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Tear Jerker / All Dogs Go to Heaven

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Really, it begins with the title "All Dogs Go to Heaven". If you're a dog-lover, it's best not to dwell on it too long.

As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

From the original 1989 film
"Goodbye, Charlie. I love you."

  • Itchy's tear-filled What the Hell, Hero? after getting roughed up by Carface and his goons. Up to that point, Itchy's primarily been the comic relief and was arguably ruder than Charlie, but here he's completely vulnerable, both physically and emotionally. Really, where else do you get a performance like that from Dom De Luise?
    Itchy: You wanted revenge on Carface and I said "No, please! Let's get out of town!" But I stayed because... because... you're my friend. And then you wanted to kidnap the girl and I said, "This is crazy!" But I helped ya! A-and then we gotta dress the girl and read her stories and she wants we should feed the poor, and the whole while I'm thinking, "This is stupid! She's gonna get us killed!" But I stayed because... (close to tears) I'm your friend. But tonight... tonight—- (crying) Charlie he tried to kill me!! He tried to kill me and you was out gallivantin' with this... (seething frustration and anger) ...with this girl! I say we should lose the girl, get outta town, Charlie, you and me and call it even! (tears start streaming down his face)
    • Watch that scene and then think back to the Running Gag from the beginning of Charlie telling Itchy "It's not worth it being with you." Ouch.
    • And then Anne-Marie comes downstairs just in time to hear Charlie say he doesn't care about her.
      Anne-Marie: You're not my friend... (tears up) ...You're a bad dog!
    • The fact that the scene begins with the friend Charlie neglected telling him "You're my friend" and ends with the friend he cherishes telling him "You're not my friend."
    • Before that, as Itchy limps into the church, all Charlie can say is "I'm so sorry." You can tell by the sound of his voice that he knows it's not enough to make up for what happened, but it's all he can do right now. And this is before he knows the full extent of what happened.
    • Worst of all, this is the last time Itchy sees Charlie alive. He's asleep when Charlie comes to say goodbye to Anne Marie at the end and Charlie decides it's best to not traumatize him any further, even if it means that their last conversation was an argument.
  • Earlier in the movie, when Charlie returns to Earth after his first death, Itchy is having a nightmare about Carface strangling him. His reaction upon seeing Charlie back from the dead is played for laughs at first, but when he finally realizes Charlie is back, he is so overjoyed that he is briefly in tears, recalling Carface's murder attempt.
    Itchy: Charlie? It's really you! Oh, Charlie... (near tears) but I saw the car and the river...
    Charlie: I know.
    Itchy: ..and your lifeless body... flying through the air! (sobs)
    Charlie: Itchy, what can I say? It wasn't my time.
  • The absolute gut-wrenching fear of watching Charlie be forced to choose between his watch and Anne Marie, ultimately choosing Anne Marie and letting his watch sink to the bottom. It's obvious at that point that he's not going to get it back. And then to make it extra sadistic, the film keeps cutting back to it filling with water, each tick making you wince in fear that it will be its last. Then it happens. And then there's Itchy's reaction. Unlike Charlie's first death (to which he reacted with usual panic), the way he calls out his best friend's name is just so full of solemn and utter defeat, because he knows, this time, that Charlie won't be coming back (almost as if he knew this was coming). All he and Flo can do is watch as Carface's boat sinks into the water. They see a figure emerge from the fog, pushing Anne Marie on the driftwood... but it's Killer.
  • The whole scene of Charlie coming back to say goodbye to Anne-Marie.
    • Charlie floating into Anne Marie's room up to her bedside and tearfully apologizing to her for everything he put her through.
      Charlie: Oh, Squeaker... (tears up) ...I'm sorry. I'm so very sorry.
    • Charlie trying to gently tell Anne Marie that he must go, making it sound like it's just a little trip and he'll be back soon. Then she asks if she'll ever see him again and everyone makes a dive for the tissues.
      Anne-Marie: Charlie, will I ever see you again?
      Charlie: Sure. Sure you will, kid. You know, good-byes aren't forever.
      Anne-Marie: Then good-bye, Charlie. I love you.
      Charlie: Yeah. I love you too.
    • Charlie asking Anne-Marie to take care of Itchy, who's asleep next to her and looking very sad, like he cried himself to sleep. The poor guy really went through a LOT and Charlie decides that the best thing he needs after all of it is have a proper home and owner.
    • A blink-and-you-miss-it moment — Itchy is carrying Anne-Marie's doll and tucks it in with her before going to bed himself.
    • In addition to all of the above, the entire scene is set in red mist while a demon waits outside to drag Charlie back to hell, and it is getting impatient.
    • One more thing that makes the ending quite sad is Charlie's implied Heel Realization. Throughout the movie, Charlie has held Itchy and Anne-Marie back for his own selfish reasons, whether it's repeatedly pressuring Itchy to stick around a town where murderous gangsters want him dead, which got the wiener dog badly beaten, or manipulating Anne-Marie and sabotaging her chances at getting adopted into a safe and healthy home, which ultimately almost killed her. By the last scene, Charlie seems to have quietly accepted that both of his two best friends are better off without him around, so they can both move on with their lives. Charlie shares some parting words with Anne-Marie, but he notably decides not to wake Itchy so he can say goodbye to him, because it would only hurt him more. Keep in mind, the last time Charlie and Itchy spoke to each other, they had a very harsh and ugly fight, and after Charlie ascends to heaven, the two dogs won't see each other for sixty years, which means Itchy probably lived with Parting-Words Regret for quite some time afterwards.
    • The Reality Subtext of the whole scene: Anne-Marie's actress Judith Barsi was murdered by her father after she recorded all of her lines (making this scene her last words ever spoken on film; this movie was also dedicated to her), meaning that in real life, Anne-Marie died before Charlie. Not only that, but Charlie says she'll see him again someday... as he's going to Heaven. The idea of someone's ghost coming back to say goodbye to their loved one holds a lot more weight. When Burt Reynolds died in 2018, many fans said that it meant Charlie and Anne-Marie can be together again. "Good-byes aren't forever" indeed.note 
  • "Love Survives," the film's Award-Bait Song recorded in Barsi's memory.
  • "Soon You'll Come Home To My Heart," also made sadder by the Reality Subtext, although Barsi didn't sing itnote . Later, when Charlie ascends to heaven, the whippet calls him to "come home." The film's score even "resolves" to a few bars of the song.
  • If Barsi's death wasn't heartbreaking enough, Don Bluth was so heartbroken that he based Anne-Marie's design and mannerisms on her not only to honor her memory but to cope with the loss.

From All Dogs Go To Heaven 2

  • Charlie talks to David about how he was a runaway, too, and that he never saw his parents ever again, something he regrets. He doesn't want David to go through the same thing and tells him to not repeat his mistakes as he'll regret it.
  • Though no names are mentioned, Charlie references Anne Marie when he admits to Sasha that he's once again making promises that he winds up breaking, something he's kicking himself for. This spurs him on to get David home before his time is over.
  • Charlie despairs once he realizes too late that his collar's expiration time is up, so he and Itchy revert to being ghosts again. He desperately tries to get Sasha and David's attention even though he's right in front of them, while at the same time they, too, were confused as to where Charlie and Itchy disappeared to.
  • When all the dogs of Heaven get kidnapped and imprisoned at Alcatraz by Red. Even Annabelle wasn't spared. When Charlie sees her getting dragged out of Heaven, she could only ask in an accusing yet anguished tone, "Charles, what have you done...?"
  • After their mission is over, Charlie and Itchy prepare to return to Heaven. David begs him not to leave, but Charlie tells him he has no choice and assures him that Sasha can get him home. It's plain to see Charlie is not happy about parting with David and Sasha, the latter he has developed feelings for. They give each other an Anguished Declaration of Love before he and Itchy float up to Heaven.

From the 1998 Christmas special

  • Timmy's fate in the Bad Future when Carface is shown, it's implied he's thrown out of his house and dies due to his leg...incidentally, this triggers Carface's Heel–Face Turn.
  • Carface's childhood, starting with him seeing himself as a puppy during his last Christmas spent with his mom. We also learn that his young owner often ignored him and didn't stand up for his own pet when he misbehaved and ruined their Christmas. Not only does he not accept the blame for being irresponsible, but his parents cruelly force Carface out onto the street into the rain rather than give him up to a shelter or give their son another chance to train him properly. The kid looks sadly upon Carface before simply walking away as the pup walks away homeless. No wonder Carface is bitter. Even Itchy, who set off the flashback, thinks that was pretty rough.
