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Recap / Codename Kids Next Door S 3 E 11 A Operation TRICKY

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Numbuh 4 goes out Trick-Or-Treating and butts heads with Stickybeard the pirate.

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  • Bedsheet Ghost: Numbuh 4 uses one as a decoy to infiltrate Stickybeard’s ship. Dumb John thinks it’s a real ghost and panics, causing Stickybeard to slap him in the face with his candy cane hook and tell him “get a hold of yourself, matey!
  • The Bet: Numbuh 4 bets the rest of the team that he'll get more candy than any of them. Thanks to stealing Stickybeard's ship, he succeeds.
  • Comically Missing the Point: Upon getting dropped into Stickybeard’s Pooled Funds of candy, Numbuh 4 is annoyed at the fact that he’ll never be able to find his trick-or-treat bag (which has a singular piece of butterscotch in it).
    Numbuh 4: Aw, man! I’m never gonna win the bet at this rate!
  • Counting to Potato: Numbuh 4 claims trick-or-treating is as easy as “one, two, six.”
  • A Day In The Lime Light: This episode focuses mostly on Numbuh 4, with the rest of the team only making brief appearances.
  • Explain, Explain... Oh, Crap!: When Numbuh 4 realizes he left Stickybeard’s ship with only one piece of candy, when he could’ve used the rest of it to win the bet.
    Numbuh 4: All I have to do is get a huge bunch of candy before the others…finish their…trick…or treating…? Oh, crud!
  • Fireball Eyeballs: Dumb John’s eyes turn into flames when he yells at Numbuh 4 that he doesn’t care what the captain said because Stickybeard hurt his feelings.
  • For Halloween, I Am Going as Myself: Refusing to wear a costume to go trick-or-treating, Numbuh 4 just wears a cardboard sign around his neck that says “gimEE” with the E’s written backwards.
    • Dumb John Silver is also very excited to go as a pirate for Halloween, even though he already is one.
  • Full Moon Silhouette: As Stickybeard’s ship goes flying off the edge of a cliff, it soars past the Halloween full moon.
  • Gross-Up Close-Up: On Stickybeard’s drooling mouth filled with rotten teeth as he licks his lips.
  • Halloween Episode: Numbuh 4 spends Halloween trying to prove that he’s the best trick-or-treater on the team.
  • Heroes Gone Fishing: While Numbuh 4 spends the night dealing Sticky Beard and his crew, the rest of Sector V, including Numbuh 1, spends the night trick or treating.
  • I Got a Rock: In a scene showing a bunch of chattering trick-or-treaters, one of them can be heard saying this verbatim.
  • Impending Doom P.O.V.: We see from Numbuh 1’s perspective as he hunts down Numbuh 4 in his cyborg costume.
  • "Join Us" Drone: Numbuhs 1 and 5 prank Numbuh 4 in their cyborg and zombie costumes respectively, droning at him to join them.
  • Less Embarrassing Term: After Numbuh 3 gives him a flower headband to wear trick-or-treating, Numbuh 5 calls Numbuh 4 “pretty boy.” Numbuh 4 makes sure to correct her that he’s not pretty, he’s handsome.
  • No Peripheral Vision: Numbuh 4 somehow doesn’t catch Chewy and Gooey sneaking up right next to him to take back control of their ship.
  • Not So Above It All: Numbuh 1 acts like a regular kid in this episode, such as going trick or treating, and even plays a joke on Numbuh 4 with the others in the beginning of the episode.
  • Rage Breaking Point: Dumb John Silver, after being mistreated by Captain Stickybeard one too many times, finally has enough and quits.
  • Right Behind Me: Numbuh 4 is ranting about how Halloween is for “stupid babies who like dressing up like girly butterflies.” It’s then revealed that Numbuh 3 is standing behind him wearing the exact outfit he was describing; looking, rightfully, annoyed.
  • Scared of What's Behind You: Chewy and Gooey jump ship and Numbuh 4 thinks it’s because he intimidated them, but really it’s because they see that the ship’s about to go off a cliff.
  • Shout-Out: Numbuh 1's line, "You will be joinified", is a reference to the line "You will be assimilated", said by the Borg from Star Trek. Numbuh 1 is also dressed up like a Borg.
  • Smart Ball: Numbuh Four holds both the Idiot Ball and the Smart Ball in the same episode. First, after Stickybeard steals his candy bag (which holds only one butterscotch), he breaks onto the pirate's ship, steals it back, and runs off, not realizing until he gets away that he just ignored an entire treasure trove of candy while looking for that one butterscotch. However, his Smart Ball moment more than makes up for this. First, Numbuh Four decoys the pirates with a bag that seems to be loaded with candy (but in actuality, is loaded with bricks) just waiting for Stickybeard to try and steal it from him. By the time Stickybeard and his pirates realize that the heavy bag they planned on dragging back to their ship did NOT have any candy at all, Numbuh Four steals the whole ship.
  • Tongue-Out Insult: Numbuh 4 blows a raspberry at Stickybeard to taunt him as he’s stealing his ship.
  • Too Old to Trick-or-Treat: Numbuh 4 thinks he’s too mature for trick-or-treating:
    Numbuh 4: Halloween is for stupid babies who like dressing up like girly butterflies and begging adults for candy!
