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Recap / Infinity Train: Blossoming Trail: The Crayon Car

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Fresh off a successful story telling, Chloe, Atticus and Lexi have a slumber party in the Hotel Crayola.

This arc contains examples of:

  • Aesop Amnesia: A tragic case; even after Class 5-E saw Chloe snap and brutally attack Sara and the incident made it on the news, they still didn't get the hint that bullying her was not a smart idea and switched into verbal abuse via pressuring her to get into Pokémon like her father.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Chloe loses it after Sara makes a jab at how her father never loves her. And by "loses it", we mean, tackle Sara head on like she's a Pokémon and beat her bully to death with that same paint can, "Triple Houndour Daring" the girl to speak up now all while looking like she's doused in blood before threatening to kill every single one of her classmates if they ever do anything like that again.
  • Cerebus Retcon: Why is Chloe even going to the lab in the first place? Her father is placing her there for her own safety after a paint-can incident.
  • A Day in the Limelight: Parker gets a big focus in this arc as it's revealed how close he was to his sister.
  • Deadly Prank: Dousing Chloe with red paint nearly led Chloe to strangle her bully to death.
  • Driven to Suicide: Chloe is at the point that she just wants to drop off the school rooftop to get away from it all, horrifying her partners.
  • Hope Spot: Chloe's talent show presentation had her improvise a costume after someone dumped red paint on it with her brother. She gets applause from the audience...and then her classmates ruin the moment by dumping more red paint on her.
  • Kids Are Cruel: Chloe's class didn't like how she upstaged their prank and threw red paint on her ala Carrie and laughed at her about it. And even after this got onto the local news, they didn't learn their lesson and just took another avenue to bully her.
  • Lighter and Softer: The flashback of the talent show is essentially a lighter Carrie reference: instead of prom, it's a talent show. Instead of pig's blood, it's red paint. Instead of Parker knocked unconscious, he just gets bashed to the side with the paint can. The only negative is that instead of Carrie thinking everyone was laughing at her, everyone in Chloe's class laughed at her.
  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Chloe gives one to Sara by tackling her and then beating her with a paint can in anger. The rewrite also adds how she was choking the life out of Sara and slamming her head against the floor before she hurled the empty paint can at Patricia and gripped her hair in frustration.
  • Rage Breaking Point: Chloe was calm when red paint got dumped over her and when Parker got hit by a paint can. Sara telling her that Professor Cerise doesn't love her makes her turn around and look ready to murder someone before she looks like she did with all that red paint covering her.
  • The Reveal: This arc reveals why Chloe has so many trust issues and the reason why she goes to the Institute after school.
  • Therapy Is for the Weak: In the rewrite, Lexi asks why Chloe was never given therapy after the paint can incident. Chloe notes that "Therapy doesn't exist in my father's vocabulary".
  • Would Hurt a Child: Technically they're all children, but the class didn't care that 5-year-old Parker was hit with a paint can while trying to defend his sister.
