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Tear Jerker / Monster Prom

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Despite being a Black Comedy for the most part, Monster Prom still has plenty of moments that will trigger the waterworks.
  • Despite Polly and Scott's uplifting rap, the polaroids shown in the "Arcane Book" ending can be pretty depressing, such as Vera carrying a heavily-wounded Valerie to their family's bunker; Faith trying to heal a badly injured Hope while Joy shields them from Z'gord; and Liam as the implied last survivor of the group, leaving a final message before slowly disintegrating into a skeleton.
    • At the end of the rap, Scott asks where all their friends are. Just to stab the knife further, the actual ending title is called PRANK MASTERZ just to show how things got horribly out of control.
  • In the Christmas update, Miranda can be killed by a peasant uprising if you are put on a certain ending path and fail your skill checks. This is played 100% straight, with there being no music over the credits, and instead of the standard polaroids, the cast is shown attending her funeral, with well over half of them in tears. It ends with a picture of her on her coffin. The point is really hammered home by the group picture at the start: her face is crossed out.
  • The Reveal of Liam's actual relationship with the Coven. He was originally Angelus, one of their many big bads, until he went through a redemption arc and became their Non-Human Sidekick, eventually starting a relationship with Joy. Things were fine until an assassin he hired pre-Heel–Face Turn, the Unfaithful, came to do its job and kill Faith...only for the second Hope to take the killing blow for her instead. This ended up shattering the relationship between Joy and Liam, and while they tried to keep it together, they eventually decided that it wasn't going to work out and broke up, with Liam leaving the Coven afterwards. They're still fairly amicable with each other today, but Liam's guilt is still there.
  • Polly's route in the Halloween 2019 update, which finally reveals how she died. Her father was an alcoholic who either didn't know or care how badly it was hurting his family, and his habits eventually lead to them all getting into a car accident, with him as the sole survivor. When talking about it, Polly admits that she still loves him even though he screwed up, and occasionally checks in on him.
    • It's worth noting that Polly has new sprites for the route as well, showing her in tears.
    • The Coven's role in the route as well. They end up accidentally setting the entire situation in motion when confronting Polly about her drug use, with the best intentions in mind. They're not the least bit happy about it and genuinely try to make it up to her.
    • The ending of the route is the kicker on top of all of it: a scene of a weathered hand, in front of a family photo of Polly's family when they were alive and she was a little girl. We get to see that the locket she wears is her mother's, and she had a baby sister. On the desk in front of the photo is a note:
      Note: "I forgive you. I hope you can forgive yourself too. See you. - P."
  • If you successfully pass the checks on all three of the events with Kale, the third event will have your character follow him to a meeting of asexual people. Kale then reveals that he considered you a Stalker with a Crush, making your character have a Heel Realization that you've done nothing but make Kale feel uncomfortable the whole time. Your character leaves the meeting without incident, but they "feel like shit" over what they've done.
  • Roadtrip comes hard with the "End of the Road", especially the special ending song "The One Who Feasts On Life", a melancholy tune about everything that Polly seems to represent especially in that moment: A Manic Pixie Dream Girl who celebrates life even while dead, someone who hides her intelligence to focus on the pleasures of life...and a a fleeting representation of good times and the knowledge that such memories eventually fade. A fitting sendoff to Polly as she journeys into a great unknown beyond her role and the game itself.
