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WMG / Heroes Reborn (2015)

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    Volume 1 

"June 13th 1&2" are a Stable Time Loop.
Think about it: Tommy was Wangsting about being adopted and didn't know anything about being chosen to save the world, just like after Caspar wiped his memory after Hiro's Heroic Sacrifice. The only reason for Hiro to have stayed behind was if Renatus was coming for them, and that would only happen if Noah shot Erica and tipped her off. Everything we saw before the time travel proceeds as it would have after the time travel, except for Quentin being dead and on Erica's payroll. Now, Erica may have arranged for Quentin to only look like he was dying or dead, specifically to make Noah think that he had changed something in the past, when he actually hadn't. Quentin was working for Erica the whole time, getting Noah on Renatus' trail, because that was the only way Erica could ensure Noah would go back in time, tip her off, let her get Parkman to read Past Noah's mind, and learn about Claire's child (still no indication of "twins" in the past, remember.)

Noah didn't shoot Erica originally
Noah did go back in time but somehow did not shoot Erica. This led to the timeline featured in show. By shooting Erica this leads to Quentin meeting her and her turning him to her cause,ultimately preventing his death by Phoebe's hands. Other than that everything's the same.
  • Isn't this basically confirmed? In the first timeline, Dark Matters shows us that Quentin did not meet Phoebe, so Noah did not shoot Erica.

Renautas Corporation is behind the attack.
They want to profit off of anti-abilities sentiment and use abilities as bio-weaponry. Given that they are basically a revived version of the Company, with all of Primatech's files, this is more than likely true.
  • Confirmed. Harris and his clones caused the explosion.

Claire and/or Sylar are actually alive.
Unless someone was thorough enough to cut off their heads and bury them far away from their bodies, they can't be killed. Noah is also suffering from amnesia, which could confirm that at least Claire is alive and in hiding. Not to mention that it was also virtually impossible to kill Sylar in the first series, even without his regenerative powers.
  • Theoretically, vaporization would work just fine. Considering that her actor declined reappearing, the explanation is probably that Claire was at ground zero of the massive explosion in Odessa and had no chance to heal. I don't think Sylar was at that particular gathering though.
    • Jossed for Claire. Claire dies during childbirth.
  • Partway through Save the Cheerleader, Destroy the World, Sylar has disappeared and Peter will not talk about him. So Sylar could have changed identities or died.

Hiro is Miko's father.
He's a time traveler, after all.
  • Although it's been implied that the fugitive Asian flyer seen escaping in the trailer is her father.
  • Jossed, as Miko's father is played by Hiro Kanagawa - a different actor than the flyer.

Luke Collins is Sylar.
Following the events of Heroes, Sylar tried to atone for his actions only to face persecution and prejudice. In attempt to get away from it all he assumes a new identity using his shapeshifting ability and began a relationship with a woman named Joanne, by-and-large forgetting about his old identity and returning to having a normal life with his new wife and child. Then Odessa happens and Sylar's old villainy resurfaces except this time he's motivated by revenge, rather than hunger for power. That would explain why he and Joanne are so good at killing Evolved Humans. Furthermore we do see someone using telekinesis in the trailer who looks suspiciously like Luke.
  • Plus, in a meta way, trade one actor named Zachary for another named Zachary.
  • He also has started to show powers of his own. They are, so far, shown to be of the super-heating/radiation variety, so perhaps he's Sylar and only that power is coming back for the moment. Or they figured they could have done more with Ted Sprague's radiation power and just gave it to one of the new main characters.
  • However, given that his son Dennis is stated to be nine at the time of the bombing, it would be inconsistent with the original show's timeline of Sylar's activities, although being a step-parent is also plausible.
  • Partway through Save the Cheerleader, Destroy the World, Sylar has disappeared and Peter will not talk about him. So Sylar could have changed identities or died.

Hiro has lost his powers.
It's the only explanation for him not going back in time and dope slapping Claire before she can out special to the world.
  • Jossed by this promo showing Hiro teleporting with Noah and a woman encouraging someone (possibly Hiro and Noah) to "forget about the past [and] save the future". Also an alternative explanation is that the present isn't as grim and hopeless as the season 1 bad future. Things still look grim but when you realize that every time someone's tried to change the future, it has always ended up getting worse than before (from a dystopia to a Class 2/3a Apocalypse to a Class X Apocalypse, and back to a dystopia) it becomes very clear why Hiro is not using his powers like this anymore.
    • Hundreds died in Odessa, Claire is dead and specials are being hunted. How is this at all a good thing? This is exactly the kind of thing you should change!
      • Except that he could make it worse, like before as Hiro Finds out
    "Too Many Butterflies".
    • Confirmed as Hiro does lose his powers, but only after going back.

Molly is in fact Molly Walker as a young adult.
Renautas recently rolled out a system that could find any special on the planet. It's possible that they're using Molly Walker herself to find them, as was the intention in Season 1.
  • Confirmed at the end of "Odessa". (The reason she is played by a different actress is because her original actress retired from acting to focus on her education.)

Miko isn't entirely human.
Miko is in fact a fictional character given life. When Ren asked her what school she attended, she couldn't remember and apparently uses the sword upon instinct.
  • In "Beneath the Mask", Harris makes a comment about Miko being her father's "greatest creation", lending some credence to this theory.
  • Confirmed in Chapter 6 "Game Over", as it is revealed that the "Miko" we see is actually a very advanced program who will essentially self-destruct upon liberating Hiro.

The reason Noah can't remember anything is...
  • Because he hasn't lived through it yet. He and Hiro are establishing a Stable Time Loop that fools everybody yet results in the best possible future.
  • Because part of The Plan is that Noah be exposed to a Lie Detector of some sort (or maybe Matt Parkman will be working for the bad guys for reasons) and he can't do that while knowing all of his secrets.
  • Because he was being impersonated by a clone/shapeshifter/alternate universe version of himself that managed to fool all of his friends into keeping the real Noah in the dark so the evil plan will go off without a hitch.
  • He met himself on June 13th and needed to have his memory erased once he'd told everyone the plan in order to make sure he wouldn't screw up the timeline.
    • Confirmed, mostly. Casper meets original!Noah and wipes his memories so that all he appears to remember is that he was apparently struck unconscious in the explosion at Odessa and goes to try and find Claire before deciding to adopt his cover identity and hide away.

Luke is responsible for June 13th.
He has Ted Sprague's power and is even more haunted by June 13th than Noah, who also lost a child. What if the reason it affects him so much is because he was the one who killed his son along with countless others?
  • Seems unlikely, given how horrified he is at his powers in the episode we see them in. It's made to look like his abilities are only starting to bloom as of The Needs of the Many.
    • Unless, like Noah, he's suffering from amnesia.
      • Jossed. Phoebe's powers cause an eclipse while Harris and his clones explode their bomb vests.

Umbrakinesis, as seen in the Webseries Dark Matters...
Is not simple light manipulation. It's related to the eclipse and the thing threatening the world in the new series. Phoebe's powers are able to shut off other evolved human's abilities the same way the eclipse temporarily removes evo powers. Additionally, she claims that she can feel "the darkness" getting stronger, even as we see that the... whatever it is approaches closer to Earth in the actual series.
  • Confirmed. Phoebe can actually block powers like the eclipse.

When Phoebe and Luke meet up...
Phoebe's power is to absorb light and control shadows, possibly even to the point of causing an eclipse-like effect. Luke's power is to absorb sunlight and then later emit it in a much more concentrated form. Eventually these two must meet one another. But will his power super-charge hers, or will they be like matter and antimatter?

Renautas' EPIC system is actually a program for a Depopulation Bomb.
In one promo, it's implied that whatever Erica is planning may wipe out over 96% of the world's population, and given that she says to Taylor that she's trying to save their species, she wants to bring about utopia and save the environment by killing everything else.
  • Apparently Jossed, as the Depopulation Bomb is a coronal mass ejection that's hitting the world at a time when the magnetic poles are reversing, leading to weakened protection against solar flares and the like. Of course, it's possible that Renautas is causing the ejection (they seem to have an evo-powered app for everything else), but so far, there's no indication that they're behind it. They're just taking advantage of the chaos to rebuild the world to their liking.

Ren was chosen to assist Miko
Considering Miko's address could be found in the code, it's possible that Evernow contained a personality test or a series of Secret Test of Character to help find the perfect partner for Miko. Ren was chosen because he made choices within the game befitting that of a hero. Hiro may have had something to do with that, believing Miko would be most successful if she had her own Ando backing her up.
  • Confirmed in "11:53 to Odessa", except it was Hachiro who sent Ren to Miko.

Angela is the one orchestrating the plot to prevent Erica's plans from coming into fruition.
Well, it's not like she hasn't had experience opposing grand schemes before. And just before Molly and Rene died, they said there's a plan to keep a greater tragedy from coming and that Noah technically isn't supposed to be a part of it. She may have the one to assign Caspar to watch over Tommy as well, as Caspar said he made a promise to keep an eye on Tommy.
  • Partially confirmed. She, along with Noah and Hiro, helped raise the twins to stop Erica. But she also helped Erica's plans begin, by giving Erica control of Primatech in Save the Cheerleader, Destroy the World.

Tommy's parentage
This promo reveals that Tommy's adopted and has no blood relation to his mother, meaning whoever his biological parents are, they have abilities. Well, given that Claire's biological father was Nathan, who was pretty lecherous, it wouldn't be out of left field that Tommy's also a secret Petrelli, maybe Sylar's secret half-brother, or a long lost half-brother to Phoebe or Quentin.
  • Anne name-dropped Nathan. Tommy thinks it might be his birth name, but maybe she was just reminiscing....
    • Tommy finds a French copy of the 9th Wonders comic that bears a cover with a strong art rendering of him titled "Nathan meets the Future". Nathan is likely his true name.
      • Nathan is his birth name, given by Angela in memory of Nathan Petrelli, and he's Claire's time-displaced son.

Evos are gonna show up Renautas.
Erica's whole evil scheme appears to be aimed towards using her company's technology to restart life on Earth after an impending solar flare wipes out most of it. But some of the evos of "Reborn" have Power of the Sun, Casting a Shadow, Teleportation, & Being The Avatar, which are pretty much the perfect Combo Platter Powers to prevent the solar apocalypse before it even happens (even without the usual prophetic dreams & time-warping of old "Heroes"), rendering Erica's plan moot. After all, surely there are a few astronomers in the world who don't work for Renautas who would see this coming & tell people, right?

Tommy and Malina are fraternal twins
It's revealed in "The Lion's Den" that Farah and Caspar maintain some kind of regular contact since they're both watching over a young evo and the two are connected to a major plan. Since we learn that Tommy is in fact, adopted at birth and there's no mention of Malina's parents, there's a good chance that they were Separated at Birth. Plus, it also plays into the parent series' original concept of having twins be central characters (Peter and Nathan were originally conceived as twins, but Nathan was aged up due to casting difficulties).
  • Malina is also carrying a photo of Tommy and gets Luke's help in finding him, which lends a lot of credence to this.
    • Confirmed. They're Claire's children, displaced in time by Hiro.

Miko isn't really dead
Her exchange with Ren just prior to releasing Hiro is a direct quote from the scene where Han Solo is encased in carbonite - frozen, not dead. Plus Hollywood just loves to remind us that nothing on a computer is ever really gone; just ask any episode of CSI ever. That said, I'm not sure the Miko/Ren ship could ever get a happy ending (as much as I'd like it). They're basically two halves of Hiro's whole, and we've seen how very loathe the writers are to give Hiro (or anyone else) a happy love story. In fact, it really wouldn't surprise me if they turned around and killed Ren!
  • Confirmed as of the end of Sundae, Bloody Sundae. Well, main idea confirmed; Ren's fate is still up in the air, though it seems Hiro did get fifteen years of "happily ever after" before seemingly dying.

Hiro will die
In June 13- Part 1, Hachiro Otomo sees a news broadcast that Hiro died at the Odessa summit. We know obviously that Hiro survived the first time and was sent into Evernow, and survived the second time to bring Tommy and Malina back in time. But clearly some version of Hiro died at the summit. What if Hiro and Noah have to return for some reason, and this ends in Hiro's death? Also, it's been confirmed that Hiro's only in 3 episodes, so the next one is his last.
  • Confirmed/Jossed: Hiro's fate is left unknown.

Peter Petrelli is alive
When Angela is naming Claire's babies, she names Nathan after the "son" she lost. Notice how she didn't say one of the sons she lost. Even though this was after the Summit, suggesting she knew Peter wasn't there. And if she knew it was a trap, she could have warned Peter to stay away. Actually, this works for many of the characters who didn't return. Angela could have warned them not to go to the summit and they are now in hiding.
  • Confirmed by Save the Cheerleader, Destroy the World. Peter is the head of the "Petrelli Movement."

No original Heroes evo will survive
Rene, Molly, Claire, and Mohinder have all been killed off. Hiro will probably be killed off soon (see above). Angela Petrelli couldn't survive living to raise the twins (and obviously isn't still alive). Matt Parkman is going to return, but he's the last one returning. Micah (Herotruther) was captured by Renautas, and we know what they do to Evos. That really just leaves Noah, who will probably survive solely because he is a human.

Tommy and Malina's father.
Tommy and Malina's father is...
  • Caspar.
  • Sylar.
  • A character we haven't met.
  • West Rosen.
  • Alex Woolsly.
  • Zach.
  • A random sperm donor. She and Gretchen may have wanted kids...
    • Confirmed in the tie-in novella "Save the Cheerleader, Destroy the World" to be a new character known only to the readers as "Hammer", who was one of several evos saved from a lynch mob by Peter and Claude. Claire calls him "Hammer" because she had just finished reading a Mike Hammer novel when she first met him. We never find out his real name or his ability is as he was essentially a one-night stand, having disappeared the morning after.

Erica will have a Karma Houdini.
The Heroes have had several chances to just kill her or defeat her already but they keep letting them slip through the fingers and allowing her to escape. Even when they do decide to just kill her, their past versions will screw it up for them. Judging by the pattern so far, even if they do stop her, Erica is going to get away with her crimes.
  • To make things worse, Erica will REALIZE SHE'S AN EVO and have a huge Villainous Breakdown because of the things she did to her people, eventually becoming like Sylar and attempting to redeem herself. Or she could have been an Evo all along, and her power is some type of mind control ability, which explains how people are so fanatically loyal to her that they're willing to die for her.
    • JOSSED! Erica is outsmarted and erased along with the Bad Future.

Evil Quentin is the shapeshifter who impersonated Mohinder.
We know that original-timeline Quentin isn't in on Renautus's plan because he helps Noah release Hiro, & Phoebe (who very much is in on the plan) kills him for it. Noah has already seen Quentin's dead body, but when Noah gets back from the future, his own actions having caused everything else we've seen this season, Quentin is somehow there waiting for him. This isn't Quentin; it's the exact same shapeshifter that he himself theorized helped frame Mohinder for the Odessa bombing.
  • Jossed. This is definitely the same Quentin, and Noah even calls him the butterfly. The shapeshifter is also seen to be working with Herotruther.

Tommy absorbed Luke's powers.
That's why he couldn't teleport at the end of "Sundae Bloody Sunday."
  • Likely Jossed. He is able to unfreeze time and teleport away, and it is shown that Phoebe was just blocking his power. In the trailer for next week, he is also shown teleporting to the future, something that would be impossible if he had lost his power.
  • Or, like Peter, he's getting better control of his powers and no longer has to Discard and Draw.
  • Jossed. He teleported to the future in 11:53 to Odessa. Phoebe was blocking his power.

Hiro teleported Noah
Hiro could get his power back if Tommy loses it. The hand was also in a black sleeve, similar to much of what Hiro wears. Also, as discussed above, Hiro could have easily survived his duel.
  • Matt Parkman, Jr. ("Baby Touch-and-Go", now more like "Kiddy Touch-and-Go") is also seen on Erica's list of people she's taking to the future, so we know he's still alive. He's likely got better control of his powers now, too, so he could give Hiro all of his powers instead of just part of them (and maybe not cause brain tumors).
    • Jossed. "Project Reborn" proves that it was Tommy who teleported Noah away from the storm.

Erica's extorting Matt.
The only plausible reason that Matt's working for Erica and is The Director of Sunstone Manor is because she holding Janice and Matt Jr. over his head, threatening to hurt them if he doesn't do as she says. It's actually a lot like how Maury left his family because Arthur probably pulled the same thing and Matt can't risk his family.
  • Confirmed in "11:53 to Odessa", where Erica has placed the Parkman family on a list of people to send to her Gateway city.

Joanne's going to have a Bad Guys Do the Dirty Work moment.
If she learns that Erica and Renautas are actually the ones behind the bombing, she's going to go even more batshit angry and kill Erica and Harris.
  • Jossed. Erica manipulates her onto her side, claiming that Micah lied. Luke is forced to kill his own wife when he sees that Joanne's so far gone in her grief and sanity that she was willing to kill everyone in the gym.

Parkman is responsible for Mohinder's "confession".
Erica had Parkman brainwash Mohinder into recording the video where he claims responsibility for the bombing & then telepathically suppress his memory of it.
  • Jossed in "Send in the Clones" when Micah Sanders broadcasts the entire confession video to the world, which shows that the Mohinder in the video was actually a shapeshifting evo, and that Erica Kravid coached him on what to say.

"Save the Cheerleader, Save the World" is really about Heroes Reborn.
If Claire had not survived the events of Season 1, she would not have met Hammer and given birth to Tommy and Malina, and the world would have been destroyed by the HELE. It is also likely that Hiro would have been killed in old Heroes Season 1 without Nathan and if New York blew up, so Claire enabled the time bridge to the future as well. In addition, when Noah died in Season 2, he was brought back with Claire's blood. By saving the cheerleader, Noah, Tommy, and Malina were able to save the world from the solar flares. Crazy, right?

Molly survived in the timeline where Future Noah was at the Odessa bombing
Events in the timeline we saw prior to Noah going back in time changed in all sorts of ways. We do see an implication that Renautas partially uploaded Molly's power in a scene where someone is using Epic to scan for evos (which apparently they can do with her power, somehow?). But considering the fact that in the altered timeline, René survived, Quentin joined the baddies, etc., all sorts of other events we saw before Noah time-traveled could have changed.

Also, I got an impression that the Hero_Truther group was less active and successful in the pre-time-travel timeline — for one thing, they didn't have René. We know that Molly and Micah are at least acquainted (in the show) or teamed up once (in the graphic novels). And it's not implausible that they could be email buddies or something (since this is a WMG)! If Micah's group is more successful, they might go rescue Molly before Noah did, and then she might not have had the opportunity to shoot herself, and might have considered it more likely that the twins could stay safe even with her alive.

It's also even possible that Epic acquired the evo-scanning ability from a different source, and Molly wasn't even involved at all.

She just never shows up again because she's in hiding, so Renautas can't nab her and use her to find the twins. After Renautas dissolves, she goes on to live a long, happy life, although unfortunately for her she takes after her sort-of-adoptive-father Mohinder and feels compelled to carry on her father's research! (Just let me have this, I like Molly and her two daddies!) Oh also now Matt has learned that evil doesn't pay (he was just in mild peril, he probably didn't die!), he becomes The Atoner which involves Molly somehow because he broke his promise to be there for her, it's so tragic... and that's what I think happens. Bittersweet Ending for the M3. Mohinder is still totally so dead, though.

Luke's son was an EVO, only his powers didn't develop properly.
  • Luke's son Dennis had a condition that made him hypersensitive to sunlight. His father later develops powers related to the sun. Coincidence? Karmic retribution? Or maybe the beginnings of an EVO power passed down from father to son, unknowingly?

    Volume 2 

Heroes Reborn will continue...
Just in another format. The creators have said they want to continue the story, so we may still get some answers about Hammer.

Theory stemmed from above: Hammer is actually Sylar
. We have no idea who Hammer is. We don't know his real name, or what his power is. It was also confirmed in the novella that Sylar has disappeared, with Peter refusing to talk about him; it never said that he died. Sylar still has the ability to shape-shift, so maybe he took on a new identity (Hammer) and didn't tell anyone in order to keep them safe.
  • Then again, it can't be because Sylar has regeneration and this new guy didn't because he was so badly injured that Claire was nursing him back to health. Plus, it's implied that Sylar was one of the rescuers who saved him and seven others from being lynched. Sylar and Claude disappeared soon after.

Hiro survived his duel with the clones of Harris.
It was a Bolivian Army Ending, to be sure, but he is a badass after all. Maybe he makes it to the end of the first season.
  • Very possible, as the writers seem to have figured out that promoting Hiro from Ensemble Dark Horse gets eyeballs on their screens.

If Hiro returns, he will have a Noah/Nathan dynamic with Hammer.
Because he's Tommy's adopted father vs. the biological father who abandoned him and Claire.

Hammer has a time based power.
Because he knew where Tommy and Malina were even though they'd been raised in the past and were far older than he could expect them to be.

Peter Petrelli will return.
Because it won't return as a TV series, the creators can bring back whatever character they want. Peter makes the most sense with his "Petrelli Movement," referenced in Save the Cheerleader, Destroy the World but never mentioned in the series.

Sylar will also return.
As Gabriel Gray. His disappearance will be explained, and he will be called upon by Angela to help protect the twins from their father/whatever the next threat is as he's probably the most powerful Evo out there (besides the twins themselves, of course).
