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Playing With / Nerds Are Virgins

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Basic Trope: People having "geeky" interests and talents have yet to get laid.

  • Straight: Seamus O'Taku loves anime, manga, comic books, Star Trek, video games, etc., but he has never had sex.
  • Exaggerated: Seamus O'Taku is well into his 40s and is still a virgin. He may also be a Basement-Dweller.
  • Downplayed: Seamus has only been in a few romantic relationships, most of which were very brief, and never once had sex until he got married at the age of 30.
  • Justified:
    • Seamus O'Taku is considered to be unattractive, or he has No Social Skills.
    • Seamus O'Taku is saving himself for the right girl (or guy), preferably one who shares his geeky interests.
    • Seamus O'Taku is in fact asexual. He would actually prefer to take his geeky hobbies over sex any day.
    • Seamus has Perverse Sexual Lust and doesn't like 3D girls (or guys) anyway.
    • Seamus lives in an environment where these interests mark you out as uncool or generally a social pariah, hence girls avoid him.
    • Seamus' interests tend to attract a mostly male following so he doesn't get much of an opportunity to meet women within what social circles (e.g. fan clubs) he is a part of.
  • Inverted:
  • Subverted: Seamus O'Taku loves anime, manga, comic books, Star Trek, video games, etc. But he also has a significant other that he loves, and, yes, sleeps with.
  • Double Subverted: When he isn't too busy fantasizing about all those Moe anime girls (or guys). He is way more attracted to the Moe Bishoujo (or Bishounen) than he is to his real-life flesh-and-blood significant other.
  • Parodied:
    • Seamus O'Taku is a Basement-Dweller with severe Mommy Issues.
    • Seamus hires a prostitute, but it turns out that not even a whore is willing to sleep with him!
    • A jihadist arrives in Heaven, believing that he will be rewarded for his faith and efforts with 72 virgins. And he gets... 72 Trekkies.
    • Seamus loves his nerdy hobbies more than anything. The second he loses his virginity, he immediately stops liking them, abandons them in favour of more "normal" hobbies like sports, devotes most of his waking hours to the pursuit of sex, and starts making fun of his nerdy former brethren; calling them sad, pathetic, no-life losers who need to get laid.
    • Seamus has read sci-fi exactly once, and it was the Cliff's Notes version of a beloved story everyone already knows. He's still considered too geeky to be boyfriend material.
    • Seamus is a total sports nerd. The girls are simultaneously drawn in by his enthusiasm for a non-geeky subject and repulsed by his dedication going beyond mild interest.
    • Robert McMuscles, resident bicycle and Brainless Beauty, never bothered to learn anything in school because "books are for sexless prudes".
  • Zig Zagged:
    • Seamus O'Taku participates in discussions about girls, but would rather ogle Moe Bishoujo (or Bishounen) at home.
    • Seamus is actually quite successful at attracting women (or men) and convincing them to come back to his home for sex, but the second they spot his game console or shelf full of comic books and action figures, they immediately turn around and walk out the door while laughing at him for being a nerd, so he has never actually had sex.
  • Averted:
    • Seamus has no "geeky" interests whatsoever and is a Jerk Jock.
    • Seamus' geeky interests have no effect on his attractiveness whatsoever, negative or positive.
  • Enforced: "How about a story of the love life of a nerdy guy?" "What love life?"
  • Lampshaded: "Looks like another lonely night in playing Halo!"
  • Invoked:
    • Seamus O'Taku acts this way to drive off girls (or guys) who wouldn't accept his interests and would bore him.
    • Seamus O'Taku is a victim of sexual abuse, and he uses this to avoid being in any situation that reminds him of his abuse.
  • Exploited: An evil cult needs to perform several virgin sacrifices as part of an ancient ritual to gain great power; so they start abducting lots of nerds in order to get a steady supply of virgins.
  • Defied: Seamus O'Taku keeps himself interesting and sexy, even in spite of his "geeky" interests. He practices good social skills, and gets plenty of action regularly.
  • Discussed: "No, I'm not a virgin just because I'm a nerd! That doesn't even follow!"
  • Conversed: "Poor Seamus. He'll never get a girlfriend like that!" "It's so hard to get any if you like anime!"
  • Deconstructed: Seamus O'Taku has no interests that others (save for fellow nerds) can relate to, and feels alienated by the others (and they, likewise, feel alienated by him). He then fixates on the geeky pursuits that give him comfort, resulting in further alienation and further comfort-seeking.
  • Reconstructed:
    • Seamus O'Taku still likes his anime, manga, video games, comic books, Star Trek etc. But develops other interests, and becomes a more well-rounded person. He also develops better social skills as he comes out of his shell. Eventually he meets a girl (or guy) that he likes, and they have a happy, healthy relationship. (And, yes, sex.)
    • Alternatively: It turns out that Seamus' lack of sexual life isn't a consequence of his geeky-interests, but a life-style decision. He might be waiting for the right moment and / or person, or he might be not interested in it at all; however this situation doesn't have a negative impact at all on him, as he uses all the extra energy, time and resources he would spend "trying to get some" to do constructive things (like writing science fiction novels, or building robots) that are more fulfilling and satisfying to him.
  • Played For Laughs:
  • Played For Drama:
    • Seamus fears that he'll never get married and may die alone.
    • All the nerd-shaming and Virgin-Shaming Seamus faces causes him to fall in with a misogynistic hate group, because he finds people who, like him, are frustrated by all that shaming.
  • Implied: When someone asks Seamus about his love life he just looks sad and tells the person who asked to shut up.

Go back to Nerds Are Virgins and continue browsing this site, because it's not like you'll ever be getting any.
