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Quotes / Squimpus McGrimpus

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Quotes from Squimpus McGrimpus:

Hello, whoever you are. You just found a cassette tape hidden in my bedroom. Isn't that strange? A man like William Afton, someone so simple and plain, hiding a cassette tape. Why would he be hiding anything? I'm sure that, if you're from around here, you've heard of the somewhat recent happenings with Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. Three cases of one, one case of two. All of that adding up to the "five missing children of Freddy's." That was me. I'll elaborate on that later. And, y'know, I wouldn't call myself plain, either. I mean, people may think I'm plain when they first meet me. Just a father taking care of himself and his kids, who tragically lost his youngest in '83, and supposedly just got over it, right? Wrong. I'll never get over it... and... the fact that he died isn't the only reason. You see, Michael did it. Not a surprise, most people know that, but it wasn't an accident. He keeps saying it was but he's a liar. He hates me. And he hated Joseph. You see, Michael wasn't settled with being a failure, and how I loved Joseph just so much more. So he tormented him. Eventually, killing him. And y'know, that's why I didn't love him in the first place, he was always a terrible kid, not worth my time. But now I hate him more than I ever have. He's done so much to hurt my soul in one day alone. My God, Joseph... Ever since he killed him, I've wanted to put my hands around his neck and just squeeze the life out of his lungs, but of course, if I ever did that, I'd get caught. I couldn't work because I was thinking too much about Mike. I couldn't concentrate on anything. The papers started piling up, and it kept fogging up my mind, and I needed a release. Then I had an idea. Hey... Maybe it doesn't necessarily have to be Michael. It could be any other brat as long as they're like him. Now. Where do all of those children go? Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. And hey, if they're like Michael, they deserve it. I went up there about four times. Picked the worst kids of the bunch, took them back, and I gave it to them. I couldn't do much, of course, they'd start squealing. So I made it quick enough to be efficient, but long enough to make it last... It was hell for them, but it was heaven for me. And... Then I leave. Without the slightest bit of guilt! So, there you go. And, now that you've heard this, you should know... That I check this spot every day, to see if this tape has moved. I've seen it so many times, I'll be able to notice even the slightest difference. I will know. So you'd better put it back, Michael. As neatly as you can. And start running.
William Afton, Memories

I don't exist? You said you were sorry and that you loved me. But I know you don't. You're lying. You don't love me. I don't love you either. And I'll take you with me to show you how it feels to stop existing.
Joseph Afton, Company PSA

I bet they're wondering why they're not up in Heaven right now. Y'know, they… 'got' me, so… why aren't they dancing up there with all the angels? We're not going anywhere because He doesn't care. God doesn't care about justice, or what's right or wrong; God just likes to watch interesting things happen. I would know. I would know… I hope He's treating you better than me, Joseph.
William Afton, Finale

How could you do that to your own father?! I hate you. I've always hated you! I'm going to kill you, and I'm going to make it hurt. Oh, how I miss the way you used to cry when I screamed at you... It's going to get so much worse. I'm going to get out. And I'm going to find you. And I'll give you a real reason to cry…
William Afton, speaking directly to Michael in Finale
