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Recap / Bluey Chest

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Bandit tries to teach the girls how to play chess, but Chilli thinks it's a bit too advanced for them.


  • Armor-Piercing Question: Chilli and Bandit's conversation has one of these when she wonders why he wants to make Bluey and Bingo so smart so fast.
  • Artistic License – Chess: An In-Universe example; Bingo moves both a knight and a pawn at the same time to Bandit's side of the board, though since she's very young she doesn't realize this is against the game's rules. When Bandit tells her she can't do that, she says that her night is taking the pawn on a playdate with Bandit's knight because they're all friends. Bandit then tries to explain that this isn't how the game works.
  • Exact Words: Chilli promises Bluey she knows how to "beat [Bandit] in four moves". Now in a literal sense, she actually loses the game in so little time. But all the while, she has a conversation that disarms Bandit into realizing he doesn't just want his girls to be smart: he wants them to be self-reliant and ready for a life without their parents. So although Chilli loses the game, on a moral play field, she really did beat her husband in those four moves.
  • Freudian Excuse: A rather sweet variation. During a conversation with Bandit, Chilli low-key uncovers just why he wants to teach their daughters such an advanced game like chess. He wants them to be smart, sure. But why? For the same reason any parent wants their child to be smart:
    Chilli: (What Bandit would say) "Right now, you kids are little prawns, but one day, you'll be queens. And I wont' always be there to protect you. So you'll have to look after yourselves. But I'm going to do whatever I can now to help you."
  • Jerkass Has a Point: Downplayed. Bandit's not trying to be mean, but he comes off as this to his daughters for taking their pieces. It may not sit well with them that he can so callously take their pieces left and right, but as he so puts it, he's just trying to show them how the game works.
  • Joke of the Butt: When Bingo hears the queen can go anywhere, she has the queen have a picnic on Bandit's bum.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: In-Universe. When Bandit brings up the King as the "most important" piece, Chilli embarrasses him by enfeebling the King with how he's is actually the weakest piece for only moving one space at a time. Later on, when Bluey and Bingo try to use their Queen to retaliate Bandit, he takes it with his protected King, and even playfully remarks how it was the King who took down the Queen, despite being the "weaker" of the two pieces.
  • Malaproper: Bluey and Bingo keep referring to chess as "chest", hence the title of the episode. They also keep calling pawns "prawns", to the point that Bandit slips up once and calls them "prawns" as well.
  • Never Say "Die": Played with. Bandit is initially not afraid to say that the Knight is dead because the Pawn took him down. But after much emotional fallout from his distraught girls, he changes it up to say the knight simply isn't in the game. Not to say Bingo is any happier about it.
  • Punch-Clock Villain: In-Universe. While each chess piece is treated by Bandit like powerful allies up against enemies, Bluey and Bingo give them rather benign personalities in their own pretend game. The Queen (utilizing her ability to "go anywhere") just wants to have a picnic, and the knight on one team is friends with a pawn on the other team.
  • Shout-Out: When Bandit starts to get frustrated over Bluey not understanding the rules of chess, Chilli quips to him "Let it go, Deep Blue", referring to the chess-playing computer famously pit against champion player Garry Kasparov in 1996 and 1997.
  • Smart People Play Chess: Invoked by Bandit, who tries to teach Bluey and Bingo chess for precisely this reason. Unfortunately for him, Bluey and Bingo are still too young to grasp the rules of the game, being easily distracted by the elaborate chess pieces and turning the lesson into another one of their make-believe games.
  • You Are Better Than You Think You Are: Towards the end, Chilli low-key credits that although his wish to make the kids intellectual through chess is misguided, Bandit is a "good king". Likewise, he returns the sentiment by saying Chilli's a "good queen".
