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Heartwarming / Superbook (2011)

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"I think it looks beautiful."

  • As a series-wide example, Chris has a tendency to block, shield, or otherwise pull Joy away from danger, with minimal prompting, with such examples being a thrown Lucifer in "In the Beginning" and Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego's execution in "The Fiery Furnace" (which features him actively hugging her as he shields her view of the flames). His concern for her is reciprocated many times over, too, as Joy is shown to care about Chris's Character Development (such as in "A Giant Adventure" and "King Solomon," where both times Joy, lying down as if asleep, is actually listening keenly to Chris voicing his concerns) and for his physical safety (like in "Revelation," where she frantically tries to reach Chris just before Satan makes a line of trees grow to separate the two). Ship Tease or not, make no mistake—these two really trust and care for each other.
  • "In the Beginning": After seeing how sin entered the world through Adam and Eve's disobedience of God's instructions, Chris decides to come clean to his father about how he disobeyed explicit orders not to go into Professor Quantum's lab and accidentally trashed the lab as a result of messing with his father's new invention. Professor Quantum's response is twofold—while he naturally grounds Chris for disobeying him, he gives assurance that he still loves his son regardless.
    Professor Quantum: Son... (sighs) You're human. And sometimes we humans don't follow the rules, even when we know it's wrong.
    Chris: Dad, I'm sorry. Do you still love me?
    Professor Quantum: I'll always love you.
  • "The First Christmas": Chris, knowing that King Herod is seeking to slay baby Jesus before He can fulfill the prophecy about Him becoming King of the Jews, is fretting about how God is going to ensure His Son's safety, even despite Joy, Joseph and Mary letting him know that they believe in God's plan for the as-yet unborn child. What reassurance is he given? Witnessing the angelic host, led by Gabriel, as they appear to the shepherds to inform them of Jesus' birth and then congregate at the manger where the family is.
    • The modern-day plot of the same episode centers on Chris looking forward to an annual competition at the mall where a shopper with a winning ticket gets to climb a mountain of fake snow for a chance to win lots of gifts. After Superbook brings the kids back to the present, Chris—having come to understand by this point that Christmas shouldn't be about what one can get for oneself—elects to give his ticket, the winning ticket, to a poor boy who he'd seen at the mall's window earlier in the episode, while he himself goes home and sets up a Nativity scene for his mother—something he'd previously rushed away to avoid doing.
    Chris: You know what? Every Christmas since I can remember, I wanted to win a chance to do this. To me, this was the ultimate, what Christmas was all about...but it's not. (sees the boy, goes over and gives him the ticket) Merry Christmas.
  • "He is Risen": Amid the dark and gloomy scenes of Jesus being on the cross, there's one moment just like in the original scripture that really stands out—the moment when He entrusts His mother Mary into the care of His disciple John. The response from John really clinches it, providing a visual example of how far he's come from being John the Son of Thunder to John the Beloved.
    Jesus: (wearily) Woman, behold your son. John...behold your mother.
    John: From this day forward, I shall care for her as if she were my own.
    • That moment also establishes how close the relationship is between Chris and his mother Phoebe, who's been drawn into the episode's adventure with the kids. Prior to the adventure's beginning, Chris and Phoebe were having an argument over his selfishly wanting to skip dinner with a visiting relative; but now, witnessing Jesus's care for His own mother even as He's dying, Chris silently walks up next to Phoebe and reaches for her hand...and she, in turn, without even looking at him, grasps his hand tightly. Chris might be a self-centered kid at times, and Phoebe may have to come down hard on him as a disciplinarian, but when it comes right down to it, they're still mother and son and they love each other.
  • "The Road to Damascus": When Joy realizes that Jason is right that neither she nor Chris can relate to being lost and hungry, she immediately softens, trying to reach out to him and show sympathy, something Jason clearly appreciates.
  • "Revelation": After accidentally burning the house down, Chris is convinced for a good chunk of the episode that his parents will never forgive him for it. By the time we see them at episode's end, though, their only concern is that the kids are unhurt after such a disaster and they accept Chris's heartfelt apology, with a family group-hug to boot.
    Phoebe: A house is just a house.
    Crispin: But you are our son.
    • The very end of the episode closes with a shot of Heaven reaching down to the restored Earth, with a quotation from Revelation 22:12, intended to lift the hopes of believers longing for Jesus's coming: "And behold, I am coming quickly."
  • "For Such a Time as This": Joy, Chris and Gizmo arrive in the Persian empire and are immediately separated by the palace guards to become servants in different areas. Joy is taken to be a chambermaid to Queen Esther herself, and during their first meeting Esther hands Joy her crown. Joy, caught up in the moment, tries on the crown, only to realize her faux pas and apologize while taking it off. Esther's response? To take the crown and put it back on Joy's head herself (as shown in the picture at right), establishing herself as a Cool Big Sis to Joy in the process.
  • "Job": In the midst of the Tear Jerker that is the episode's opening, there's something heartfelt about how Chris has no issue with being openly heartbroken over his grandfather's death and the rest of his Trauma Conga Line in front of Joy. There's no bravado, no cover up; just an open and honest expression of how broken up he is. And Joy, for her part, is clearly wishing that she could fix things for her best friend, even as she tries to comfort him in his time of grief.
  • "Peter's Denial": At the beginning of the episode, Chris has deeply wounded Joy by pretending he doesn't know her in order to not lose face with a bunch of cool kids, and Joy naturally feels betrayed. Yet near the end of the episode, when Chris falls off the disciples' boat and is in danger of drowning, what's Joy's first reaction? To order Gizmo to go get him, and then when Chris eventually comes to the surface, she grabs him and pulls him to safety. Just the look she gives him in the latter moment lets it be known that, hurt feelings or no, she still cares for him (even if there's a little delay on Chris's part to admit his wrongdoing or on Joy's part to verbally offer forgiveness).
    Joy: Gizmo, get Chris!
    Gizmo: Joy, if you do not want to be with Chris, what makes you think he—
    Joy: GET HIM!
  • "Ruth": The entire scene where Boaz comes to claim Ruth as his bride. No words are spoken between them. None are needed.
  • "The Birth of John the Baptist": While Chris makes a little crack about how he promised his mother he'd finish middle school before getting married, that's his only objection to the idea of being engaged to Joy, and Joy herself has no objections at all.
  • "Naaman and the Servant Girl": Throughout this episode, Naaman and his wife have been angsting over the fact that his having leprosy means he can no longer hold her, lest she contract the deadly, contagious, incurable disease too. As in the original story, the Israelite servant girl who's been working for the couple suggests that Naaman should seek out Elisha the prophet to be cured of his leprosy. Well, once Naaman finally gets cured, the first thing he does upon reaching home? He gives his wife a long-awaited hug, and extends it to the servant girl too. See it here.
    • Even before that, the episode's opening scene has a bit that serves as an Adaptation Expansion of how the servant girl came to be working for Naaman. As a prisoner of war, she was being argued over by two Syrian soldiers who both wanted to have her as their personal slave (and, it's rather creepily implied, as a little more than that)—only for Naaman, captain of the Syrian army, to pull rank on the two soldiers and claim her for himself...before then telling her, in a kind and fatherly manner, that she'll be kept safe as long as she follows him. That act of kindness is implied to be why she later mentions getting healing from Elisha when Naaman gets sick.
  • "The Good Samaritan": At the start of the episode, Joy is dismissive of a schoolmate, Samantha, who's been taking all the ketchup packs from the local pizza parlor, despite Chris's suggestion that maybe the other girl might be hungry. After the requisite Superbook trip where they learn about the titular parable, Joy demonstrates that she's learned the story's aesop (that we should help others regardless of how different they are from us) by inviting Samantha and her little brother to share pizza with them.
    Samantha: But—you don't even know me.
    Chris: We live right nearby. We're practically—
    Joy: No. We are neighbors.
  • "Paul and Silas": The kids are in a jail cell for speaking out in defense of the titular two apostles after the latter delivered the fortune-telling girl from Demonic Possession. Then Roman soldiers come in with new prisoners to share the cell-space, the kids are naturally quite terrified at the prospect...and then it's shown that their new cellmates are Paul and Silas themselves, having just been beaten. The heartwarming part comes in when, in spite of his obvious pain from his injuries, Paul's first response is to try and calm them down.
    Paul: It's all right. No-one is going to harm you.
  • "Peter's Escape": At the end of the episode, convinced that prayer can make a difference in the difficulties of the world when all else appears hopeless, Joy, Chris and Gizmo engage in prayer for all the world's suffering that Joy saw earlier via a virtual-reality helmet she was using for a school assignment. We see a view of the outside of the house, where the Spirit of God shines like a bright light from the dwelling as the kids are praying...and then we see similar lights coming from other homes in Valleyview as numerous other voices join the kids' voices in praying the Lord's Prayer.
  • "Joshua and Caleb": Moses's intercession for the people of Israel when God threatens to wipe them out for their open rebellion (just moments after they'd tried to stone him, Aaron, Joshua and Caleb for calling them out for their unbelief toward God's promise that they would claim Canaan despite its walled cities and giant residents).
    Moses: With Your mighty power, You rescued Your people from Egypt. So please don't destroy us here in the desert. Show us Your great power, Lord, for You said, "The Lord is slow to anger and filled with unfailing love, forgiving every kind of sin and rebellion. But He does not excuse the guilty." You are merciful, and You treat people better than they deserve. So please, forgive these people just as You have forgiven them ever since they left Egypt.
  • "Jesus in the Wilderness": According to the Bible, then-12-year-old Jesus's parents didn't quite understand what He meant when He said He must be about His Father's business and that they shouldn't have sought Him like they did, but His mother Mary kept all these sayings in her heart. In this episode, during a brief heart-to-heart with Joy, Mary outlines that, indeed, she has come to understand what Jesus meant...and she still trusts Him because she understands His mission better.
    Mary: Joy, Jesus stayed behind at the temple, not disobeying me and Joseph, but in obedience to God—His Heavenly Father. Although it is sometimes difficult for me, I know that He must be about His Father's work. Such obedience is more important.
    • A little later in the same episode, after witnessing how the now-adult Jesus has withstood Satan's temptations in the wilderness, Archangel Michael assures Chris that God can and will give him the same level of strength to withstand his own temptations.
    Michael: Now do you see, Chris? Jesus endured temptations, and will be able to help you. God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, He will show you a way out, so you can endure.note 
  • "The Birth of Moses": The scene where Pharaoh's daughter finds baby Moses in the bulrushes. It perfectly establishes her as a kindhearted and reasonable woman.
    Princess: This is one of the Hebrews' children...but no-one is going to harm him.
  • "The Sermon on the Mount": This episode shows the Roman centurion who cared deeply for his sick servant, and how relieved and joyful he is on his return home from meeting Jesus, to discover the servant well and back on his feet. All throughout the episode prior to that, the centurion exhibits a fatherly concern and a deep level of humility that Jesus cannot help but commend, just like in Scripture.
    Jesus: I tell you the truth, I haven't seen faith like this in all Israel.
    • On the kids' side of things, the beginning of the episode shows that they were on a Superbook trip to hear the titular sermon, but on their arrival home they've gone overboard (and a bit too literal at times) in applying the lesson. So Superbook takes them right back to hear the sermon again so they can better understand how to apply it. Just the way Superbook speaks to them during the warp comes across like a patient paternal figure correcting his children's missteps (which, given that Superbook's implied to be a manifestation of the Holy Spirit, isn't actually too far off).
    Superbook: I am taking you back to a place you've been, but for a lesson you haven't yet learned.
  • "Isaiah": The episode's modern-day plot revolves around Chris being troubled that his mother, who used to go to church with her parents when she was his age, has long since stopped attending church. At the end of the episode, when he finally gets to talk to her about it, Phoebe frankly admits that her Christian walk stopped being a priority for her once she went to college and married Crispin, but after seeing how excited Chris has been about his own impending baptism, she'd like to restart that connection she used to have with God.
    Phoebe: Seeing that excitement you have, I remember that, when I was your age.
    Chris: Mom, have you heard of Isaiah?
    Phoebe: Of course.
    Chris: God gave Isaiah a tough job, to warn people how important it was to turn back to Him, after they'd known Him and walked away. (Phoebe gets a knowing look on her face) Will you read this with me?
    Both: (reading together) "I the Lord said to Israel, 'You have become weary, but not from worshipping Me. But I wipe away your sins because of who I am. And so, I will forget the wrongs you have done.'"note 
    (they share an embrace)
  • "Jesus—Friend of Sinners": Jesus's first meeting with Matthew, with just one simple sentence. "Follow Me, and be My disciple." And then there's Matthew's response to it—he gets teary-eyed and immediately goes with Jesus. After all the verbal abuse he's had to endure from his own countrymen because he's a tax collector for Rome, it really hits home how joyful he must feel that the Master Himself wants him to be one of His followers.
  • "Paul Keeps the Faith": While conversing with the imprisoned Paul, Joy confides to him about her shaken faith following the earlier reveal that her mother's gotten inexplicably sick, plus Joy's own wondering as to why God doesn't just fix the situation right then and there. Paul, having gone through much tribulation himself since he became a follower of Jesus, sympathizes with Joy's plight, even as he gives her some timely instruction to help bolster her trust in God.
    Paul: Let me ask you a question—can anything ever separate us from Christ's love? Does it mean He no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted or hungry or destitute, or in danger or threatened with death? For His sake, we are killed every day. We are being slaughtered like sheep. Despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us. Christ Himself said, "I will never leave you or forsake you," Joy, and our worst situations can be turned for the greatest good when we endure them.
  • "Love Your Enemies": Chris's prayer at the end of the episode, where he has in mind a rival soccer player who he was able to witness to about Jesus despite the other boy's earlier rude treatment of him.
    Chris: We especially want to thank You for Your constant love, and we pray those who don't yet know You might come to know You through our example.
  • "Paul and the Unknown God, Part 1 and 2": At the end of the two-parter, following a presentation by Chris and Joy where they outline that science and faith don't have to be mutually exclusive, Professor Quantum—himself having always been a mild skeptic regarding religion—has a heart-to-heart with Chris where he admits to having noticed the positive changes in his son's life since the latter became a Christian. Chris, in turn, takes the opportunity to let Crispin know that salvation is available to all...even to the scientist.
    Professor Quantum: The changes I've seen in you since you became a Christian, the way you want to help more people, not just here, but in the community...the respect you show for your mom and me, doing your chores without grumbling, giving of your time and money—it's night and day. It's—it's amazing. It''s...
    Chris: Jesus.
    (Professor Quantum looks at him)
    Chris: I didn't even know there were reasons to believe. I experienced God, and that was so awesome, so real, so undeniable. Jesus is here, now. He's available to everyone. The wise, the weak, the rich, the poor...the scientist. He's available to you, Dad.
    Professor Quantum: I believe you're right, son. I believe you're right.
