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Tear Jerker / BROK the InvestiGator

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  • The Secret Locker ending. Brok unlocks Shay's locker and reads her diary. It reveals that Shay secretly harbored romantic feelings for Brok, but never managed to find the courage to tell him. And she ultimately never could, as this would cause a time paradox. When Shay exits from a secret trap door, she's shocked that Brok has yet to enter her time machine and demands that he go away. The time paradox occurs and Shay desperately tries to tell Brok to go away before it's too late, but Brok refuses. Having already lost Graff, he doesn't want to be alone and he wants to spend what little time they have left embracing her. Although they cease to exist, they both go together, with Shay happy to be in the arms of the man she loved to the very end.
    Shay's Diary: "How did this all begin? I have no idea. He came to me when I needed it the most. If not for him, I wouldn't be here now. And now I need to ensure everything repeats again. I try my best to hide it but...I'm afraid. What happens if I fail? He will think that I invented this machine. No. I merely copied it. Who did then? Me from another timeline? I might never find out. Today...It happened. Just like he told me. It was...Horrible...Could I have prevented it? Technically I did. I used the machine. A tiny jump back in time. Not much power needed. It worked. but... This vision... Will haunt me forever... The only thing that matters is the present. The current timeline... Right?... I have to keep moving forward. I've been focused on this goal for so long. Practically my whole life. What a life... I barely had time for... Living. Sometimes I wonder if this is all worth it. If I'm worth all that pain... I'm going to cause him... If he knew... He would never forgive me. I know all the story thus far. Everything he told me. How ironic! After tomorrow? A blank. I'll be like everyone. Scared of the future. He doesn't suspect a thing. No matter how many times I put him on the right track. What an idiot! Such a loveable idiot... I could never tell him. Not because I might cease to exist. I... Just can't. I don't have his courage. I'm weak. And that's why I don't care that I'll never get to be with him. I don't deserve it. I only care about his wellbeing and... Who am I kidding... I'm egotistical. If only... Someday... You'll take me in your arms. The world can end. Nothing else matters to me."
  • The Till the End of Time ending. Graff manages to beat back the Squealers that try to kidnap him, but Ott gets killed in retaliation. Brok arrives too late, and after trying to comfort Graff, realizes from a letter Shay gave to him that she's built a time machine. Graff decides to be the one to go back in time to try and save his mother and Ott, but he fails, and the invention goes awry soon after. Brok narrates how Dee, Wes, Dr. Gherkin, and another person that was completely forgotten simply vanished as a result of a time paradox, and that he spent the majority of the rest of his life trying to improve the Slums in the desperate hope that Graff comes back, and he actually succeeded. Eventually, Graff does arrive in Shay's machine at the very end of Brok's life, giving them one last chance to hug before Brok passes away.
  • The Broken Detective ending. Brok and Dee meet Wes at the Garbage Dumps and Wes wants them to give him the memory chip. Dee is about to give it to him, but Brok has a feeling that Wes has an ulterior motive. However, he is either unable to prove it or chooses to drop the subject at the last moment after coming to a solid conclusion to let Dee give the memory chip to Wes, who immediately betrays and kills them both. In the epilogue, Graff describes how the pills shortage has gotten even worse, with Tribots rounding up the denizens of the Slums while preventing them from fleeing to the nearest country. Wes eventually finds Graff and Ott, and he allows them to enter the Dome at the expense of everybody else, Ott's parents included. Graff and Ott initially try to smuggle Toxout pills to the people outside the Dome, but their efforts were in vain. All the Slumers soon perished, and although Graff and Ott survived, they became wracked with survivor's guilt. Graff ends his monologue with how he misses Brok and laments that if Brok was still alive, then he could have found a solution that would have helped everyone. This is possibly the bleakest ending in the game.
  • The Fall ending, which can be achieved if Brok has a Violence rating of 80 or higher. It shows the devastating consequences of what would happen if Brok allows his wrath to overcome his reason. After the Squealers Chief hurls a stick at Graff that knocks him unconscious, Brok attacks him and, despite Dee urging him to give the rat a second chance, Brok refutes her with a Big "NO!" and kills the Chief, complete with a loud "(Crunch)" sound effect to imply that Brok broke his neck with his bare hands. When a horrified Ott asks him what he has done, Brok goes as far as to claim that it was the only way to protect everyone. Later at the apartment, Graff gets into a heated argument with Brok and confronts him about his violent tendencies, which culminates in Brok snapping and beating Graff to death after the latter talks about Lia in a negative light. Driven to despair by his (accidental) act of filicide and realizing, with Shay's letter, that he has become a monster, Brok walks off the edge of the building where he and Lia often meets 5 years ago in the hopes of reuniting with her, Graff, and his Grandpa in the afterlife. It's a Pyrrhic Victory equal Video Game Cruelty Punishment at its finest.
  • Having to make Sin/Dee, whose daughter are waiting for them back home, lives with the knowledge that their spouse has died in the Modular Epilogue is bad enough, but if they are both dead, a stranger known only as Man approaches their daughter and informs her that they have "disappeared", and he promises that he will take good care of her. The little girl, however, believes that her deceased parents have gone on an adventure, and aspires to become as brave as them once she grows up. Imagine her reaction to learning about the Awful Truth at some point later in her life, all the while knowing that you - the player - are responsible for turning her into an orphan, doubly so if you're aiming for 100% Completion.
