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Pantheon / GUAL Virtuous Stars

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Initially conceived as a counter to Lucifer's council themed around the Seven Deadly Sins, the Virtuous Stars are the GUAL's representation of the Seven Heavenly Virtues, publicly meant to be pillars of moral virtue. More accurately, they are propaganda heroes who serve primarily as PR, and for the more sinister members a means of making Law a more attractive option. Of course, this doesn't stop them from being role models inside or outside the GUAL, and they're also meant to boost alliance's morale. The Virtuous Stars themselves hope to use their role as morale boosters to keep the peace within the alliance.

Nerose Satanael, God of Inducing Happiness Over Free Will (Third Holder Of Throne, Third Heaven, The Morning Star, Sinless God, Myjoujou, God of Tendou Hisouten)

  • Overdeity
  • Symbol: The tower of Babel surrounded by a pair of angelic wings
  • Alignment: Lawful Good in intention, Lawful Evil in execution (maybe Lawful Neutral if you're generous)
  • Reason for Joining: Believes an alliance with YHVH will help speed up his plans for making his ideal world.
  • Represents Virtue as a whole, and the lack of sin. Most suspect he was put in charge as a distraction, part of the alliance's power play.
  • Loyalty to YHVH: Complicated. The two respect each other and are willing to work with one another and do so well, it’s just that YHVH believes he is the Top God while Nerose wishes to surpass any Creator out there. See the problem?
  • Threat Level to the Alliances: Infinite. Can essentially do anything that he can think of and will use it against those he deems as evils he must cleanse.

Metatron, the Face and the Voice, Lesser YHVH, (Attendant of the Infinite, Mechanical Angel)

  • Intermediate God
  • Symbol: A large golden cross
  • Alignment: Lawful Good in his own mind (essentially because he follows his master's commands), Lawful Evil to anyone that does not follow him
  • Reason For Joining: His undying loyalty to his master, YHVH.
  • Virtue: Obedience
  • Loyalty to YHVH: Absolute. Unquestionable. He couldn't be more dedicated to YHVH if he tried.
  • Threat Level to the Alliances: Moderate. Metatron is referred to as the Lesser YHVH, and has enough power to back it up.

Anna Nishikinomiya, Goddess of The Dangers of Political Correctness

  • Lesser Goddess, though she can jump to Intermediate when motivated or angered
  • Symbol: Her personalized neck band and bracelet. Alternatively, a bottle of her "Love Nectar"
  • Alignment: Lawful Good but can become Chaotic Neutral if Tanukichi Okuma is involved.
  • Reason For Joining: She believes that Law is a good way to spread political correctness
  • Virtue: Chastity
  • Loyalty to YHVH: Medium. She's about obedience and social norms, but isn't as hardcore as the Great Will would like
  • Threat Level to the Alliances: Low

Tartarus, The Unholy Protogenoi Of The God's Prison (The Pit, Tartaros, Protogenos of the Abyss, The Pit of Evil, Father of the Gigantes, Stinking Pit, Erebus, Erebos, God of the Abyss, Grandfather of all Monsters)

  • Overdeity
  • Alignment: Lawful Evil
  • Reason for joining: To keep an eye on other gods and improve his ability to contain others, which the GUAL is best suited for out of the various alliances.
  • Virtue: Diligence
  • Loyalty to YHVH: None whatsoever. He holds no value to the GUAL's ideas, he simply finds them convenient in doing his job and found the Virtuous Stars to be interesting.
  • Threat Level to the Alliances: Very high-immense. Tartarus is capable of containing Greater Gods easily, given the imprisonment of many Titans within him. However he's limited in mobility and doesn't have much experience in his humanoid form.

Aziraphale, Co-God of Odd Friendship (Angel)

  • Intermediate God
  • Symbol: A Flaming Sword
  • Alignment: Lawful Neutral on paper, really Neutral Good
  • Reason for joining: Mainly because of the propaganda of an angel getting along with a demon, reflecting how Heaven is not above using Hell's forces. Aziraphale wants to make the GUAL friendlier
  • Virtue: Kindness
  • Loyalty to YHVH: Low. He's more here out a sense of duty and moral support than anything.
  • Threat Level to the Alliances: Medium.

Bro'dee Walker, God of Compassionate Preachers (Saint Walker)

  • Lesser God (Intermediate in the presence of a Green Lantern)
  • Symbol: The Blue Lantern sigil
  • Alignment: Neutral Good
  • Reason for joining: To act as an Internal Reformist of the GUAL and turn them into a means of inspiring hope.
  • Virtue: Patience
  • Loyalty to YHVH: Absolutely none. Saint Walker is trying to better the GUAL from the inside and is working with the Magistrate Judges to make the Virtuous Stars not in name only, along with moderating YHVH's influence.
  • Threat Level to the Alliances: Low on his own. High with the presence of a Green Lantern, as with willpower the Blue Lanterns are one of the strongest lantern corps.

Captain Archibald Haddock, God of Alcohol-Induced Idiocy (The Old Drunkard, Addock, Capslock, Kapok, Bangkok, Bartok, Fatstock, Drydock, Hopscotch, Stopcock, Hammock, Paddock, Hassock, Havoc, Maggot, Bootblack, Balzac, Bedsock, Padlock, Hatbox, Stockpot, Harrock, Hemlock, Hoddack, Haddad, Capock Hatpin)

  • Demigod
  • Symbol: His hat and a bottle of Loch Lomond
  • Alignment: Chaotic Good
  • Reason for joining: Or rather, reason for being tricked into joining. Haddock is physically incapable of consuming alcohol having been given pills secretly and against his will by Professor Cuthbert Calculus to make the taste of even his own whisky disgusting to him. He represents temperance to YHVH because he's essentially forced to practice temperance, which YHVH knows he can use to his advantage.
  • Virtue: Temperance
  • Loyalty to YHVH: None whatsoever. Haddock was taken on because of his physical inability to have alcohol, and only shows up for image purposes. He's still an irritable buffoon regardless and has a tendency to get in hilarious and unlucky accidents which prove embarrassing to the Alliance as a whole. Anyone in the GUAL that isn't in the Good alignment tend to look down on him, with the High Council sometimes deliberating whether they made the right choice. He's secretly a GUAG spy, benefitting from a lower profile than most.
  • Threat Level to the Alliances: Low. He's tougher than he looks and is a formidable sea captain, but is still a normal human.

The High Sparrow, God of Turbulent Priests

  • Quasideity
  • Symbol: The seven-pointed star of the Faith of the Seven
  • Alignment: Lawful Neutral (Lawful Evil on the show)
  • Reason for joining: The High Sparrow wants to spread his faith, and tackle the aristocracy and elitism throughout the multiverse
  • Virtue: Humility
  • Loyalty to YHVH: Medium-high. The High Sparrow doesn't think YHVH is God, just a powerful manifestation of the Father and thinks His desire for worship is meant to test his faith. However YHVH (at least when in a good mood) promotes egalitarianism and is a strong force to topple the said elitist aristocracy he hopes to. And the High Sparrow is certainly passionate about religion and faith.
  • Threat Level to the Alliances: Seemingly low, but the appeal he has to the smallfolk shows he's good at disrupting the status quo. Cersei is proof enough not to underestimate him.

Jonathan Irons, Representative of Extremely Powerful Corporations (Kevin Spacey, CEO and President of Atlas Corporation)

  • Demigod by himself, Intermediate God when commanding Atlas
  • Symbol: His corporation's logo
  • Alignment: Lawful Evil
  • Reason for joining: To bring world peace by uniting it under the banner of the GUAL and Atlus
  • Virtue: Charity
  • Loyalty to YHVH: High. Irons believes that people don't want freedom, but boundaries, rules, perfection and peace. More or less what YHVH is selling.
  • Threat Level to the Alliances: Medium, high when piloting Atlas.
