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Recap / Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger Ep 20 The Swordsmen And Pirates A Brothers Vow Kai

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The Swordsmen and Pirates, a Brother's Vow-kai!

Original Airdate: July 18, 2021
Written by: Nobuhiro Mouri
Directed by: Satoshi Morota

Zocks finally gets his time to shine! Oh, and the Shindais are there.

Setchan: Previously on… Zenkaiger!
Thanks to the Zenkaiju Gear, the day was saved!
Kaito turned into Super Zenkaizer and had his strength at full power!
However, it looks like some other stuff happened that I wasn't aware of...

It's way past Tanabata, but the show must go on! Hikoboshi Wald is attacking the city, with the team following his tail. Suddenly, the Shindai siblings show up with Zocks just behind, leading to many misunderstandings between the two groups. With Magine and Reika kidnapped to who-knows-where by Hikoboshi Wald, the team tries to get Zocks and Ryoga to work together before it's too late.

