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Recap / Teen Titans Go S 2 E 28 Crazy Day

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Today is Crazy Day, and Raven tries not to become crazy.

Tropes included:

  • All Just a Dream: The episode seemingly ends with Raven stating what she's learned from the experience, that all of the other Titans' craziness helped keep her sane, only for Beast Boy to state that what she just said didn't make any sense. It then reveals that all of the Titan Tower segments, which seemed to be reality, also took place in Raven's mind.
  • Demonic Possession: Raven ends up possessed by Trigon after reaching her Rage Breaking Point and getting trapped within her own mind.
  • Foreshadowing: Upon being possessed, Raven's voice briefly becomes manly when she told the Titans of her possession, and also she calls herself the Lord of Madness from time to time, hinting at Trigon's involvement.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: This is how Raven defeats Trigon in this episode. After he spent the episode trapping her in her own mind and trying to torment her with illusions based on the Titans, she sends the Titans into his mind so that they can drive him crazy.
  • Human Chess: One of the illusions in Raven's mind is a living chess set with Beast Boy as the pawns and Cyborg as the other pieces, but they don't actually know how to play chess, and claim that Raven can't possibly win if they don't know how to lose. Raven convinces them to have a victory dance, but it ends with the pieces accidentally toppling over, which Raven states means they've surrendered.
  • Napoleon Delusion: Referenced when Raven gets a Napoleon hat after earning the title of "Captain Crazy".
  • Poke the Poodle: Some of the other Titans' attempts to be crazy include eating cereal with a fork instead of a spoon, and wearing comically large shoes.
  • Rage Breaking Point: Raven gets possessed by Trigon when she reaches her limit from all the craziness, having already woken up with a headache.
  • Riddling Sphinx: One of the illusions in Raven's mind that's meant to torment her is a Starfire sphinx that wants to challenge Raven with a riddle, but is intentionally bad at actually telling the riddle. Raven overcomes it by stating that the sphinx is so inept at riddling she probably doesn't even know the answer to her own riddle, leading to the sphinx solving it for Raven to prove that she does.
  • Seen It All: Trigon spends the episode trying to torment Raven with illusions based on the other Titans in order to drive her insane and make her demon side take permanent control, but the real-life Titans annoy her so much on a daily basis that Trigon's illusions can't compare.
  • Skewed Priorities: The Titans are too busy with Crazy Day than helping out Raven from her predicament, not even realized that she's been possessed and thinking she's just celebrating with them.
  • The Three Trials: To reach the part of her mind where Trigon is hiding and regain control, Raven has to deal with a Riddling Sphinx, a Human Chess game, and a giant gate with Robin's face. She manages to trick her way past the first two, and Robin doesn't actually have any unique ideas for a challenge and just lets her pass.
