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Nightmare Fuel / Unsounded

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

  • The Red Berry Boys kidnap people to cut them open and replace their insides with some kind of smuggled goods. They prefer children, because you get the same money for a smaller body, and the girls have yet to develop breasts that get in the way of the dissection. Duane's discovery of a dying little girl is probably the most disturbing scene in the comic to date.
  • Ever wonder why plods are always muzzled? Zombies are constantly, insatiably hungry: even reasonable ones like Duane go half-mad when exposed to blood.
  • Starfish's serene look as he's about to bash Ephsephin's head in with a wine bottle is just unsettling on so many levels. Really, Starfish himself is just abominable.
  • Sette goes into the room which she tricked Turas into entering, assuming Duane had tied him up or something. He hadn't. Turas's blood and guts splatter the room, his intestines are hanging out, his rib cage is protruding from his flesh, and Duane is munching on one of his eyes. Also, Duane's face manages to reach Uncanny Valley levels due to his eyes. There's just something wrong about eyes that look so human, peering out from a face that's so ghoulish and wasted.
  • It's not that scary after initial exposure, but this page can make for one heck of a Jump Scare when reading for the first time. It stares into your soul.
  • A sight that Duane has to pass by every day on the way to work: all part and parcel of living in Alderode, it would seem.
    Crescian Spies on Aldish Streets? HUNT THEM OUT! Trade PELTS for GOLD at Your Local Vits Office!
  • Mixed with Nausea Fuel: That hand. Duane's entire body was like that for years, and according to Word of God, he could feel it. A few pages later in the flashback, his Horror Hunger is bad enough to eat the rotting mess.
  • What it was like for Duane when he 'woke up', so to speak: blind, constantly suffocating, choking on his own blood, and gradually beginning to crave the flesh of his beloved brother and wife.
  • The vivid description of Quigley's attempted suicide in Orphans:
    The end of his dagger was dipped into one of the candles, the flame greeting the steel with a gentle caress. He stripped his vocal cords so he couldn't scream. Then, when the blade began to glow, he pressed it hard across his marriage brand.
    Hot like her lips, like her forge in creation and in death, hot like the municipal office burning, like the woods burning in the night. So many fires, was it fair they always stopped just short of him? He swirled the dagger as his flesh split, vivisecting the insect (would Brother Hugh like to see?), pushing the blade deep until he smelled his own grease hissing.
    Press a little harder. Cut a little hole and let himself pour out of it, tipped like spoiled wine into the thirsty khert's mouth. Wasn't his heart hammering for it? Here it beat just below the steel, trying to excavate outward, stifled in the darkness by a cave-in. Let it out, let it out, let the khert fucking have it!
    • Comes with an addition of Tear Jerker, too, as he's destroying his marriage brand in the process.
  • Come Chapter 10, and Stockyard's plots concerning the Silver start going very wrong.
  • The thing that eventually emerges from the covered caravan where the silver and its hosts were held. An immense smoke eel with ten eyes, made of metal and the warped flesh of the hosts. Its teeth are hands, reaching out. Its eyes are mouths, open and still moaning in agony.
  • Members of the Crescian military slaughter the Crescian town of Ethelmik, covering it up as a Kaiju attack by the First Silver, on grounds that the town was a syndicate-infested den, but are intentionally killing everyone in sight. We get to see newly-christened orphans crying on the street and various individuals from the previous three chapters murdered in cold blood by the very military force that was supposed to protect them. Because of Crescian policies that control the media and a blatant separation of military and state, they can do this to ANY little town, anywhere, and get away with it unless the Queen catches them and has enough evidence to disprove their claims.
  • Lady Ilganyag's breasts have blades coming out of them, and at the end of chapter 11 she embraces an extremely unwilling Murkoph with all of them extended. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy, but still.
  • The inside of the First Silver beast. It puppets corpses to keep inflicting suffering, and because the khert isn't there reality is different inside, growing into "anything it wants". Even Delicieu is frightened by what it creates.
    Knock: But I think I know why ya brought us; you don't wanna be alone in here with it. With them.
  • The whole concept of the Etelarche curse. From the perspective of the one cursed, every single one of your countrymen (save the Soud caste) suddenly violently hates you and wants to kill you, even your friends and loved ones. From the perspective of every Aldish person within Alderode (again save for the Soud), your will has been utterly twisted and subsumed, and even if you remember what you thought of the cursed person before, you'll simply think you were blind and deluded for being taken in by them. And from the perspective of everyone else, a bunch of rational people have abruptly transformed into frothing, murderous zealots frantically trying to kill someone at any cost, whether it be dislocating their arm or running headfirst into snapping range of a senet beast.
  • The gradual realisation over Chapter 14 that Duane's 'lads' (the Plat child soldiers he's trained to take into battle) and especially Lemuel Adelier, are not all right in the head. This culminates in Lemuel calmly and deliberately setting a wagon load of captive Foi-Hellick rebels alight, and watching the blaze...
  • There are a number of gory and tragic deaths at Litrya but Glover's death in his pymaric fight with Keon is unsettling, he has just a moment of realization that he's screwed before his body is crushed into the shape of a nearby urn. Ashely also adapted this moment into prose.
  • Any child conceived within Alderode's dammakhert, no matter where the parents are originally from, is altered in the womb to be one of the Aldish castes. Alderode naturally takes this to a horrific extreme; whenever they conquer new territory they establish a khert hub and have the invading soldiers gangrape all the local women and girls to get them pregnant as soon as possible, kill anyone who tries to fight back, take the babies away as soon as they're born to place with families in Alderode, and repeat.
  • Anadyne merging with the Silver is Body Horror in the extreme from the get go. Eventually all that is left of her body anchoring her tortured soul to the physical plane is her still beating heart, pierced through and threaded with thorny vines made of silver attaching it to a giant avian skeleton that drags Anadyne's screaming helpless tethered soul along with it as Delicieu mocks her and reveals his plan to use what's left of her to "return oblivion" to mankind.
  • Ruckmearkha, left to his own devices during the assault on Port Morstoben, proceeds to slake his hunger by feeding on an Aldish soldier and then ripping the man's head off, and then slake his other urges by torturing Karl, 'sculpting' him by slicing off his face, and then raping him.
