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Villain Has A Point / All For Luz

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All For Luz

Villain Has a Point in this story.

All For One

He was right. Of course, he was. At this point, [Luz] had all but accepted that Shigaraki was right more often than he was wrong.
Luz on All For One.
All For One is a horrible person, but he's an extremely perceptive one, especially to Luz's situations.
  • When Luz claims she'll never use her Power Parasite Quirk no matter what in chapter 5, All For One points out that the Addictive Magic that comes with it could drive her to attack people, including her new friends, in a fugue to satisfy her urge and could destroy her new friendships. Luz hates to admit that could very well be a possibility.
  • His Breaking Speech to Luz in Chapter 8 in particular is cruel but full of this.
    • He points out that no one tried to understand Luz's Cloud Cuckoo Lander and No Social Skills habits, including Camila, and instead dismissed it as an inconvenient weirdo to those around her to varying degrees.
    • He also points out it would have been better for Luz to have her creativity directed into something more positive and productive than being forced to think inside the box, like the original Reality Cheek Camp intended to do. He goes as far as to compare it to a conversion camp.
    • While he is exaggerating to unfairly paint Camila as a Resentful Guardian and Useless Bystander Parent, All For One isn't wrong in his deduction that Luz's mother caved to peer pressure from the very people who thought her daughter as an inconvenience when she should have stood up for her more. This fact hurts Luz more than anything else.
    • Luz quietly admits that All For One is right about her: deep down she has always resented the people in her life having power over making her feel small and weak, and wanted to give them a taste of their own medicine.
      • Before that he points that Luz is in a murder game that, as far as they knew, was being sanctioned by the U.S. government. Whether she likes it or not, there'll be people here who'll try to kill her. That's a good justification to take powers away from others and she shouldn't be afraid to do what is necessary to protect not only herself but her new friends, too.
      • Before Luz wakes up, Shigaraki tells her there's no such thing as an evil Quirk, only an evil Quirk user.
  • In chapter 13, All For One recommends to Luz that she keeps the Healing Factor Quirk as its a must-have superpower. Considering all the otherwise fatal injuries she gets from the assassins in later chapters he's proven correct as she becomes very reliant on it for survival.
    • Luz is willing to accept The Multiverse as a thing but initially doesn't believe in parallel worlds in her own dimension until All For One dryly calls her out on her Arbitrary Skepticism.
  • As Luz is about to go into a Heroic BSoD after being tricked into believing she just accidently killed her own mother with her Deadly Force Field, All For One tells her she has to grieve later, as they're still in a fight to the death that's far from over.
  • When Luz asks Shigaraki for more information on the Golden Guard's Quirks, her Evil Mentor refuses to divulge beyond the first 2 telling her she needs to Figure It Out Yourself. He points out he's not obliged to give her all the answers and can’t coddle her forever. If she wants to be a true successor to All For One Quirk, she needs to be able to think for herself. Her multitude of Quirks doesn't make up for lack of problem-solving.
  • During her fight with the Golden Guard, he also warns Luz to stop stealing more Quirks as she's already going over the limit and suffers a Heroic RRoD. When she tries to argue, she soon vomits blood.
  • While he appears to be in Never My Fault mode in chapter 25, he's not wrong when he tells Luz that the other villains had a more active role in ruining her life.
    Rikitatsu: After all, it wasn’t me who made you go through that death camp. It wasn’t me who sent assassins after you. And it wasn’t me that destroyed your home. Those go to Maxwell, Wittebane, and The Golden Guard respectively.
  • Luz also agreed with All For One's idea for a name change in the Boiling Isles.


  • Despite being a greedy and a murderer, Kennedy isn't wrong about Wittebane family being a bunch of pretentious douches, which is later proven in later chapters with the introduction of the next Arc Villain Tyler.
  • When Riley expresses surprise at Gravesfield's police force being corrupt, Millie Ravenclaw points out that corruption can happen anywhere in any organisation.
  • When Luz is trying to talk the cops out trying to engage in fighting her, Sophia isn't wrong when she points out that Luz just became a Cop Killer, their fallen brothers and sisters deserve justice for that and the girl should be arrested for that.
