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Recap / TPF: Louder and Prouder S1 E3 "It All Started with an Orange Basketball"

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In order to win a bet against Wizard Kelly, Oscar makes Penny join his basketball team.


  • Almost Kiss: Oscar awkwardly interrupts Penny almost kissing Kareem.
  • Aesop Amnesia: Oscar forgot what he learned from the Spelling Bee episode about how he shouldn't try to live his dreams through his kids.
  • Amazingly Embarrassing Parents: As usual, Oscar embarrasses Penny in front of Kareem, whom she brought home.
  • Art Shift: The flashback to Oscar's failure to make the million-dollar shot retains the animation style of the original series.
  • Bad Boss: Oscar treats Peabo and Mr. Chips like crap in this episode. He's also a complete asshole to the team that he’s coaching. It's this attitude, along with Kareem's encouragement from Penny, that was the cause of his team's demise.
  • The Bad Guy Wins: Wizard Kelly wins. He was able to get Peabo to work for him and Oscar ends up being forced to work for the Wizard as well. However, it's not really treated as a bad thing since Wizard Kelly isn't causing any harm to the other Prouds. Peabo likes his new position due to it being a more respected position, and Penny purposely skipped past her dad (who was forced to work the ticket stand for attempting to back out of his deal) just to get back at him.
  • The Bet: Oscar makes a bet against Wizard Kelly that his team will beat the Wizard's team in the championship. If Oscar wins, he gets to live like the Wizard for a week while the Wizard has to live like Oscar. If Wizard Kelly wins, he gets Peabo, Oscar's best employee.
  • Be the Ball: Bufferina, who works as a bouncer at the Wizard Kelly Theater, crushes Oscar, who is also working at the theater at the time, into a ball and throws him into the air after he tries to enter the theater without a ticket.
  • Call-Back:
    • Michael is shown to be the star player on Oscar's basketball team, which calls back to his talent in basketball in the original series episode "Who You Calling a Sissy?", and he's gotten a lot better since then.
    • Oscar recalls Penny's stint playing football in "She's Got Game."
  • Calling the Old Man Out: After Oscar calls a timeout, Penny furiously tells her father that defeating Wizard Kelly is his dream and not hers.
  • Cassette Craze: Oscar pulls out a rather large cassette recorder to give himself the note to start training Bebe and Cece to play basketball after seeing how doing the same with Penny at a young age had made her into a great basketball player as she grew up.
  • Deliberate Under-Performance: Kareem reveals that he's been missing his shots on purpose in front of Oscar so that he would stop trying to pressure him to play basketball. Penny eventually learns to do this herself during the final game so that she no longer has to play basketball for her dad's team.
  • Elongating Arm Gag: When Penny is playing against an alien who has grabbed her, she stretches her arm by sheer will to make the winning basket.
  • Even the Dog Is Ashamed: They aren't dogs per se, but even BeBe and CeCe have this look when Oscar pressures Penny to do basketball.
  • Everyone Has Standards:
    • While Dijonay usually tended to be the epitome of With Friends Like These... in the original series, she immediately and lividly calls out LaCienga for blatantly trying to steal Kareem from Penny.
    • Wizard Kelly does not appreciate it when someone tries to back out of a bet they lost fair and square (as he finds out when he sees that Oscar was trying to hide Peabo from him). As a result, Oscar's forfeit was bumped to having him also work an internship at Wizard Kelly Theaters along with losing Peabo to Wizard Kelly's company.
  • Gilligan Cut: When Wizard Kelly threatens Oscar for not letting Peabo come to work for him, Oscar asks what he's going to do about it. Cut to Oscar working on the box office of Kelly's movie theater.
  • His Own Worst Enemy: Oscar was a bigger threat to himself than Wizard Kelly was. His own ego to beat Wizard Kelly became his own undoing, making him completely careless. It first cost him his best basketball player, Michael. Him pushing Penny too hard causes low morale in her that he ends up driving her away. Then his selfishness ends up driving his whole team and even the in-universe audience away.
  • Human Knot: Frankie gets his arms twisted into a knot during a basketball game against Penny when the latter speeds past the former. The same thing happens to Penny during her final game when she tries to throw the game.
  • Ironic Echo: A heroic example. Penny and Kareem end up using their own words against each other, but it works out for the better
  • Laser-Guided Karma: Oscar loses the bet with Wizard Kelly by unintentionally forfeiting the game. He is also forced to work for Wizard Kelly and Peabo at a movie theater with no pay (note the sign behind him). It's well deserved because he was an asshole to not only Penny, but to the kids he was coaching.
  • Literal Metaphor: Every time Kareem misses the basket, the ball turns into a brick. For those unfamiliar with basketball slang, a brick is a missed shot, particularly one that bounces off the basket, as Kareem does at one point.
  • Malicious Misnaming: Wizard Kelly calls Oscar "Orenthal" when he first appears.
  • Metronomic Man Mashing: Bufferina does this to Oscar when he tries to enter the theater without paying.
  • Octopoid Aliens: The Saturnian basketball team that Penny plays against consists of a single, gigantic, green, octopus creature with 9 tentacle arms.
  • Once Done, Never Forgotten: As usual, Wizard Kelly brings up the one time that Oscar missed the match at the game they had 20 years ago.
  • Operation: Jealousy: LaCienega steals Kareem away from Penny, but ends up losing him in the end. Dijonay was not happy at what LaCienega did.
  • Pet the Dog: Even though Wizard Kelly wanted Peabo surrendered as a condition of winning the bet, he does more or less recognize Peabo for his potential. Once Peabo does work for Wizard Kelly, he’s enjoying it, meaning Kelly is treating him better than Oscar did.
  • Pie in the Face: Oscar gets hit with a key lime pie thrown by the twins when he comes home.
  • Pop-Up Texting: Happens when Penny tries to text Kareem. In one scene, Oscar pushes the pop-up text aside.
  • Rage Quit: Oscar does this when his team is on the verge of losing.
  • Shout-Out:
    • After being hit with one of Kareem's last brick shots, Oscar exclaims "Great Googly Moogly!", the Catchphrase of one Major Monogram.
    • The movie Penny and Kareem watch for film class is Carmen Jones, complete with actual footage from the movie itself.
    • Penny plays a basketball match on Saturn against an octopus alien. Already a reference to Space Jam, it's hammered home by having her make a winning dunk by stretching her arm to the net.
    • Bufferina thrashes Oscar in a similar manner that Hulk did to Loki in The Avengers (2012).
  • Shipper on Deck: Dijonay is so excited that Penny is dating Kareem, and supports it to the point of Serious Business, that she cannot stand LaCienega stealing Kareem from Penny.
  • Sore Loser: When Oscar's team is on the verge of losing to Wizard Kelly's team, Oscar rage quits on everyone by forcing them to stop what they are doing out of anger.
  • Tempting Fate: Once Oscar says that he won't be losing the match with Michael on the team, Michael slips and hurts his knee on the water bottle that he left on the floor. Peabo did warn him not to wave his water bottle around though, and as usual, he just didn’t listen.
  • Throw the Dog a Bone: At the very least, Peabo finally gets his dream job of being the Wizard’s protege, and he’s finally given the respect he deserves.
