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Video Game / Neon Chrome

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Neon Chrome is a top-down twin-stick shooter with roguelite elements released in 2016 by 10tons, Ltd. Set in a giant artificial corporate-owned habitat called Neon Chrome, things go awry when the Overseer commits a purge, killing a vast majority of Neon Corp and instituting martial law over the complex. Players control the Unknown Hacker, who assumes control of cybernetically-enhanced mercenaries, called "assets," to fight a proxy war against the Overseer and overthrow Neon Corp - or seize control entirely.

Players chose from three randomly generated characters, with different classes, abilities, and randomized starting loadouts. Each run consists of a few procedurally generated stages divided into groups called "levels," each with a boss at the end. Credits collected on runs can be used to permanently upgrade the stats of future characters, and scattered throughout Neon Chrome are secret areas, and unlockable weapons and abilities.

Has a stealth prequel/spinoff in JYDGE.

Neon Chrome contains examples of:
