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Recap / The Dragon Prince S3 E7 "Hearts of Cinder"

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Reunited, Ezran, Callum and Rayla rise through the Storm Spire to get to the Dragon Queen.

Aaravos and Viren plot to steal something from the Sunfire Elf city of Lux Aurea that will help in the coming battle. Amaya and Janai join forces when the Sunfire Elves are threatened.


  • Almost Out of Oxygen: On their way up to the top of the Storm Spire, Callum and Rayla collapse due to lack of oxygen but Ezran comes to their rescue.
  • Androcles' Lion: Pyrrah, who guards the Storm Spire, encounters Ezran and helps him because she remembered how Ezran saved her life in the second season.
  • Big "NO!": Janai yells one when she sees her sister being killed.
  • Big "WHAT?!": Ezran exclaims this when it finally sinks in that his brother Callum and Rayla became a couple while he was away from them. It lasts so long that the scene change cuts it off.
  • Death by Irony: Aaravos kills the queen of the Sunfire elves by immolating her.
  • Enemy Mine: When Viren shows up, Amaya teams up with Janai, both knowing that Viren is a bigger threat to them than they are to each other.
  • Exact Words: "Draw your last breath": At first sight, it seems to be a warning to anyone who would dare climb the mountain. However, it actually turns out to be advice on how to do so safely: You must draw a rune from your breath that will allow you to survive the thin air.
  • Fire Purifies: The Sunfire elves have a ritual in which the light of the Sunfire Forge, which is the source of their power, can purify someone— that is, remove the parts of them that have been touched by dark magic. They try it on Viren, but they didn't count on Aaravos being at the ready to turn the tables on them.
  • Forbidden Love: Parodied. Rayla and Callum joke about how they should keep their romance a secret from the Dragon Queen, despite the fact that it would likely never even come up.
  • Internal Reveal: Ezran and Bait learn that Callum and Rayla became a couple while they were separated from them.
  • Jaw Drop: Ezran and Bait share this reaction to seeing Callum and Rayla kiss.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: Amaya tackles Janai to keep her from running into a hopeless battle with Viren after Aaravos kills her sister - it's clear Amaya remembers the feeling of losing Sarai all too well and is trying to stop Janai from recklessly endangering herself out of grief.
  • Oh, Crap!: Amaya hears from Janai that the King of Katolis has come to seek passage through the kingdom. Amaya is confused at first until she hears a description of the king being "arrogant" and "tainted with darkness". It takes a moment before she comes to a horrific realization: if Ezran is absent, then Viren has somehow taken the throne and is planning something that will endanger the Sunfire elves.
  • One-Winged Angel: The corrupted Sunforge staff lets Viren bestow a corrupted version of the Sunfire Elves' Super Mode on his troops, with Kasef being the first to undergo it.
  • Pay Evil unto Evil: While he enjoys it a bit too much, Aaravos's treatment and murder of Queen Khessa qualifies as this, since she is an arrogant, hateful racist who looks down on others everyone else and subjects humans to torturous rituals just because she can.
  • Rapid-Fire "No!": Claudia is unable to cope with Soren leaving, blatantly refusing to watch him go and closed her eyes to blurt out this trope.
  • Scaling the Summit: The gang has to make it to the top of the Storm Spire which turns out dangerous because of the lack of oxygen up there.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: After seeing what Viren has done and what he turned Kasef into (planning to do the same with all his soldiers, and had intended to do to Soren first), Soren realizes that he's not willing to side with him anymore and leaves, even when asked by Claudia to stay and not make her choose.
  • Silent Whisper: Aaravos tells the Sunfire Elf Queen what happened to her grandmother, but does so with a whisper too quiet for the viewers to hear. Whatever it was, it greatly distraught her before Aaravos kills her.
  • Smooch of Victory: Once again able to breath, Callum and Rayla kiss in celebration, leaving them in the awkward position of having to disclose to an oblivious Ezran that they got together while he was away, with Bait realizing a moment before it actually sinks in for the young king.
  • Super-Soldier: With the magical power and staff he stole from the Sunfire Elves, Viren can now grant his soldiers the powers that Janai was shown to have; Volcanic Veins and Hulking Out. Unlike Janai, it seems that his soldiers retain much less of their personality and sanity, and the change appears to be permanent rather than controlled.
  • Title Drop: Semi-meta example. When played backwards Viren's spell to turn the soldiers into monsters consists of him repeating the phrase "hearts of cinder cannot burn!"
  • Trojan Prisoner: Aaravos has Viren allow himself to be captured by the Sunfire elves under the pretense of bartering passage through their lands, knowing their queen will try to use the Sunfire forge to purify the dark magic he's tainted with. When they do, Aaravos uses his familiar to hijack the magic of the forge and turn it on the elves.
  • Would You Like to Hear How They Died?: Aaravos's final taunt to the Sunfire Elf Queen is revealing to her how her grandmother died.
  • You Are Too Late: The gang finally makes it to where the Dragon Queen resides but is greeted by a guardian who claims they have arrived too late.
