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Playing With / Villain Over for Dinner

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Basic Trope: Main character's parents invites their arch-nemesis for a party/meeting/dinner/etc.

  • Straight: Pete Perkins AKA Tarantu-Dude comes home to find out that his mother had invited a man to a dinner... except that man is Electro-Man, Pete's arch-nemesis. Pete is not amused.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed:
  • Justified: Pete's mother has no idea that her son is a hero, or that the person she is inviting over is a villain.
  • Inverted:
  • Subverted:
    • Pete's mother invites Electro-Man over, but then becomes aware of the things he's done, cancels the dinner, and relocates somewhere else for safety, taking along a very relieved Pete.
    • It turns out that Pete's mother knows exactly who Electro-Man is and is not to be underestimated, having pretended to be oblivious in order to lure him into a trap.
  • Double Subverted: Electro-Man manages to track down Pete's mother and convince her that he's harmless. The two promptly go out for dinner.
  • Parodied: Every week, Pete's mother cluelessly invites highly dangerous villains into her house for cookies and milk. Bonus points if they don't have any ulterior motives nor Machiavellian plans behind their visit; they just enjoy the sweet treats and having a pleasant conversation from time to time.
  • Zig Zagged: Pete's mother refuses to even deal with Electro-Man, but then invites another villain over for a dinner party, only for her to cancel it because she becomes aware of who the villain is.
  • Averted: Pete's mother never invites any villains anywhere.
  • Enforced: "We have to ratchet up the tension with Pete's Secret Identity. Can't his mother invite Electro-Man in or something?"
  • Lampshaded: "Mom... you have terrible taste."
  • Invoked: Electro-Man finds Pete's mother and attempts to get invited in, hoping to use his trip in order to find out more about Pete, or even distract Pete so that another villain can work.
  • Exploited: Electro-Man becomes aware that Pete may have a Secret Identity during the dinner, and presses Pete's mother for information about Pete.
  • Defied: Pete reveals his Secret Identity to his mother and tells her who he has been fighting, and never to invite them to a dinner party!
  • Discussed: "Is this going to be one of those times where my mom invites a villain over to my house or something?"
  • Conversed: "Come on, you know what's coming next. Pete's mother is so going to invite Electro-Man over and Pete will be very shocked. Too obvious!"
  • Played For Laughs:
    • The instant Pete's mother steps out of the room Pete and Electro-Man are at each other's throats. They jump back into their seats when she returns and she somehow fails to notice the bruising, torn clothing, and blood.
    • Electro-Man, going as Flash, knocks on the door after being invited by Pete's mother, and takes a sip from his convenience store slush while Pete, going to answer the door, takes a sip of his hot coffee. The moment the door swings open, and the two come face to face, the two do a simultaneous Spit Take, completely taken aback by each others' appearance. The entire dinner party, at least with Flash and Pete, is filled with hilarious unease.
  • Played For Drama: This is serious; Electro-Man knows Pete's identity and where his family lives, and uses this information to force Pete to stop being The Hero. Alternately, Pete and his family now have to enter some form of witness protection.
  • Implied:: While the scene isn't shown, Pete / Tarantu-Dude and Flash / Electro-Man are awkward around each other, often shutting down any statement regarding a dinner party. Flash / Electro-Man occasionally mentions that Pete / Taranta-Dude's mom is pretty hot, before being shut down quickly.

Take a seat next to the bad guy at Villain Over for Dinner.
