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Tropers / Lady President Romana

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"My only explanation is Tim Curry. Isn't that the only thing that ever needs to be said?"
Lady President Romana, explaining her life motto.

Her real name is Taylor, but you probably know her under a different pen name, seeing as on most sites she goes by the pseudonym of uncannykarloff, or some other variation thereof. She is a writer of seventeen summers, which makes her very, very close to becoming an adult, a fact which she doesn't particularly like. She has been a somewhat active participant in various fandoms since the tender age of thirteen, but try not to bring it up with her.

She became addicted, like most do, through an innocent web search which very quickly turned into a Wiki Walk through the trope zone. She plans on becoming a high school English teacher when she grows up, though becoming a famous author certainly wouldn't be an unwelcome turn of events in her eyes. For now she busies herself writing various stories that she has no intention to finish, and making lots and lots of trope pages for them.

    Things She Likes 

    Tropes Which Apply to Her 
  • Disco Dan: You better believe it. Extremely fond of many, many things from many, many different eras, the only thing in common between which appear to be that they are definitely not current
  • Does Not Like Shoes
  • Fleeting Passionate Hobbies: Comes with her Aspergers syndrome. Her special interests tend to flit between any of the things listed in the 'things she likes' folder depending on her mood, and they are always intense.
  • The Movie Buff: And proud of it, too!
  • Oral Fixation: Again, an autism thing. It's called stimming, and chewing on pens helps her feel less stressed out. She's almost chipped teeth in the past due to this, and yet never seems to catch on.
