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Quotes / Barbie Doll Anatomy

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Okay, so... being pieced together like... Frankenstein’s monster or something was weird. He didn’t see anything that looked like a 'hatch' though. Dr. Bradford said they’d installed several of them. He patted down his chest and felt down his sides and didn’t feel anything odd.

He froze as a horrifying thought crossed his mind.

They wouldn’t have...

John hesitated for a moment before biting the metaphorical bullet and quickly pulling open the waistband of his boxers.

That... well, there wasn’t a hatch, but... no, no, this was definitely worse! Why would they do that?! He didn’t care what Dr. Bradford had said about the condition he was in, he refused to believe that that particular part of his anatomy could ever be damaged enough that he would prefer to have it removed!

Tanis (Shrugs): Be naked if you want, so long as your fancy flow skin covers your bits, I don’t care.
Sera: I’ve never let my bits show; I’m not lewd or anything.
Aeon 14, The Scipio Alliance: Khardine

Cat: You think he'll try and seduce her? (A very poorly constructed Marilyn Monroe droid)
Lister: I hardly think so. He's a bit like Action Man in that department, just plastic underpants and a trademark.
Red Dwarf, "The Last Day"

Bartleby: You can't be anal-retentive if you don't have an anus.
Loki: Last four days on Earth? Mmm. If I had a dick, I'd go get laid.
Serendipity: As you can see, [lowers her pants] I lack definition.
Metatron: I couldn't rape you if I wanted to! Angels are ill-equipped. See? I'm as anatomically impaired as a Ken doll. Honestly, you bottom-feeders and your arrogance. You think everybody's just trying to get into your knickers...

Why would I care? I'm not even anatomically correct, I run around naked and I got no junk!

EMH Mk1: I'm as close to a sentient life-form as any hologram could hope to be. I socialise with the crew, fraternise with aliens. I've even had sexual relations.
EMH Mk2: Sex! How's that possible? We're not equipped with a—
EMH Mk1: (cutting in with a smug expression) Let's just say I made an addition to my program.
Star Trek: Voyager, "Message in a Bottle"

Ted: Me and Norah met in 2002 at a party at Belinda Carlisle's house, and we had awkward fuzzy sex in the coat room.
Norah Jones: Actually, you weren't so bad for a guy with no penis.
Ted: Yeah, you know, I have written so many angry letters to Hasbro about that.

"He's got the whole Ken doll thing going on in the, uh, crotchular region."

Rai: He's like Ken... made of plastic and perfect!
Anna: But at least he's got a willy.
Naked Attraction

"Watch [Jasmine] slum it up with Aladdin, a hunky thief with no home, no parents, and no nipples!"

Secretary Barbie: You killed your wife when she was pregnant!
Ken: But I don't have a dick!
Robot Chicken, Gone Barbie

"He has no junk?!"

"I swear, the bastard has no pintel!"

"There ain't no such thing as a potato sack, sweetheart!!"

Guy 1: I have to go pee.
Guy 2: With what?!
Minilife TV, "Br*ck People Say!"

Freeza: Oh...GOD! Daddy, where's your decency?!
King Cold: Oh come on Freeza, there's nothing to be ashamed about. Literally! There's nothing there!
Freeza: I still have so many questions about that...
HFIL, "Little Lord Freeza"
