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Memes / Pokémon GO

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  • Shortly after the announcement, people have suggested hypothetical dialogues of players breaking into places they shouldn't be in an attempt to get Pokémon. Like so.note  And then this is pretty much exactly what happened upon release and drawing attention to all the wacky predictions being right has become a meme in and of itself.
  • Jokes about how Nintendo will abuse Pokémon Go by timing rare, shiny, and legendary spawns to disrupt E3, Tokyo Game Show, and PAX, are already making the rounds, which has ocassionally mutated further into gags like Nintendo stealing the hype from Half-Life 3's announcement at E3 by deploying shiny Jirachi spawns, or breaking up the announcement of the PS Vita's successor by spawning Mew outside the Sony Conference.note 
  • There are also many jokes about Pokémon spawning in private places like bedrooms, especially ones like Mr. Mime or Hypno.
  • Now everyone can be real Pokémon trainers and stand in one place waiting for other trainers to pass them.
  • There are many jokes about how Arceusnote  will be found at the Vatican. Some take it even further and suggest that in order to catch him, you will have to defeat the Pope in a Pokémon battle. Related to that, once the game came out it was found that a number of PokéStops and Gyms are located at churches.
  • Once the game released, people started sharing pictures of Pokémon they encountered in odd places. Recurring themes include Pokémon found in the bathroom and silly Magikarp pics. Exeggcute is also a favorite subject for similar reasons as Magikarp (finding one in a kitchen, or on a frying pan).
  • In the early days of the game, many players faced an error screen caused by Demand Overload. Many memes have been made of this, often involving people finally excited to play Pokémon GO... only to be met with the error screen.
  • Size memes explanation
  • "Who is Pokémon Go's Professor Willow and why is he such a daddy?" and other assorted "praises" for the new Professor.
  • Canada is not part of North America. explanation
  • "The Authentic Pokémon GO Experience in ____" followed by an empty screen.explanation
  • Picking a team is Serious Business for the internet. It only took a couple days before memes were flying around left and right about how one team is better than the other two. Doesn't matter if you're on Team Valor, Mystic, or Instinct, you'll find plenty of memes bashing all three. Instinct tends to get treated as a Butt-Monkey out of the three, Valor is full of challenge-seeking, power-hungry mad-men with no manners, and Mystic are full of smartasses.
  • Jokes about "[insert some other popular game] Go" and just what that would entail, Neko Atsume, Digimon, and Dark Souls being popular choices.
  • Posting pictures of real animals and complimenting the graphics.
  • The fact that the team colors are also colors of major gangs — Blue (Mystic) for Crips, Red (Valor) for Bloods, and Yellow (Instinct) for Latin Kings.
  • Drowzee City.explanation
  • As soon as Team Instinct's leader Spark was revealed, comparisons to Owain/Odin were immediately made. The fact that Yusuke Kozaki is the character designer on both games does not help.
  • Minor text fixes. explanation Niantic actually acknowledges this in an update, saying "No text fixes".
  • GOLD TEAM RULES! explanation
  • The Team Instinct Dab Salute!Explanation
  • r Explanation
  • My preference in the mobile video gaming market is of the mobile video game titled "Pokémon GO", of which I perform with routinely.Explanation
  • Spark going missing from the game/"Candela killed Spark".Explanation
  • Even before a major Generation 3 update on December, there were tons of Mudkip memes throwing into the GO fanbase, along with the revived "Hoenn Confirmed" slapped to a lesser extent. Come this update, some people hilariously nicknamed their Mudkip when walking as their Buddy Pokémon. Like so:
    So I herd u found a Candy!
  • Also before 2017 Halloween event, the revived "Hoenn Confirmed" meme was also slapped in amongst the rumors.
  • Groupon Explanation
  • Jokes about how Professor Willow looks like Rick Sanchez also surfaced when the game initially released.
  • Pokemon GO to the PollsExplanation
  • Where's Kecleon? Explanation
  • "Please don't use this" (in reference to Aggron). Explanation
  • Singaporean Grandma Explanation
  • Several memes involving players getting run over by a vehicle while crossing the street by distracting with the game which became notorious how dangerous is playing the game while walking without looking both ways if a vehicles passes by.
