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Recap / Fraggle Rock S 1 E 15 I Dont Care

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"Sorry, we only have blueberry juice."
After being given a lucky bottlecap by the Trash Heap, Boober feels brave enough to do anything—even be in Mokey's new play—but when Wembley loses it, Boober's courage departs. He visits the Trash Heap, who gives him a lucky blanket. When he tries to tell Mokey the Trash Heap gave it to him so he can be in the play, she misunderstands and thinks that the Trash Heap donated the blanket to the play. Mokey uses the blanket as a costume for Red, who gets paint on it, infuriating Boober.

The Fraggles decide to have a trial, where Boober plans to read a speech about his blanket having been mistreated, but everyone else just fools around, and Red spills blueberry juice on the blanket. More infuriated than ever, Boober decides to run away. Wembley tries to convince him to come back home, but Boober refuses, accidentally shoving Wembley into a Doozer construction and knocking him out. Boober brings him home, revives him, and salvages his relationship with everyone.

This episode contains examples of:

  • Artsy Beret: Mokey wears one while directing her play.
  • Blues: "Get Blue (Goin' Down the Road)," sung by Boober on his way to see the Trash Heap after his lucky bottlecap is lost.
  • Boomerang Comeback: Uncle Matt watches a man throwing a boomerang and thinks it's a stick that magically keeps coming back, no matter how hard he tries to get rid of it. Matt decides to throw it away himself, only to get knocked down by it.
    Uncle Matt: Love, your Uncle Traveling... [the boomerang knocks him down] ...AAAHHHH!
  • Bottomless Pit: Boober's lucky bottlecap falls down a bottomless chasm.
    Boober: Oh, no, my lucky bottlecap! It's at the bottom of that bottomless chasm.
  • Clothing Damage: After donning Boober's blanket as a costume, Red immediately stains it by climbing on a trellis that Wembley had just painted.
  • Comically Missing the Point:
    • When Boober tries to tell Mokey that the Trash Heap gave him the blanket so he can be in the play, Mokey thinks he meant the Trash Heap donated it to the play.
    • When Red spills blueberry juice on Boober's blanket...
      Gobo: Look at it this way, Boober. It covers the paint.
  • Continuity Nod: The Hall of Justice has at least two symbols, in relief, of the Solemn Mark of the Fraggle, first seen on the lid of the music box in "The Lost Treasure of the Fraggles." The mark is a pictograph of a smiling Fraggle putting his thumbs in his ears and spreading out his fingers.
  • Courtroom Episode: Part of the episode takes place in the Hall of Justice.
  • Crossword Puzzle:
    • The Trash Heap was debating with Philo and Gunge about spelling Maximilian with a Q on one.
    • Doc loves to do the newspaper's crossword puzzle.
  • Damsel out of Distress: What Red wants her character in Mokey's play to be.
    Red: Hey, why don't we call it The Tale of the Triumphant Princess?
  • Dude, Not Funny!: Boober's reaction when the others just joke around in the Hall of Justice, and even more so when Red spills blueberry juice on his blanket.
  • Encouraged Regifting: Philo and Gunge bring the Trash Heap a blanket, which she doesn't like because it's too new to be trash. She tells them to leave it out with the garbage, but they protest that this is the garbage.
    The Trash Heap: Am I the Trash Heap or a gift shop?
    Philo: Gifts!
    Gunge: That's it!
    Philo: We'll give it away!
    Gunge: But who to?
    [Enter Boober.]
  • Good Luck Charm: Boober's lucky bottlecap, later his blanket.
  • Hey, Let's Put on a Show: The Fraggles are doing one. For entertainment purposes, though.
  • Hurricane of Puns: Red cracking one bad joke after another in the Hall of Justice. Gobo is not amused, and Boober even less so when it leads to blueberry juice being spilled on his blanket.
  • Idiot Ball: It's not shown who put the blueberry juice right next to Boober's blanket, but whoever did so definitely took this.
  • I'll Kill You!: After paint gets on his blanket, Boober crawls into a hole to sulk. When Red sticks her head in, he shoves a pillow in her mouth.
    Gobo: I guess we'll have to try to talk out our differences, eh?
    Red: [spits out the pillow] I'll kill him!
  • It's All My Fault: Boober and Red argue about this. Wembley then insists that it's his fault, for losing Boober's lucky bottlecap.
  • Jury Duty: The Fraggles address the issue of Boober's stained blanket in the Hall of Justice, where they swear an oath and act as jurors. They play this for laughs, though.
  • Mundane Made Awesome: A blanket becomes Boober's lucky blanket.
  • Must Make Amends: After accidentally injuring Wembley, Boober carries him back to the Great Hall, apologizes to the other Fraggles, and puts the little wet rag that the blanket has become on Wembley's forehead, reviving him.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Boober, after injuring Wembley.
  • Oh, Crap!:
    • Boober, when his lucky bottlecap falls down a bottomless chasm.
    • And again when Mokey takes his lucky blanket for the play, leading to paint and then blueberry juice getting on it.
  • One Dialogue, Two Conversations: When Red and Mokey visit the Trash Heap and ask how to clean Boober's blanket, Mokey assumes she's given them her answer. Red is confused because all the Trash Heap said was "The Q is silent." Mokey responds that the words might be magic. The Trash Heap was talking about her crossword puzzle.
  • Over-the-Shoulder Carry: Boober brings Wembley back home this way after accidentally knocking him out.
  • Pie in the Face: One of the rituals in the Hall of Justice is the ceremonial pie throw. It's not shown, but mentioned by Mokey.
  • Plank Gag: After painting the trellis, Wembley accidentally knocks Boober down with the ladder he'd been using.
  • Poor Communication Kills: When Boober tries to tell Mokey that the Trash Heap gave him the blanket so he can be in the play, Mokey thinks he meant the Trash Heap donated it to the play. This leads to Mokey using it as a costume for Red—who immediately gets paint on it.
  • Repeat After Me:
    Gobo: I swear...
    Assembled Fraggles: I swear...
    Gobo: be fair.
    Assembled Fraggles: be fair.
    Gobo: Now solemnly repeat after me.
    Wembley: Now solemnly repeat after me.
  • Rotten Robotic Replacement: Doc, wrongly assuming that Sprocket is tired of fetching the newspaper every day, invents a robotic dog called the "Rocket Sprocket" to do the job. The robot fetches the paper in three seconds, but the paper is mangled and chewed up. Doc finally gets his invention to bring the paper with no rips or wrinkles, but the robot still isn't perfect.
    Doc: He did the crossword puzzle! And he did it in ink! You know how I love to do the crossword puzzle, Sprocket! I'm sorry, Sprocket, but this is one labor-saving device that hasn't worked out.
    [Sprocket barks excitedly as Doc sends the robot zooming out the door and throws his remote control after him.]
    Doc: Hope you don't mind. [Sprocket ecstatically licks him.] Aww, that's my dog! That's my Sprocket...
  • The Runaway: Boober becomes this after the other Fraggles just fool around in the Hall of Justice and then spill blueberry juice on his blanket.
    Boober: I'm going away and live by myself. And then I'll have my own Hall of Justice and my own parties!
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Boober decides to run away after the other Fraggles just fool around in the Hall of Justice and then spill blueberry juice on his blanket.
  • Security Blanket: The blanket acts as this for Boober, making him feel brave enough to be in Mokey's play.
    Boober: With this, I can do anything!
  • Shrunk in the Wash: Boober's blanket when Red tries to wash it.
  • Suddenly Shouting: Boober's reaction when Red gets paint on his blanket.
    Mokey: Oh... oh, Boober, please don't be angry.
    Boober: Oh, I'm not angry.
    Mokey: Good.
    Boober: I am FURIOUS!
  • Suppressed Rage:
    • Boober's reaction when Wembley loses Boober's lucky bottlecap.
      Wembley: Please don't be angry.
      Boober: I'm not angry, Wembley. Disappointed, perhaps. Distressed, distraught...
    • Boober and Mokey have an almost identical conversation when he learns that he's playing a fiery charger—but the back half. It almost doubles as a Running Gag in this episode.
      Mokey: Please don't be angry, Boober.
      Boober: Angry? I'm not angry. Dismayed, perhaps. Disappointed...
  • Sworn in by Oath: In musical form: "I Swear (To Be Fair)," with Gobo presiding.
  • That Satisfying "Crunch!": While running away, an enraged Boober begins knocking down Doozer constructions. When Wembley tries to stop him and apologize on behalf of his friends, Boober shoves him out of the way—right into one of the buildings, knocking him out.



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