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Trivia / Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter

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  • Dummied Out: Norimaro was taken out of non-Japanese versions, even though almost all of his lines got translated into English. This was apparently done because Marvel didn't want him in the game.
  • Executive Meddling: Marvel was completely opposed to Norimaro's inclusion, citing that they didn't want an "unpowered gag character" to fight evenly against their heroes. While Capcom eventually compromised with them to leave him a Japan-only character, Marvel still forced the more vulgar moves to be removed from that version, such as a planned Ass Shove attack. It's worth noting that the divided reception to Norimaro was reflected internally within Capcom, too. Executive producer Yoshiki Okamoto heavily disliked the character and viewed him as an uncool publicity stunt, while other Capcom artists like Akiman thought he was a funny addition. Since Nippon TV vaguely promoted Norimaro as being slated to debut in "the next work related to the Street Fighter series", Okamoto fought to ensure that he would not debut in Street Fighter III which was in early development at the time.
  • No Export for You: The Sega Saturn version was only released in Japan.
  • What Could Have Been:
    • Capcom originally planned to introduce Karin, Sakura's rival from her Sakura Ganbaru! manga spin-off, as a fighter in this game before they did so in Street Fighter Alpha 3, similar to what they did earlier with Shadaloo Cammy in X-Men vs. Street Fighter. The sprites they drew for her fighting stance were already inserted into the game's data (as can be seen here). She was going to be a head swap of Sakura with boots instead of sneakers, bicycle shorts under her skirt instead of bloomers, and different gloves - likely meant to be a Secret Character in the vein of the other Palette Swap fighters such as Armored Spider-Man, Mecha Zangief and Mephisto. By the time Karin was included in Alpha 3, she had her own set of sprites and a different movelist.
    • According to some sources, Doctor Doom and Iron Man were meant to be in the game, but due to rights issues could not make the roster. Cyclops and Omega Red replaced them instead.
    • This game, along with Capcom's other X-Men fighting games, was planned to be included in Marvel vs. Capcom Origins. However, rights issues and the fact Capcom didn't see Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter as "good enough," prevented them from doing so. Years later, the rights were negotiated and Capcom relented, permitting for the inclusion of said games in Arcade1Up's Marvel vs. Capcom home cabinets.
    • Blackheart was apparently going to have a Hyper Combo where he summoned his father Mephisto, who appears as a draconic giant that grabs the opponent and breathes fire on them. Mephisto would make it as a red Blackheart Palette Swap in the main game.
    • Hiroto Ishikawa wanted to include Spider-Man in his black symbiote costume from Secret Wars (1984), but this proved unfeasible due to the amount of time and effort it would've taken to alter the patterns on the existing sprite work. This is why Armored Spider-Man was included as a hidden character instead, since that costume could be achieved as a simple Palette Swap.
