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Playing With / Screams Like a Little Girl

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Basic Trope: A man sees something that makes him scream in a feminine way, whether for joy or terror.

  • Straight: Bob sees a dead body on his front porch and screams. When he screams, he has a high voice like a woman.
  • Exaggerated: Bob's scream is so high, that only dogs can hear it.
  • Downplayed:
    • When Bob screams, he goes from a baritone to a tenor.
    • Bob's normal voice isn't very deep, and when screams, it's higher than usual, but you can still tell it's a man.
  • Justified:
    • Bob is trans and still undergoing treatment for his voice.
    • Adrenaline can make people sound higher because it tightens your muscles, including your vocal cords.
    • Bob is a little boy whose voice hasn't changed.
    • Bob is a teenager whose voice is going through the phase where it cracks and changes a lot.
    • Bob is a Man of a Thousand Voices who accidentally slipped in one of his Cross-Dressing Voices.
  • Inverted:
    • Bob sees a dead body and does a strangely low roar.
    • Bob sounds like a woman, except when he's shouting.
  • Gender Inverted:
    • Alice sees a dead body on her front porch and she does a strangely low-pitched roar.
    • Alice is an alto usually, but when she screams, she sounds super high-pitched.
  • Subverted: Bob appears to be screaming, but it turned out that was Alice behind him.
  • Double Subverted: It seems like it was Bob screaming... then it seems like it was Alice... then it turns out to be Charlie.
  • Parodied: Bob screams like an anime girl when he meets a creepy otaku.
  • Zig Zagged:
    • A group of people, both men and women, see the body. We hear a high-pitched scream and it's unclear who screamed.
    • During Bob's scream the pitch changes repeatedly.
  • Averted:
    • Bob still sounds like a man, even when screaming.
    • Bob does not scream.
  • Enforced: Bob's voice actor (or physical actor, in the case of a live-action film) has this kind of scream as their natural scream. (Extra enforced if Bob's voice role is played by a woman.)
  • Invoked: Bob deliberately does a high-pitched scream to get Alice's attention.
  • Exploited: Bob's scream is so high-pitched that it hurts the ears of the murderer at his porch, giving Bob a window to either run away or fight back.
  • Defied: Bob avoids screaming, knowing that his scream is ridiculously high.
  • Discussed: "I have a confession to make, when I scream, I sound like a little girl."
  • Conversed: "Why do the men in films always scream like girls?"
  • Implied:
    • Bob and a few others go into a haunted house carnival ride while the camera stays outside. Various sound effects including high-pitched screams are heard. Everyone else exiting is okay, but Bob emerges a little twitchy and insisting that the screams were all part of the show and not him.
    • Charlie hears his roommates Alice and Bob cooking, a high-pitched scream, and a mighty thwack on the kitchen wall. Charlie runs to the rescue, to see Bob, Rolling Pin of Doom in hand, twitching and agitated near a rat hole. Alice, cool as a cucumber, deadpans "You missed the rat."
  • Deconstructed: ???
  • Reconstructed: ???
  • Played For Laughs: Cringe Comedy ensues when the arachnophobic Bob threatens to kill a spider, then screams like a woman, and the neighbours think he was threatening to kill a woman, leading to a very awkward conversation.
  • Played For Drama: The body is of a woman, so the police assume, due to the feminine-sounding scream, that it was the woman who screamed as Bob killed her. He gets arrested.
  • Played For Horror:
    • Whatever Bob saw that made him scream like a little girl means it must be so horrible that not even the men could stand up against it!
    • Bob has just reached his Rage Breaking Point, and he screeches with a pretty high voice... One that belongs to a banshee, of course.
  • Plotted A Good Waste: ???
  • Untwisted: ???

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