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Trivia / Animal Crackers

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Trivia Tropes for the Movie:

  • Acting for Two: Zeppo doubled for Groucho during the blackout scene. Being the youngest, he could easily impersonate his brothers on occasion. The line, "Mrs Rittenhouse, did you lose that fish again?" was spoken by Zeppo.
  • Adaptation Sequence: From the play to the movie.
  • Beam Me Up, Scotty!: Groucho's famous line is "One morning, I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got in my pajamas I don't know." The end of the line is frequently quoted as "I'll never know", as said in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Groucho himself said the incorrect line when he performed the scene with Margaret Dumont on the Hollywood Palace in 1965[1].
  • Corpsing: You can see Margaret Dumont's expression slip a few times during Groucho's tusks speech.
  • Fake Nationality: This is one of the few Marx Brothers movies in which the fact that Chico is obviously not truly Italian is referenced. When Chico is questioning Abie the fish-man (alias Roscoe W. Chandler) about his new identity, Chandler suddenly replies "Say, how did you get to be Italian?"
    Chico: Never mind, whose confession is this?
  • Missing Episode: This became a hard-to-find rarity in the Marx Brothers' repertoire when Paramount failed to renew the copyright for film's soundtrack, which reverted to the songwriters of the original play (the picture rights, however, did get renewed). It became available again after a fan campaign (which Groucho Marx himself joined in) convinced Universal Pictures (who, by then, had owned Paramount's pre-1950 sound film library) to re-release the film in 1974, and it wasn't shown on television until CBS broadcast the film in 1979.
  • Throw It In!: Louis Soren (Chandler's actor) really did mix up his character's and Groucho's names. The sputtering that follows and Groucho addressing the audience "Could I look at a program in a minute? I might be the news weekly for all he knows, or coming next week," were improvised on the spot. (You can tell because Chandler is laughing at Spalding's remark instead of staring at the camera in befuddlement)

Trivia Tropes for the Comic Strip and Cartoon:

  • He Also Did: Series creator Roger Bollen would later go onto to create Handy Manny, along with also writing 50 children's books and a second comic strip called Catfish.
  • International Coproduction: The animated series was one between Cinar from Canada and Alphanim from France.
  • Outlived Its Creator: Roger Bollen began Animal Crackers in 1967 but chose to retire from cartooning in 1994 to pursue a career in television that lasted until his death in 2015. Fred Wagner took over from Bollen's retirement until he died in 2016, and the strip is currently handled by Mike Osbun.
  • Referenced by...: In the Turning Red fanfic The Panda Chronicles when the boys watch Teletoon, Aaron T questions if they are really animal crackers in disguise.
  • Similarly Named Works: Two other comic strips known as Animal Crackers predate Bollen's strip — the first a short-lived series from 1930 and the second a longer-running work by Dick Ryan and Warren Goodrich that ran in newspapers between 1936 and 1952 (although that one sometimes appeared under the title Animal Krackers).
