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Heartwarming / Ozzy & Drix

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  • In the Pilot episode, Ozzy and Drix coming to terms with their new home and dedicating themselves to protecting it, in contrast with Ozzy's earlier eagerness to get back to Frank for his promotion.
  • Hector's crush on Christine ends up saving the day more than once.
    • In "Where There's Smoke", recalling how Christine was replulsed by Hector trying cigarettes is enough for Hector to resist Nick O'Teen's temptation to smoke another (which would have been the tipping point where Hector would have become well and truly addicted).
    • In the "Out of Body Experience" duology, his desire to impress Christine allows him to overcome his fear of water (gained after he almost drowned) and jump into the pool with her, allowing Ozzy to swim back to Hector.
  • In "A Cold Day in Hector", upon seeing how upset Drix is at his Vita-Crunch watch being destroyed (since it was used as a distraction against Cryo), Ozzy (who was annoyed by the watch earlier) goes out of his way to order enough Vita-Crunch bars to win a new one for him.
  • In "Gas of Doom", after Hector released the titular gas next to a compost pile, Christine comes up and, as planned, complains about the compost smell. After Hector leaves, Christine's friend comes up and asks if she just "Cut one with Hector standing right next to you." Christine's hesitation before answering yes could be read as her just taking the fall for Hector doing so, rather than just normal embarrassment.
  • In "Oh My Dog", the main reason Hector's mother won't let Hector keep the stray dog he found is because she thinks he's allergic. Once she realizes he's actually allergic to pollen, she happily changes her tune.
  • In "Double Dose", once Ozzy's Evil Twin is subdued, Ozzy decides to take pity on him. (For context, the evil twin was just trying to survive since his mutation would mean he'd be rejected unless the original was dealt with.) Instead of just having him flushed out of the body, Ozzy pulls strings to have his double sent to Hector's dog Uno. The double ends up quite happy there, easily bonding with the dog cells that greet him and contenting himself to being "King of the Canine". (And since this never comes up again, we can assume his presence didn't cause Uno any issues.)
