zeus: Given that in his video he was depicted as a sex maniac who shapeshifts to fool his love interests, he immediately became the Spanish equivalent of "It was me, Dio"!
      • Even Virgin Mary could have unknowingly fallen prey to Zeus
  • Mexicans Love Speedy Gonzales:
    • The video about Día de Muertos was hugely praised by Mexican fans in the comments.
    • The video about Sun Wukong also received a lot of praise from Chinese commenters.
    • Many fans of Percy Jackson found the jab towards him in "Poseidon" Actually Pretty Funny.
  • Tear Jerker: Baldur's video it's surprisingly sad and solemn. The video goes into lenghts to showcase Baldur as a Nice Guy who had an undeserved demise because of Loki's machinations, which also caused the unfair dead of Hodr as well. The video doesn't shy away about how his dead became one among the first steps for a Disaster Dominoes that eventually caused the Ragnarok.
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks!:
    • The initial response to the transition from hand-drawings to digital format. This trope completely died out later, as the stories animation evolved.
  • The Woobie:
    • Talia from The Italian Sleeping Beauty. First she falls into a coma after touching flax and her father takes her for dead. Then she's raped by the Crown Prince and impregnated with twins. After waking up from her coma she's scared and confused about how all the mess that happened while she was unconscious. Then the Queen imprisons her and tries to trick the Crown Prince into eating Talia's babies. And finally, he cheats on her with Rapunzel. Ouch.
    • Demeter and Hera.
      • Demeter is raped and impregnated by both Poseidon and Zeus, who killed her love interest. Years later, her daughter Persephone is taken away from her by Hades without being consulted about it and suffered a huge depression.
      • Hera grows increasingly jealous of Zeus' multiple love interests.
      • They also enter in Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds territory:
      • Demeter stops tending to the earth and Zeus has to ask her to go back, since people are dying all over the world.
      • Hera has no qualms about torturing Zeus' lovers and pursuing and killing their offspring.
    • Baldur, who one day began having many awful nightmares that meant that he is going to die soon. Just as he thought he was safe from any harm, Loki tricks his brother Hodr into killing him with a mistletoe arrow, as the plant didn't swear to not harm it, and misses his chance to resurrect when Loki, disguised as a Jotun, refused to cry in order to save him.
    • Hodr unknowingly is tricked by Loki into killing his beloved brother and is murdered in cold blood by the other nordic deities as Loki initially puts the blame on him for Baldur's demise.
