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Recap / The Powerpuff Girls 2016 S 01 Ep 08 Little Octi Lost

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Buttercup loses a kickball game thanks to Bubbles having Octi to try to "catch" the ball that would've easily won Buttercup's team the game if Bubbles had did it herself. In retaliation for this, Buttercup goes to hide Octi from her, but comes to like playing with it and takes it out for night at the carnival. However, the studded jackets they won as prizes attracts the attention of Packrat, a literal human sized rat who loves to steal shiny things. He eventually manages to get his hands on Octi, forcing Buttercup to come clean about taking him, and the girls head off to get Octi from Packrat.


  • Disney Death: Buttercup falls into a trash compactor saving Octi, but comes out of it unscathed, mostly thanks to using Blossom's kickball trophy to absorb most of the blast.
  • Here We Go Again!: Buttercup manages to gain Bubbles forgiveness by saving Octi from a trash compactor, but in doing so she had to use Blossom's kickball trophy in the process, which destroyed it, much to Blossom's anger.
  • I Call It "Vera": Blossom names her Kickball trophy "Kick-nilus".
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Twofold. 1.) Bubbles kickstarts the plot by not catching the kickball herself when she could've easily done so, and 2.) Buttercup leaving Octi in the bushes outside her house rather then hiding it somewhere inside it, allowing Packrat to easily take it for himself.
  • Ocular Gushers: Bubbles sheds massive gobs of tears after Octi was lost.
  • Out of Order: This episode showcases the girls new construct powers, yet Power Up Puff would be the actual introduction of them.
  • Remember the New Guy?: It's Packrat's debut episode, yet the girls act like they've already know him.
  • Sore Loser: Buttercup is very mad at Bubbles after they lose the kickball game.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Blossom can't stand going into trash filled areas, so she initially stays behind when they arrive at the dump. She eventually gets around this by making a hand light construct of a rubber glove to keep the trash off her.
