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Quotes / And Then What?

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"I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do with one if I caught it!"
The Joker, The Dark Knight

Iroh: What do you plan to do now that you've found the Avatar's bison? Keep him locked in our new apartment? Should I go put on a pot of tea for him?
Zuko: First I have to get him out of here.
Iroh: And then what?! You never think these things through! This is exactly what happened when you captured the Avatar at the North Pole! You had him, and then you had nowhere to go!
Zuko: I would have figured something out!
Iroh: No! If his friends hadn't found you, you would have frozen to death!

Lex Luthor: Say you succeed. You absorb all the information on Earth and destroy it. Then what?
Brainiac: I repeat the process across the entire universe, until I have recorded all knowledge and destroyed all of creation.
Lex Luthor: And then?
Brainiac: Then my program is complete. My function is fulfilled.
Lex Luthor: If you possess all information, you're a god.
Brainiac: My program will be complete. It is the end of all things.
Lex Luthor: What if it were just the beginning? I can show you a purpose beyond the fulfillment of your programming.
Brainiac: It is extremely unlikely that your inferior human intellect has anything to offer me.
Lex Luthor: Since we've become so close, I'm gonna let that pass. I'm offering you the one thing you've always lacked. A certain something that I happen to have in abundance.
Brainiac: Which is?
Lex Luthor: Imagination. I've got a proposition for you, partner...

"Why don't you put the whole WORLD in a BOTTLE, Superman?"
Lex Luthor, Superman: Red Son

Murmina: If you will not finish him... I will!
Rex: I cannot allow you to do that, Murmina.
Murmina: Why?!
Rex: Let us say you get your revenge. What then? Your people will still be dead. Your home will still be in ruin. Nothing will change. Nothing will end. Revenge is an empty victory, if it can be called a victory at all. You might kill Vastor now, but that will not douse the flames of hatred that burn within you. There is only one way to extinguish that fire, and it is perhaps the hardest thing you will ever do. You must forgive him.
Murmina: That... that is not possible! He killed them all! Everyone I knew! Everyone I cared for! They all died! My family — my friends! All because of him!
Rex: Take your revenge, and you shackle yourself to a wheel of hatred that has turned since before you were born.

Supergirl: What's the use of this, Satan Girl? There's nothing left for you. If you kill me... what's left for you to make a life from?
Satan Girl: I'll work that out afterward. Stop resisting me and I'll get to it sooner.

"Dream Land will be MINE!
...Not sure what I'll do with it, but I'll figure something out."
Yin-Yarn, Kirby's Epic Yarn

"I could probably net a lot of money, one way or the other, if I did things carefully. But research shows money doesn't make people happier, once they make enough to avoid day-to-day financial stress. I could mess with people endlessly, but I do that already. I could get a political or religious idea out to most of the world, but since March of 1997 I don't really believe in anything. So, here I sit, a puppetmaster who wants nothing from his puppets."
Black Hat Guy, xkcd

Linkara: After I'm consumed by you, what're you going to do next?
The Entity/Missing№: I will spread throughout this universe until it and I are the same-till it and I are the same. From there, I shall do as I have always done: I shall travel from universe to universe and they shall become extensions of my being, simultaneously piece and whole. Every star, every cosmos, every dimension, all things living and dead shall become meee... No empty space, no limit, nothing existing except for me. Existence shall become solely defined by me because I am existence!
Linkara: Oh, and then what're you going to do?
The Entity/Missing№: What?
Linkara: I was just curious what you intend to do after you finish your goal...
The Entity/Missing№: I will exist. Everything will be me.
Linkara: Yes, yes we know that part, but what are you going to do? You will exist, neato! What're you going to do to pass the time? You will have absorbed everything, and I do mean everything. You will not just be the only being in the universe, you will be the universe! So... whaddaya gonna do as the universe? Will you create things? Well I suppose you wouldn't because creating something would mean it was different from you, and you'd just reabsorb it back in anyways... So again, I ask: what are you going to do once you've completed your goal?
The Entity/Missing№: Existence is... existence is... important part...
Linkara: Yes, but why do you want that goal?
The Entity/Missing№: Everything should... and must... be me... everything should and must be me.
Linkara: And when everything is you, what are you going to do next!? What is your purpose once your purpose has been fulfilled?! What will be your meaning when you have made the ultimate achievement?! Is 'existing' just an end itself? Well that can't be it because you're already existing, and therefore already fulfilling that part of it! So go ahead and create your kingdom of the Never-Should! Let the Glitch be everything! The distortion the reality! Become everything there is down to the tiniest particle until you are literally existence itself! In the end, you'll still have the same damned problem: that's there's no challenge left... No Heaven to aspire to, and no Hell to avoid. You will live forever, alone as everything, and existence itself shall be your prison! All experiences will be a part of you; all possibilities will have been considered and completed. Every life-form, every molecule, every single Should and Never-Should and it will have all been done. Everything will be you, and everything will be meaningless. And when you do become existence — when the definition of existence equals Missing№ — you will scream your shrill hiss and let it vibrate along the totality of your being! When the lie of your existence is laid bare, because there is simply nothing else for you to do!
The Entity/Missing№: You are... confusing me... You are attempting a deception!
Linkara: Me? Deceive an Outer God? I sincerely doubt that.
Atop the Fourth Wall, "The Electric Tale of Pikachu"

Shen: You were wrong, Soothsayer! [wields sword] We sail to victory tonight. Your magic panda is clearly a fool!
Soothsayer: Are you certain it is the panda who is a fool?! You just destroyed your ancestral home, Shen!
Shen: A trivial sacrifice... [sticks the sword's tip into a nearby fire, then pokes the burning tip to a map of China, which bursts into a spreading flame] when all of China is my reward!
Soothsayer: Then will you finally be satisfied? Will the subjugation of the whole world finally make you feel better?
Shen: Hmmm, it's a start. I might also convert the basement into a dungeon.

Exar Kun: [spends a couple pages trying to seduce Corran Horn to the dark side, using the usual suspects]
Corran: No.
Exar Kun: No?
Corran: No. You don't get it, do you? You've already lost and you're continuing down that losing path. Haven't the last four thousand years taught you anything?
Exar Kun: I know more than you could ever hope to learn in four thousand years or forty thousand years.
Corran: That may be. But I know the one thing you don't. You're never going to win. You destroy those who oppose you, and what does that leave you?
Exar Kun: The faithful.
Corran: From among whom arises a rival. You have a schism.
Exar Kun: And I destroy the heretics.
Corran: Yes, you do. And again and again that cycle repeats itself and you let it go on because you've forgotten the most fundamental truth of reality: Life creates the Force. When Kyp destroyed Carida, he diminished your power. When you destroyed Gantoris, you diminished your power. You're a predator over-grazing your prey, but you can't stop because the dark side fills you with this aching hunger that will never be satisfied.
— Exar Kun on the receiving end of Corran's "The Reason You Suck" Speech, I, Jedi

Tsuji: A man's worth is judged by how many punks he controls! Tsuji's troops will multiply and multiply and one day reign as the top group of Ragnarok!
Kenichi: So what are you going to do when you reign at the top? Once you graduate from high school, you can't be a delinquent anymore. And those punks, as you call them, would have to get jobs too.
[the gangsters are silent as the point sinks in]

Ursa: Jor-El should've stood at Zod's side against the Council! He should've helped us slaughter them all after what they did to Non!
Superman: And what would the General do after slaughtering the Council, Ursa? The destruction of the Council would've caused riots. No one would've listened to a thing you said. General Zod had no idea how to save Krypton...
Zod: I would have found a way, Kal-El.
Superman: What way? Tell me how you would have saved our planet. Tell me what you would have done.
Zod: You're as much a fool as your father. I led Krypton's military against Braniac after he disintergrated Kandor! I decimated the Doomsday terrorists before they unleashed their monster! I would have found a way!

Evil the Cat: I shall destroy the universsssseeeee!!
Henchrat: What we do then, boss?
Evil the Cat: I hadn't really thought about it. Gloat, I suppose. Cackle wickedly amongst the ashes, that sort of thing.

Bruce: And if you do find Harvey, and then you kill him, what next?
Dick: [sighs]
Bruce: Exactly. Then, you'd be alone, like me.

"KILL THE BAT! Sounds like a good idea. But have you thought it through? A few bullets, a quick splash of blood, and then what? Wet hands... post-homicidal depression. [fake tears] Why not humiliate him first? Expose his frailties? And then, when he is at his weakest...crush him!"
Riddler to Two-Face, Batman Forever

"Asuka, how long has it been since you’ve had a friend? Or even just someone to talk to?"
Asuka's eyes pinched shut. "I don't need friends. I don't need anybody. Everyone leaves." Faces flashed in her mind's eye. Father, practically abandoning her after Mother went away. Kaji, vanished and according to Shinji probably dead in his idiotic quest for 'the truth'. Hikari, evacuated while Asuka was catatonic from mind-rape, never heard from again. Hans, Winthrop's subordinate she'd tried to latch on to as a protector, who just left her cold when Winthrop promoted him to send him away. Shinji, staying in Boston for years after she'd approached Winthrop...
"Is that what you want, Asuka? I can take them all away. I can take him away. Do you want to be alone?"
She hadn't cried, not even the day they buried her Mama. She would not cry now. She would not. 'Don't take him away. I don't want to be alone. I don't want to be alone.' "I don't... ...need anyone. My arrangement—"
"Is a hollow shell, that you both fear and expect to collapse at some point. Then what? Water again? Or this time the barrel of a gun in your mouth?" Daniel said quietly, his words hitting Asuka harder than if he’d been shouting them. "Or a twist of hemp like your mother, feet in the air?"
A Crown of Stars, chapter 5

"And then what?" Whoever has the most when he dies wins!
Lawrence Garfield, Other People's Money

"So let me ask you a question about this brave new world of yours: When you've killed all the bad guys, and it's all perfect, and just, and fair, when you have finally got it exactly the way you want it, what are you going to do with the people like you? The troublemakers. How are you going to protect your glorious revolution from the next one?"
The Doctor, Doctor Who, "The Zygon Inversion"

Lisle Von Rhuman: Go on... Drink it. It is the completion of your life's work. You gave other people youth and wasted your own! Drink. And you will be able to work again forever! Drink... drink, Dr. Menville. You owe yourself another chance! Drink! It's the right choice! The only choice! Drink! SEMPRE VIVE! LIVE FOREVER!
Ernest: Then what?
Lisle Von Rhuman: ... What?
Ernest: Then what happens? I don't want to live forever. I mean, it sounds good, but what am I gonna do? What if I get bored? And what if I get lonely? Who am I gonna hang around with, Madeleine and Helen? What if something happens to me? What if I get maimed or what if I get shot? What if somebody pushes me down -- what if I fall down a flight of stairs or something?
Lisle Von Rhuman: But you'll never grow old!
Ernest: Yes, but everyone else will! I'll have to watch everyone around me die! I don't think this is right. This is not a dream — it's a nightmare!

Thanos: With all six stones, I could simply snap my fingers; they would all cease to exist. I call that... mercy.
Dr. Stephen Strange: And then what?
Thanos: I finally rest, and watch the sun rise on a grateful universe. The hardest choices require the strongest wills.

"Got to think about one thing," Marco said weakly.
"What if... what if you pull it off?"
Then he collapsed. And I was too busy hauling him back up to his feet to think about what he'd just said. Only later did it occur to me: Marco had seen the fatal flaw.
If I succeeded. If I rescued Aftran. Then what? I'd have an outlaw Yeerk, without a host, and worse by far, without access to life-giving Kandrona rays.
I could save Aftran. Only to watch her die.
Animorphs #29: The Sickness

BoJack: Jill, I'm not the guy who does things that are challenging or edgy or covered in milk. I'm about to be nominated for an Oscar. I'm thinking about my legacy now. I want to do things that connect with people. Things that last.
Jill: But that's the whole point. Nothing lasts.
BoJack: No, I know, but see, years after I die, people will still be able to see me in Secretariat.
Jill: And then what?
BoJack: And then, I'll be remembered. If I win an Oscar, I'll be remembered.
Jill: And then what?
BoJack: And then... my life will have meaning. I don't know!
BoJack Horseman, "Start Spreading the News"

"Is very strange. I have been in the revenge business so long, now that it's over, I don't know what to do with the rest of my life."
Inigo Montoya, The Princess Bride

"I'm curious. After killing me, what is it you're planning on doing next?"
Hector Barbossa, after pulling a dagger from his heart, Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl

Mature: What is it you're really looking for? Do you want to kill Kyo? Will defeating him finally make you happy?
Iori: Enough with your idiotic questions. Are you trying to make me angry?
Mature: Sounds to me like you're just afraid to face the future. You're afraid of what might happen once you do defeat Kusanagi.
Iori: [in one of his few moments of visible anger] ...Shut up.
— Pre-match dialogue with the Downloadable Content version of Iori, The King of Fighters XIII *

"Ya know, you've got this fantasy in your head about gettin outta the life and setting that other world on its ear. What the FUCK are you gunna do except hustle? Besides pimpin'? And you really ain't got the stomach for that."
Eddie to Youngblood Priest, Super Fly

Healer Kala: We don't speak of it much, do we?
Ben: We don't speak of what?
Healer Kala: Your future.
Ben: I'm certain that's all we speak of.
Healer Kala: No, we speak of your past. Of time unwritten. I mean your future as it exists moving forward from the here and now. [beat] Do you see a future for yourself, beyond… I suppose beyond the Sith?
Ben: [tightly] The Sith are more than enough to be focused on.
[Kala silently stares at Ben and waits]
Ben: [sags] I suppose I don't.

Zorc: I've finally destroyed the world!
Bakura: Well done, Zorc! What are you going to do now?!
Zorc: I'm going to Disney World!... And then I'm going to destroy it! note 

"I stayed here because I wanna learn magic, right? I wanna be a witch like Eda and Azura. But what does that even mean? And I've read stories like this, the main character always has to return home and, what, did I expect to be a witch back in Connecticut?"
Luz, The Owl House

Luz: Back up! Or- Or else!
The Golden Guard: Or else... what? You gonna blast me to bits? (laughs) Nah, you're too nice for that. Fly away? Uh-uh, you know you can't do that either, because then you'll be leaving behind your precious Palismen. You don't tend to think things through, do you, human?
The Owl House, "Hunting Palismen"

"...Now what?"
Bloat, Finding Nemo

"Great embodiment of chaos, hear me! For ages untold, I studied your ways, devoting my existence to you. I strove to be your vassal on the physical plane, to build mountains of bodies in your honor, to extinguish all life. And in my universe, this I achieved! ...But it gave me no satisfaction. In succeeding, I lost all purpose."

"What comes next? You've been freed
Do you know how hard it is to lead?
You're on your own. Awesome, wow!
Do you have a clue what happens now?
Oceans rise, empires fall
It's much harder when it's all your call
All alone, across the sea
When your people say they hate you, don't come crawling back to me!"
King George III on the newly-independent United States, Hamilton

Boss dead, level clear
Where do I go from here?
Walk home, try to eat
I'm not hungry, go to sleep
I can't sleep, lie in bed
Think about what bad guy said
"Even if you did defeat me, what would you do then?"
Tom Cardy, "Level Clear"

Once I master the martial arts... what am I supposed to do afterward?!
Esteban the Black Belt, Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
