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Tear Jerker / Code Prime

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As is the case with all pages detailing Tear Jerkering Moments, Spoilers Off

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    R1: Rebellion 
  • The circumstances surrounding Shirley's father are just as sad here as in canon. He actually survives the rockslide at Narita, but ends up being captured by the Decepticons, along with the rest of the Code-R scientists. All that's left behind is his lab coat with his name tag on it. Shirley is left under the impression that her father is dead with no body found, and she does not take it well like in canon.
    • Likewise, Rai is wracked with guilt during the next few chapters over Shirley's father dying, as he was the one that caused the rockslide instead of Kallen, and it's also implied that he has a crush on Shirley.
    • A moment in Chapter 18 has Ratchet asking a guilt-ridden Lelouch if he intends to give up every time a friend of his loses a loved one because of him. Lelouch asks Ratchet if he has any room to talk, because he's a doctor and not a soldier, and doesn't know what death is. Ratchet's response is one of anger and sadness, and it makes Lelouch realize and regret what he said.
      Ratchet: Just because I'm a medic doesn't mean I don't know what death is! I've had more than my fair share of patients die on my operating table! And I've been on the battlefield and I've seen fresh carnage with my own optics! I couldn't even repair Bumblebee's voice box!
    • There's also Bulkhead and Wheeljack telling Rai about the Wreckers that they've lost over the years: Roadbuster, Impactor, Pyro, and Rotorstorm.
      Wheeljack: There's a price to pay for being a Wrecker. We might be able to duke it out with the toughest Cons out there, but we can't win 'em all.
  • Chapters 16 and 18 see Darlton lose his adoptive sons at the battles of Narita and Port Yokosuka. Alfred, Bart, and Claudio are killed at Narita by Kallen, Bulkhead, and Todoh, while Port Yokosuka sees David and Edgar fall at Rai and Arcee's hands. At least in canon, Darlton was already dead when his sons died, and Claudio survived. Here, he lives to see all his sons die, and it's hard for him.
Chapter 22
  • When Lelouch uses his Geass on Cornelia, he learns that if she ever found out that Lelouch and Nunnally are still alive, and the former is Zero, she would immediately defect to the Autobots and Black Knights to protect them. When Lelouch shares this information with Optimus later on, along with his personal history, he breaks down in tears and confesses that he truly wishes to have Cornelia as an ally, and he regrets thinking that Cornelia hated him and Nunnally.
    • Adding to that, Lelouch erasing Cornelia's memories of their meeting and Lelouch's unmasking. It's clear Lelouch doesn't want to do it, but he knows that erasing Cornelia's memories and having her as his enemy, for now, is the only way to protect her and Euphemia from Megatron and Charles. He even notes to himself the sad irony of it.
  • Bulkhead slowly losing his memories in Chapter 24, and nearly becoming brain dead, is hard for his partner Rai and his best friend Wheeljack, but it's especially hard for Shirley, as she blames herself for causing the data of the Synthetic Energon formula to nearly consume Bulkhead's mind when she just wanted to try and contribute more to the cause.
Chapter 29
  • When Euphemia tries to convince Cornelia to side with the Autobots and the Black Knights after learning the truth of the Cybertronian war, the two sisters get into an argument that ends with Cornelia backhanding Euphie when the latter accuses her of being just like their father with letting many innocent people suffer daily and refusing to do anything about it, and not caring about Lelouch and Nunnally being exiled and (supposedly) killed.
    • What makes it sadder for Euphie is she just found out in the previous chapter that not only are Lelouch and Nunnally still alive, but the former is Zero, and yet she can't reveal his identity to Cornelia without fear of the information falling into the wrong hands. On top of that, had Euphie actually told Cornelia about what she learned, Cornelia, who admitted in Chapter 22 that she would turn on the Empire if she found out about this to protect Lelouch and Nunnally, would have no doubt said yes to joining the Autobots and Black Knights.
    • The fallout from the argument is this as well. Euphie leaves immediately, feeling hurt and betrayed while Cornelia is immediately hit with regret and horror over striking her own sister. After Euphie leaves, Cornelia silently agrees with what Euphie said to her, hating herself for not being able to protect Lelouch and Nunnally.
  • When Lelouch finally reveals to Nunnally that he's Zero, Nunnally tearfully replies that she had known ever since Lelouch's debut as Zero by recognizing his voice, but didn't want to believe it. Lelouch can only wince at this, realizing he had been making his sister worry about his safety from the beginning.
    • Lelouch revealing the truth to Nunnally is this as well, as Nunnally learns everything, including Suzaku killing his own father and being with the Decepticons, which hits her hard.
    • There's also the part where Nunnally tells Lelouch that she doesn't want to live in a new world if he's not a part of it with her. What hits it here is this is what Nunnally told Lelouch in the Code Geass finale as he was dying, and it was too late for him to realize how much he meant to her.
  • When Rai regains his memories, he tells Lelouch, Shirley, Bulkhead, Fixit, and Optimus his backstory, and it's a sad one. Given a Geass by V.V. to protect his mother and sister, Rai lost control of it when Britannia invaded their island home, telling the entire population to fight back. The result was many people, including Rai's mother and sister, dying. Rai nearly shot himself in the head before V.V. showed up and put him in a Thought Elevator for seven years, where he didn't age. Using his Geass on himself to forget the traumatizing memories, Rai was found by Clovis and was made a test subject for Code-R, later escaping the facility during the Shinjuku massacre and ending up at Ashford Academy.
Chapter 32
  • Crosses with Nightmare Fuel: Euphemia being Forced to Watch as Megatron completely obliterates her attempt to establish a better world by having a Decepticon Pretender spark a massacre while wearing her face.
  • Suzaku drops pretenses and just blatantly asks Lelouch to let him die already.
    Suzaku:"Wha... why...? Why are always doing this...?! Ever since that night... You've always tried to get me to change my mind! Why?! Why can't you just let me be! WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LET ME DIE!?"
    • Suzaku's Villainous Breakdown in general. It starts when he sees Zero destroy the Euphemia Pretender, thinking it's the real Euphie. He nearly kills him before Nunnally intervenes and reveals that Lelouch is Zero, and the Euphie that was killed was a fake. In his state, he starts blaming Lelouch and the Autobots for everything before Lelouch tells him that he's mad at himself for not protecting Euphie and making it clear that Britannia and the Decepticons are responsible for everything, and Suzaku needs to own up to the fact that he had a hand in this as well, and has to take responsibility for it. It causes Suzaku to nearly shut down before Nunnally comforts him and convinces him to join the Autobots and Black Knights to save Euphie.
  • During the SAZ Massacre, Rai attacks Nonette, accusing her of helping Megatron and Charles with this. The only thing that keeps him from killing her is Nonette telling him that she would never do something so horrible, all while she's crying. Given how Nonette used to be Rai's personal knight, it hits hard seeing them like this. As Rai turns to leave, Nonette makes one last attempt to reach out to him, but Rai firmly tells her that as long as she continues to serve Britannia, he'll have nothing to do with her.
  • The SAZ Massacre is no less tragic than it was canonically — in the original series, Suzaku lied to a dying Euphemia that the SAZ was a success and the Japanese people were happy. Here, even though Euphie will survive to see the end of the story, she's now going to have to live with the fact that her actions are directly responsible for this bloodshed. Even though Lelouch managed to clear her name, it is unlikely the rest of the world will be as quick to forgive such a tragedy, unintentional as it was, and Euphemia herself is more than likely going to have to deal with an overwhelming sense of guilt and shame for most of the foreseeable future.
Chapter 33
  • Euphemia is obviously completely beside herself for the slaughter at the SAZ and her jailer Airachnid is thoroughly enjoying her despair and rubbing even more salt in the wound.
  • Cornelia ends up joining Euphie as a captive of Airachnid's after her failed attempt to kill Megatron. Despite trying her best to show no fear, she's clearly worried not just for Euphie, but also for Lelouch and Nunnally, as well as Guilford and Darlton.
  • We learn what really happened to Skyquake; he tried to stop Megatron's poisoning of Cybertron's core, only for Megatron to attack him and leave him for dead. Ratchet was then forced to give him a Mercy Kill due to Dark Energon poisoning.
Chapter 34
  • Among the gathered Imperial Family members at Pendragon is Laila la Britannia, Clovis's younger sister. The poor girl lost her brother a few months ago, and now she has to witness her entire world being destroyed. While most of her family deserves everything that is coming to them, what's happening to her is heartbreaking.
Chapter 35
  • Cliffjumper, mortally wounded by Luciano, takes the bastard with him, dragging his Knightmare down into a generator to be fried. As he does, he looks to a stricken Arcee and Kallen and gives them his last words: "I love you guys". The girls are left overwhelmed with grief as they helplessly look on, and Gino is left in shock and sadness. For Kallen and Arcee, it was like losing Naoto and Tailgate all over again.
  • Dreadwing covers Suzaku's escape with Euphie and Cornelia, setting a bomb in the Kamine island Energon deposit to blow up the Insecticons. Realizing that his injuries from the fight with Airachnid mean he won't be able to escape in time and ensure the bomb goes off, he chooses to make a Last Stand; he contacts the humans to give them each parting words, including calling Suzaku his brother, before triggering the blast. Suzaku and Euphemia are devastated from losing their friend. Even Cornelia is heartbroken as well.
  • Guilford is left as the only member of Cornelia's honor guard after Darlton is killed by an Insecticon. When Optimus and the Black Knights escape, Guilford stays behind to hold them off but is soundly defeated and captured. Before he loses consciousness, Guilford can only beg for Cornelia's forgiveness for failing her and Euphemia.
  • C.C.'s nightmare when Megatron uses his Dark Geass on her has her relive the torture she went through and the experiments that were performed on her, before being tied up and sealed in Clovis's containment sphere. The immortal girl can only beg for help as she's sealed away.
    C.C.: Someone! Lelouch! Optimus! HELP ME!
  • Lelouch's Geass-induced nightmare has him seeing his friends and loved ones burn away on crosses with Lelouch unable to do anything, even more so as Nunnally is burned to a skeleton in his arms while saying "You ate a thousand needles". The worst part of the nightmare is that Megatron designed it to slowly eat away at Lelouch's mind before killing him. And it's still going on by the end of the chapter.
  • Megatron also uses his Dark Geass on Optimus. The Autobot leader is haunted by the voices of all the people he had been unable to save on Earth and Cybertron. Optimus can only fall to his knees and beg for forgiveness for failing them.
Chapter 36
  • Everyone — Autobot, Black Knight, and civilian alike — being overwhelmed with grief at the thought of Lelouch dying from Megatron's Dark Geass.
  • C.C. tearfully admitting to the Primes while making a contract with Optimus that while she was a Death Seeker before, now she just wants to avoid losing her new friends.

    R2: Revolution 
Chapter 1
  • Gino had planned on sneaking away to rejoin the Autobots and Black Knights, only to try and help Anya (who he doesn't know is possessed by Marianne) and is captured.
  • Among the Britannian royals killed during the Decepticons' assault on other Areas is Victoria li Britannia, Cornelia, and Euphemia's mother, who gets butchered by Airachnid.
  • Johann Schwarzer sacrifices himself to allow Marrybell and the Glinda Knights to escape. All of the Knights, especially Marrybell, are devastated by his death.
  • There's also worth mentioning Guilford's condition as a slave. The poor man is messy and unkempt, and his body is on the verge of collapsing from starvation. He can only ask himself how it came to all this, and beg for Cornelia's forgiveness.
    • It's made clear that Guilford's condition is the norm amongst every human enslaved by the Decepticons, even the children. Even compared to Britannia, it's soul-shattering.
  • It's pretty telling that an undercover Milly has no obvious reaction to the sight of her mother being dropped in a pool of molten metal while still alive.
Chapter 2
  • Kallen's taken a few levels in Knight in Sour Armor, being abrasive to Suzaku because she feels like he's replacing Cliffjumper.
    • It's all the more poignant considering Cliff, along with Arcee, was the first Autobot to befriend Kallen. He joked with her, watched her back while on missions, and comforted her often when the girl's spirits were down. Kallen outright said he was a lot like Naoto to her. And like her brother, he's dead now, and Kallen probably feels guilty that she couldn't save him.
    • Meanwhile, Arcee likely sees what her partner's going through; after all, Arcee had the same pain with Tailgate's death, only this time, Cliff's not around to lift either of their spirits. Arcee briefly loses her temper at Kallen's outburst that Suzaku's replacing Cliffjumper before calming down again.
  • Gino, Anya, Castor, and Pollux are all being forced to aid the Decepticons via explosives implanted in their Knightmares.
  • Optimus almost gets through to Anya with his Geass, but Marianne intervenes. She hates Optimus with such a burning passion that she shrugs off his Geass, and proceeds to lash out at him for "stealing" her children from her, and blaming him for the death of Charles.
    • Before she can kill Optimus, Lelouch arrives and stops her before she can deliver the final blow. Marianne is so shocked by this that she hesitates to fight back against her son, and Lelouch is completely unaware that he's attacking his mother, who he thought was dead for seven years.
Chapter 3
  • Nunnally, learning about Metroplex's Heroic Sacrifice, briefly gains the hope that the Ark could transform into him before being corrected.
  • Toru Yoshida, who dies in canon, survives the Black Rebellion in this story, only to tragically lose his life against the Decepticon Springload. He manages to outlive his canon self by six months.
  • Wizard can take some solace in that he knows that Orpheus is okay, but he has no idea what's going on with Oldrin since she and Marrybell, along with the rest of the Glinda Knights, are still in hiding. He also wants to reveal his identity, as well as what he knows about the Geass Order, but can't because he's not ready to reveal his past sins.
Chapter 4
  • Lelouch has Megatron on the ropes, but Megatron reveals his "Dark Queen"... made from his mother's corpse, completely throwing him off his game. Later, back on the Ark, he has an emotional breakdown both from this and the lingering trauma associated from Megatron Mind Raping him at the end of R1.
  • Cera wants to tell Lelouch the truth about his mother, but is afraid, both of how he'd take it and what he'd think of her for her part in it.
Chapter 5
  • Nunnally and Euphemia make contact with the Avalon... and learn that Schneizel is willingly helping the Decepticons. Then, when Lelouch joins in, he tries to convince them to surrender, seemingly unusually emotional at the thought of losing them again.
  • Gino tells the Autobots to kill him so that the Decepticons can't force him to attack them. Luckily, Rai is able to short out his Knightmare and rescue him instead.
  • We learn that Anya's memory issues aren't solely of Marianne's presence in her mind, Charles also used his Geass on her to basically give her near-complete Identity Amnesia. Under the influence of Optimus's Geass, Marianne starts to feel guilty about how much she's affected Anya's life, and also of how poorly she has treated Lelouch and Nunnally.
Chapter 6
  • Gino wants to join in on the festivities, but he's still recovering.
  • The High Eunuchs are planning on selling out to the Decepticons, with Tianzi's helplessness driving Li Xingke into a fury that reminds Lelouch of himself regarding Nunnally.
Chapter 7
  • Even after the Black Knights attempt at damage control, Euphemia's reputation has taken a major hit after Megatron framed her for the SAZ Massacre, with multiple characters badmouthing her or mentioning others doing so.
Chapter 8
  • Duke Highland is forced to accept the Decepticons as "allies", and besides Shin, no one is really happy about it.
  • Lelouch and Orpheus end up encountering Marrybell and Oldrin in the battle.
Chapter 9
  • Euphemia's reputation is so bad she has to hide her face in order to go out in public.
Chapter 10
  • Orpheus telling the heroes about Marrybell's sister was actually kidnapped by the Geass Order, only to be killed after she and him escaped together. It's clear that the memory pains him a lot.
Chapter 11
  • Cornelia gets her first look at the "Dark Queen", and remember how she admired Marianne?
  • Orpheus is forced to make himself look like his deceased love, Marrybell's sister, in order to break her free of Shang's Geass.
Chapter 12
  • Leila reportedly broke down crying upon learning the truth about what happened to her father.
Chapter 13
  • When reminiscing about the past, Prowl mentioned that he once had a former partner and best friend called Bluestreak. During his time as a Spacebridge Operator during Cybertron's Golden Age, the Rust Plague happened, and when Bluestreak volunteered to stay behind (due to the planet he was on was already hit by the Plague), poor Prowl was forced to destroy the Spacebridge at his end. That was sadly the last time he saw his friend.
  • Sideswipe mentioned losing his brother Sunstreaker during the War for Cybertron.
Chapter 14
  • Convinced by Shirley to not go with Shin's plan to commit genocide, Jean attempts to plead to Shin's better nature, declaring her love for him in the process. Shin takes a moment to think about it before attempting to kill her. Jean was completely heartbroken over his actions that she would have died had Lelouch not saved her.
  • The destruction of Castle Weisswolf is one for the wZERO, especially Leila, who spent much of her life there.
Chapter 15
  • Laila laments that she didn't leave with Euphemia while she had the chance, and now she's stuck as a prisoner in a gilded cage.
Chapter 16
  • Jean is still broken up over Shin's actions at Castle Weisswolf. Even Ashley is upset as well, having been taking in by Shin with Jean when they were children.
    Ashley: Maybe we never really knew him, or something inside him changed. He took us in, yeah. But did we really know him? Or was that camaraderie he went on about just a facade, and he's really a psychopath underneath? I'm not sure if we'll ever know.
  • Horai Island has a memorial for the fallen Autobots and Black Knights, dubbed "The Wall of the Fallen".
  • Oiagros opens up with Cera and Optimus over his actions as a part of Pluton, including killing his sister and leading the attack that killed Euliya. He's completely broken up over what he did to his family and other innocents.
Chapter 19 Chapter 21
  • Air Raid and Zi Dien are killed in battle by the Combaticons, to the horror of their teammates.
  • Urabe sacrificing himself to destroy the Red Energon before Bruticus can escape with it.
Chapter 23
  • Grimlock's flashbacks to when his team was captured and experimented on.
  • Alice sharing how her family died when she was young, leading to her being taken by V.V. and experimented on. She bonded with her fellow victims, and is desperate to save them as well.
  • Cera having to Mercy Kill Mao, mourning him even as she admits that everyone else will probably be glad to be rid of him.
Chapter 24
  • The Glinda Knights' sad reactions to the Grandberry's destruction.
  • Tink's death devastates his team members.
  • Wizard’s true identity as Oiagros Zevon is revealed before the Crimson Knights. Oldrin, Orpheus, and Marybelle are not happy when they find out, with Orpheus outright punching him in the face when his mask falls off.
Chapter 25
  • Hot Shot's fate is unknown as of the end of the chapter, but implied to not be good.
  • Rai ends up Taking the Bullet for Nonette, getting his arm mangled badly, and then V.V. mocks him for it.
Chapter 26
  • Everyone's grief and concern over Omega Team's injuries, especially for the extremely hurt Rai.
  • V.V. mocking Lelouch over how he killed Marianne and crippled Nunnally.
Chapter 27
  • Orpheus wasn't sold to the Geass order like he presumed, he was taken as an infant, presumably by V.V., and while his mother searched desperately for him even her being the head of Pluton wasn't enough for them to reunite before her brother killed her.
Chapter 28
  • Toto breaking down while admitting to the others that she was part of the Geass Order. Turns into a happy tearjerker when the others swiftly make it clear that they don't care about her past actions.
  • Another happy tearjerker — Shirley being reunited with her father.
  • Sky-Byte gets one when he joins Megatron on his mission back to Cybertron.
    Sky-Byte: ...Our home... Seeing it like this... it makes my Spark darken.
  • General Bartley was a high level prisoner of the Decepticons for months. And the moment he thought he could escape to freedom again, he's vaporized as a victim of Arkeville's preparations.
Chapter 29
  • Senba's death — at least it was slightly less drawn out then it was canonically.
  • Although Cera manages to seal Megatron away, she loses her memories in the process.
    • From Lelouch and Optimus' point of view, and especially considering all they've been through together and Cera's respect for them, their friend and ally just offered their servitude and screamed in fear to them respectively.
  • This also means that Cera won't be able to vouch for Marianne at all when she finally reveals herself. Which is bound to create all kinds of emotional troubles down the line for the ex-royal family.
Chapter 30
  • The fact that Cera's memory loss has reduced her to a timid waif afraid of everyone around her.
  • Even after being reunited with her children, Marianne is still keeping secret from them the true extent of her involvement in Charles' plans, knowing that they won't forgive her.
Chapter 31
  • Just as the heroes are on the cusp of near total victory, Starscream and Schneizel unleash a devastating attack with the Damocles. Asahina, Prowl, Hot Shot, Chromia, Silverbolt, Leonhardt, and Marika are all killed in the blast, and while Elita manages to drag Optimus into the Groundbridge portal just in time to avoid annihilation, he still ends up horrifically injured.
Chapter 32 Chapter 33
  • For a few minutes, Optimus Prime was on the verge of joining the Allspark. He even confesses to Alpha Trion that his greatest fear isn't dying itself, but those he's leaving behind.
    • Then when he does die, The entire medical team is in sad disbelief that the moment's come. Nunnally even goes into a fit of anger because like Lelouch, she refuses to lose her true father when they have the means to help right in front of them.
Chapter 34
  • Lelouch solemnly admitting to Laila, Clovis’ sister, that he doesn’t regret killing him, and that he would do it all over again. He also admits that he did it more out of spite rather than that he killed innocent people to cover up Code-R.
  • Ironhide finally taking a moment to mourn Chromia.
  • As of this chapter’s end, Soundwave has escaped with the Resonance Blaster, the Dark Star Saber, and Cera and Nunnally as prisoners. Lelouch is going to be worried sick about his beloved sister and one of his closest friends.
  • The Author’s Note stated that next chapter, Lelouch is going to find out what Marianne was doing with Charles, and he is NOT going to take it well…
Chapter 35
  • This ends up being possibly the most emotional chapter of the series, as Marianne's secret is finally revealed to everybody.
    • Lelouch takes it exactly as badly as expected. All those who hear her confession are in varying degrees of pissed, but Lelouch straight up slugs Marianne, only relenting because hurting Marianne means striking Anya as well. While much has been pushed back until after the battle is over, Marianne’s son hates her now, and she has no one to blame but herself…
      • During her explanation, Marianne explains that her body was preserved so she could eventually return to it, but doing so would mean Anya's death, since her Geass was a Death-Activated Superpower.
      • When talking about Lelouch and Nunnally being exiled, she reveals that Charles sent them there to protect them from V.V., but after learning that Cera was in Japan, the invasion was ordered to draw her out because of her soft spot for children, in addition to obtaining the Kamine Island Thought Elevator. And if Lelouch and Nunnally were killed, Charles and Marianne reasoned that they could reunite with their children through Ragnarok once they found Cera.
      • Nunnally learns the truth as well from Megatron and Cera following the restoration of the latter's memory, with the Decepticon leader taking a sick pleasure in watching Nunnally dissolve into a sobbing mess over the revelations. While she hasn’t lashed out like Lelouch has, time will tell if Cera and Nunnally’s friendship has been irreparably fractured.
    • Both Lelouch and Jerermiah call out Marianne, both for her involvement in the Ragnarök Connection, and because of how she treated the people around her.
      • After punching Marianne and being pulled back from hurting Anya, Lelouch shouts at Marianne, telling her that her death was one of the reasons he rebelled against Britannia, to avenge her. But now that he knows the truth, Lelouch realizes that his quest for vengeance was All for Nothing.
        Lelouch: “It was for you… One of the reasons… I became Zero… was to avenge you! Because out of everyone in the homeland… out of all the plotting and scheming to take throne… you provided us shelter. I always felt at home when you were there… holding us. I thought you would protect us. You even welcomed Euphemia and Cornelia into our house like they were your own… you treated them with just as kindness and compassion as Nunnally and I… but we were all just tools for you! You, my own mother, you abandoned us! You left us to die!”
      • Jeremiah’s calling out is much more subdued than Lelouch, but his words nonetheless sting Marianne. He tells her about how he had fallen in love with her at one point, and also says his failure to protect her had haunted him, but he now realizes that he never failed, and that he swore loyalty to the wrong master, and calls his loyalty to her the greatest mistake in his life.
        Jeremiah: “He was not the only one. I pledged my loyalty to you, I vowed to give everything in service to you, even my life. And somewhere down the line… I even fell in love with you. I would do anything to protect you. I thought I failed in that duty, and it's haunted me ever since. But... I see that I never truly failed, I was just loyal to the wrong master. I've made many mistakes in my life but pledging my loyalty to you… was the worst mistake of them all."
    • After chewing out his mother, Lelouch storms out of the Ark's bridge and begins pounding at a wall in anger until his hands start bleeding. Once Kallen gets him to stop, he completely falls apart in her arms, the recent revelations, coupled with Nunnally and Cera's kidnapping, taking a toll on him.
    • When asked by Optimus, Elita and Sayoko, Marianne reveals her past and why she was a part of Ragnarok. Though it doesn't fully excuse her actions, it's not hard to sympathize with Marianne over the hell she went through in childhood that led to her joining up with Charles.
      • As a child, Marianne grew up in an orphanage after her parents, who she barely even remembers, died. When she was nine, a noble family adopted her, but not out of kindness, but rather to use her as motivation for their daughter Elizabeth, believing that whatever a commoner could do, a noble could do it better. Throughout her time in school, Marianne would be abused physically and verbally whenever she performed better than Elizabeth, who thought that she was cheating.
      • Then when they enrolled in a military academy together, Marianne caught Charles' attention through her performance in Knightmare simulators, which she passed with flying colors, and eventually being chosen over Elizabeth to go to a more advanced academy for potential Knights of the Round. Angered that a commoner was chosen over her, Elizabeth and two other girls attempted to kidnap Marianne and kill her, saying that no one would notice that "commoner filth" like her would be gone. This was Marianne's breaking point and she killed Elizabeth's helpers with broken glass before suffocating Elizabeth herself with a pillow. Charles then used his Geass to alter the memories of the students and staff to make the deaths look like suicide, and offered Marianne to join Ragnarok, which she declined. Joining Charles' royal guard a year later, Marianne traveled across the world, witnessing the dark reality of war and the worst of humanity. Between her horrible childhood and what she saw as a soldier, Marianne believed human nature was to fight and to kill, and was beyond saving, ultimately becoming a part of Ragnarok and making a contract with Cera.
      • When Elita asks her how she felt about Lelouch and Nunnally, Marianne answers that she truly loved them, but was afraid that the world they were born into would destroy them, which further motivated her to continue with Ragnarok, believing it would give her children a better world. But as Sayoko ultimately points out, it was Marianne herself, along with Charles, that destroyed Lelouch and Nunnally with their actions towards them.
Chapter 37
  • Gino's disappointment at being too late to save some of the Black Knights they were fighting to reach.
  • Oiagros sacrificing himself to save Akito, with his last words being to tell Oldrin and Orpheus to live.
  • Euphie gives a final order to finish the push on Darkmount, then finally her mind gives way under the strain of the Omniglobe. It's a scary moment where the medical team has to quickly sedate her so she doesn't have a brain meltdown.
  • Nunnally telling Marianne that she knows the truth about her and will never forgive her for everything she's done.
    • After his return from the dead, and hearing that their mother's last wish was to tell her that she loves them, Nunnally has a slight change of heart. Feeling regret that she disowned Marianne in their last conversation together when she then gave up her EXISTENCE to save one of the most important people in her life. So, she cries tears over what might've been with Lelouch at the end of it all.
  • Everyone's reactions when Megatron manages to kill Lelouch. Which leads to a happy tearjerker when he's resurrected by the Primes.
    • Marianne sacrificing herself to act as a buffer for the Primes' power so that they can revive her beloved son without overwhelming him.
