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Nightmare Fuel / Madagascar

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Per site policy, Spoilers Off applies to all Nightmare Fuel pages, so all spoilers here are unmarked. You have been warned!


First Game:

  • Two words: GIANT SPIDERS.
The fifth level Mysterious Jungle introduces them in the final area of the level. They make an odd shriek as they attack, move oddly when they walk, and will sometimes drop from the trees above! And it won't be the last time you see of those suckers... They continue to pop up in several more levels, in fact, the tenth level Marty to the Rescue has two Giant Spiders approach Mort with the intent of eating him if you don't get to him in time.
  • Level 8: Coming of Age:
This level's final stage has Alex going through his 'wild' phase, and the ending to this level has Melman helping Mort go across the valley from the platform they were on. The real scary part of this level is that you can't touch the ground. It's basically a game of 'the floor is lava' and Alex is the lava.
  • The opening cutscene to this event zooms in on Alex, whose eyes are spinning wildly as he is berserk, stating his hunger, and even sees Mort through Meat-O-Vision.
Alex: You threenote  look ... delicious tonight ... ha ha! Like to come down for ... for dinner?
  • His quotes while you're down there don't make the situation any better as he obsesses over wanting to 'talk' to Mort.
Alex: Mort, there's something I'd like to discuss with you...
Alex: Come on Mort, I just wanna play!
  • Though the real kicker is this line:
Steak. Steak! GIVE ME STEAK!
  • Melman will sometimes try to call out to Alex to stop or remark on him being the first to fall, to no avail, worried about his friend having fallen so far.
Melman: Alex, snap out of it! Go un-crazy, or something!
  • If Melman does actually touch Alex or land on the ground, the resulting fail cutscene simply consists of Alex staring at Melman while making a mocking taunt about his victory, stepping closer and jumping up to snatch Mort, and running away with him. Even if Alex doesn't try attacking Melman in this instance, and Melman simply stands there without a fight, it doesn't make it any less scarier.
Alex: I just love having guests for dinner!
Alex: Ha! We finally get to play!
Alex: At last! Playtime!
Alex: Ooh-la-la! Mort-tar-tar!
  • Unlike in the film, Alex is capable of really roaring as far back as at New York, and doesn't need going wild to activate it. In fact, it is enhanced in scare factor in two brief instances where Alex roars before crossing a platform to pursue Melman. The ending cutscene for the level then sees Alex emit a much harsher roar than he normally does in the game ... right as Maurice drops the major bombshell that this is where steak comes fromnote  alongside Marty having been bitten offscreen. The animals flee upon hearing the roar below them.
Gloria: Unless we all wanna be steak, I suggest we beat it!
