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Recap / Cloak & Dagger (2018) S02E07 "Vikingtown Sound"

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Adina is pushed to a dangerous edge as she looks to get answers and closure for her two boys. Meanwhile, Tyrone comes in contact with a mysterious figure on his search for Tandy.

  • Bait-and-Switch: Tyrone arrives to help Tandy, who just regained her hope. But suddenly, seemingly due to Mayhem continuously breaking memories/subconscious parts of his mind, he passes out and his powers go wild.
  • Breaking Speech: Lia gives one to Tandy, telling her that nobody is coming for her.
  • Diegetic Switch: Ty is on the roof of a building painting a large veve before teleporting to one of Andre's ambulances. The music is playing on the ambulance's radio when he arrives.
  • The Dog Bites Back: Del starts fighting Lia back after finding out that she has been lied to. Tandy also regains her hope and mops the floor with Lia and Andre's goons, with the help of Tyrone.
  • Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: Andre doesn't understand why Chantelle isn't afraid of him, nor does he realize that his despair is a very fragile thing, broken by a single bit of information.
  • Face Death with Dignity: Andre is surprised when Chantelle shows no fear at her impending death at his hands, which she states is because it's just another part of her journey. She even subtly signals Mayhem to not interfere when she notices the latter watching from the shadows.
  • Flechette Storm: Tandy gets her dagger powers back with a vengeance, and uses them like this to destroy one of the hotel walls, allowing her to charge straight through it as part of her Roaring Rampage of Revenge.
  • A God Am I: Chantelle tells Andre that his veve shows that he has the potential to become a god-like being, not unlike D'Spayr, his comic book counterpart.
  • It's All About Me: Andre once again makes it clear that he only cares for his own pain.
  • Ironic Echo: Andre has Del mop his floor. Once Tandy and Del get their hope back, she goes out to fight.
    Del: Where are you going?
    Tandy: To mop the floor.
  • Jailbait Taboo: Lia dresses Tandy up suggestively in a sundress and hairband.
  • Mama Bear: Adina has Connors at her mercy, contemplating to kill him throughout the episode.
  • Manipulative Bastard: When Tyrone comes asking for Tandy at the community center, Andre tries to convince him that Tandy left him behind, even twisting his thoughts.
  • More than Mind Control: Andre doesn't just use his powers to control the girls, he convinced them that nobody wants them and that they are better off with him and Lia.
  • Motive Rant: Lia tells Tandy that she grew up with three brothers and always felt like she wasn't wanted, until she met Andre, who showed her true power.
  • Never My Fault: Andre refuses to take up any responsibility for putting Tandy through her bad memories.
  • No-Sell: Chantelle sees right through Andre's false, friendly facade and is also immune to his mind games. At least until she willingly gives in to his "mercy".
  • Power Incontinence: With Tandy in the record shop smashing memories, Ty collapses and starts flooding the area with darkforce.
  • Psychosomatic Superpower Outage: Until the end, where she convinces Del to help her and thus regains hope, Tandy can't use her powers.
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Once Tandy recovers her hope and her powers along with it, Lia and all the men paying to have sex with the enslaved girls soon learn that they would have been better off just leaving her alone.
  • Slavery Is a Special Kind of Evil: What Andre did to the girls can be described as nothing else than this.
  • Spanner in the Works: Mayhem keeps correcting the bad thoughts Andre gives Tyrone, in order to have him find Tandy. However, she also seems to be playing her own game, as Tyrone loses control over his powers at the end.
  • Stockholm Syndrome: Del, like the other girls, is convinced that Andre "saved" her. She is finally convinced otherwise after she learns that her family has been looking for her all this time.
  • Underestimating Badassery: Andre doesn't realize that a vodun priestess can fight back against him.
  • Weaponized Teleportation: Tyrone has certainly come a long way. He isn't a match for Andre's musclebound enforcer in a straight up fight, but when the other man picks him up and throws him across the parking lot, Tyrone uses his powers to reappear behind him instead, using the momentum of being thrown to slam into his face, taking him down.
