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Quotes / Screams Like a Little Girl

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Nedsy! If you're going to scream, at least scream like a man!
Hilda Krinkle, Get Ace

A long while passed before the calming atmosphere was interrupted once more. Two thuds, along with two of the most un-manly screams Speedwagon had ever heard, followed by another two thuds broke the calmness, all eyes settling near one corner of the spacious room. There stood Joseph, who had grumpily exited the turtle earlier, along with a woman and two teenagers, or well, two teenagers who were lying on the ground.

Bart: Wow, Dad, you really threw a tantrum like a little sissy girl?

Jack Spicer: I know what you guys are thinking.
Kimiko: You couldn't possibly, or else you'd be screaming that girly scream of yours.

"But Tommy," cried Tuppence. "The cry she gave?"
"That was James Reilly. Didn't you notice what a high pitched voice he has? In moments of great emotion, men often squeal just like a woman."
