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Ship Tease / Paperinik New Adventures

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Combining both Ho Yay and straight ships into one page for convenience.

Happens a lot throughout the series.

PK and Uno/Odin

  • PK and Uno's relationship is pretty much this incarnate. One of the best moments is in Phase 2, where PK returns from patrol and Uno welcomes him like a housewife.

PK and the Raider

  • After their first encounter, the two barely seem to considerate the other a enemy and pass more time teaming up than fighting. Pk even cries when the Raider does an Heroic Sacrifice. In "Might and Power", when the Raider talks to him about the moon since in the future Earth became a Planet Spaceship and the moon was left behind Pk even jokingly tells him that it's not the time to be romantic.
  • In Event Horizon, the Raider accidentally timeshifts an alligator into Donald's bathtub. Donald's reaction is that he'd prefer smaller gifts, like a snowglobe.

PK and Lyla

  • PKNE is full of moments that could be taken out of context, such as PK (accidentally) having his hand on Lyla's breasts or complimenting her ass.
  • In Lyla's very first issue, PK laments that they're incompatible, since she was quite the woman.

Pk and Xadhoom

  • By far the biggest case: Xadhoom's lines to him can easily be read as flirting, and Pk does nothing to stop her. Or the fact that he calls her "Beauty Eyes"; or that Xadhoom's character is similar to a Tsun Dere; or that she once kissed him (on the lips) as a thank you. Heck, Pk' s last words to a program with Xadhoom's memory and personality sound pretty romantic:
    We'll find a way to get you out of it... You'll be able to see again. The wind, the sky... We'll be together... we'll be... happy...
  • Then there's of course the time she gave him a thank-you kiss, something he seemed nervous about but not bothered by after the fact (aside from the obvious pain stemming from her extreme body temperature).

PK and Others

  • Gorthan
    Gorthan: You will have honor and glory. Your name will be uttered with fear and respected as far as the galaxy reaches.
    • In "Mekkano", Gorthan spends the entire issue talking about his... complicated relationship to humanity. Since he does this directly to PK, his relationship to Humanity as a whole could easily be read as his relationship to PK.
