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Tropers / Whatkindofadayhasitbeen

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My name is Zoe. I'm a high school student from New York City who is very passionate about science and medicine. I've been doing theater tech since I was in seventh grade and I love it a lot, so if you want to talk to me about that, please go ahead!

I use they/them pronouns. If you're bitter for some reason about the gender identity of a teenager on the internet and want to pick a fight with me, no one's stopping you, I guess, but I'll just ignore it, so all you're doing is wasting both of our time. ("But how many times has this actually happened, Zoe?" Enough times for me to actually write three sentences about it on my profile, so. Here we are.)

I frequently edit things for grammar/spelling/general clarity, put in the Oxford comma, and add examples to tropes. I focus a lot on topics related to mental illness (especially OCD) and gender/sexuality, especially in relation to how they are represented in media. I also tend to get very fixated on plot holes and continuity errors, so if you see someone ranting about the importance of a consistent narrative, chances are I'm not too far away.

Some things I really like:

    TV Shows 
