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Recap / SMG4's Mario Bloopers Mario Goes To College

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Mario and friends go to college only to find that the 'classes' are very special.

Meggy and Melony have finally entered college, where they discover to their surprise that their friends have enrolled as well and have joined particular clubs. Meanwhile, Mario struggles to find a club that fits him... and finds one that might spell trouble for the others.

This is the final episode where Lizzie Freeman provides new custom lines for Meggy. All SMG4 episodes in which Meggy appears after this until "The Cursed Tapes" use her standard voice bank.

  • All for Nothing: If it weren't for Mario, all of the Character Development that Boopkins helped Ganon go through wouldn't have gone right down the drain.
  • Call-Back: When asked by Meggy what he's doing there, Luigi brings up the fact that he and Mario were the reason Meggy and Melony got into Omnia Academy.
    Meggy: (to Luigi, Bob, and Boopkins) "WHAT?! What are YOU guys doing here? You guys didn't even take the exam!"
    Luigi: "Technically I did."
    Meggy: "Shhh!"
  • Club Stub: The leader of Omnia Academy's "Box Club" ropes Mario into helping them reach their minimum student requirement so they don't get shut down. Mario just goes along with it so he won't feel left out with all his friends getting into their own unique clubs.
  • Comical Overreacting: Heavy should have known that turning his spirit into a Boo in front of Luigi would get himself vacuumed.
  • Expy: Gordon Ramensay, the teacher of the Cooking Club, is one for Gordon Ramsay, to the point of using the famously ill-tempered chef's voice clips.
  • Meaningful Name: The "omnia" in Omnia Academy is Latin for "everything", which is fitting as it's a school with every kind of course you can and/or wouldn't imagine.
  • Pretentious Latin Motto: Omnia Academy has a Latin motto written on the school entrance reading Mitte in Pagani, which means "Send in the Clowns".
  • School Clubs Are Serious Business: Such that the school's entire curriculum revolves around being in a club and nothing else. It also turns out there's a club for everything, not just for coaching classes (Meggy) and tapping into one's godlike power (Melony), but also human resources, customer service, meditation, and the worship of boxes.
  • Suddenly Creepy: Everyone, even Mario briefly, becomes disturbed when the Box Club leader briefly interrupts his song to declare that the "God Box" will bring The End of the World as We Know It and take its worshippers to paradise.
  • Talking to Plants: Melony says hello to "Apple-chan" and is interested by what she "said". Though considering Melony is a watermelon, she might actually be able to communicate with other fruit.
  • The Thing That Would Not Leave: After joining the Box Club, Mario constantly pesters his friends to get them to join the club. Justified due to the Box Club leader's requirements for Mario to stay in the club was to recruit more members.
  • This Is Gonna Suck: Meggy has this reaction when she sees Mario ominously standing in front of them after school. Her fears are proven to be correct when the rest of the Box Club comes to sing an awful song about joining the club.
