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Heartwarming / Amphibia Season 1

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"You can't take some wild animal you found in the woods, have it live in your basement and think everything's gonna be ok."
"I dunno. Sometimes it works out."

Anne or Beast?

  • Anne’s What You Are in the Dark moment. Despite her first instinct being to run away from a predator and leave behind a trapped Sprig, she stops and considers what she’s doing, and then she frees him from the trap she made and saves him from the giant mantis. This in turn allows her to gain Sprig’s trust.
  • Sprig standing up to the mob and getting them to realize (or at least acknowledge) that Anne isn't a monster, but just a lost kid who needs help getting home.
  • Sprig tries to share his toys with Anne so she won't get lonely. While he realizes he can't let go of any of them, Anne smiles at him to let him know she appreciates the effort.

Best Fronds

  • Despite still treating Anne with suspicion and calling her a "creature," Hop Pop pretty much adopts her as one of his kids. When he says that she should stay in the house, he asserts it's as much for her safety as it is for the village in case she starts eating people.
  • Sprig tries to stop Anne from jumping in the lake after seeing the sign. When Sprig is being the responsible one, you know something is up.
  • Despite learning what a real friend is (from Sprig's loyalty), Anne doesn't have any ill will towards her previous friends. In fact, she wishes them well and hopes they're okay wherever they are now.
    Anne: Sasha, Marcy, I hope you guys are okay, cause I am.
  • We don't get a good first impression of Sasha, given she pressured Anne into shoplifting the music box, but it's implied she might have lied to Grime while being held captive because she was trying to protect her friends.

Cane Crazy

  • Polly helping Sprig and Anne find a perfect replacement for Hop Pop's favorite cane so he doesn't kick her out. As opposed to her hostility towards Anne in the previous episode, she's come to accept that Anne isn't a monster and shows a willingness to keep her from being forced to leave the Plantar household. This is cemented when, believing she will be kicked out, Polly weeps "Just when I was starting to like you!"
  • Hop Pop clarifies that he was never going to kick out Anne, and admits it might've been harsh of him to use that threat, even to get Anne to respect him more.
  • When Hop Pop assigns Anne to dish duty for breaking his favorite cane, she takes it without a fuss, granting Hop Pop the respect she denied him earlier that morning. Also, she does listen to his list of comebacks for her insults without complaint, though he admits the moment has passed.

Flood, Sweat and Tears

  • After she accidentally breaks Sprig's favorite action figure, Anne goes to the basement to fix the leak that's flooding it so she can move out of Sprig's bedroom. One can interpret her doing this as being because she's genuinely sorry for what she did and wants to move out to give Sprig his space back as much as she wants to get back her own.
  • Upon confessing how hard it's been being roommates, when Anne and Sprig feel it has ruined their friendship, Hop Pop begs to differ. Because they're finally speaking up and being honest with their feelings, this just goes to show the experience has strengthened their bond.
  • Sprig giving Anne a tin can phone so they can while away the night talking about what they want, even when they sleep separately.

Hop Luck

  • Anne admits while they're trapped in the tomato plant that she just wanted to share pizza with her new family. Hop Pop in turn says that he appreciates that Anne was trying to help them win when she didn't need to do so.
  • Anne decides that if the Plantar family is going in the Cage of Shame, then so is she. Now that is Family of Choice at its finest.

The Domino Effect

  • According to Anne, she adopted her first cat Domino when it was just a stray. Anne must be a very sweet cat lover to adopt a stray cat out of spontaneous kindness.
  • Anne and Domino II spending time together.
    • Domino II bringing dead bugs for Anne. If she really is behaving like normal cats do, that means she's trying to make sure Anne is well fed.
    • Anne shows she understands cats really well, too, making a "for me?" gesture rather than getting grossed out or upset at Domino II's "gifts". She's also seen doing things like building her a playplace.
  • Even as a giant monster butterfly, Anne manages to entrance Domino II with a cat toy.
  • In the grand scheme of things, Anne and Sprig did save an innocent critter from those giant wasps. Now she’s grown up big and strong and is free to roam the wild because of them.
  • For all his belly-aching about Charlie Bigbottom, Hop Pop misses him terribly.
    Anne: I hope you understand...
    Hop Pop: Understand? Understand?!
    (starts crying)
    Hop Pop: I miss Charlie Bigbottom with all my heart 'n' soul!
  • Sprig giving Anne a homemade stuffed animal resembling her cat back home. Sprig initially thinks that she hates it, given her blank expression, and offers to take it back, but Anne then hugs it and says that she loves it, appearing to be on the verge of tears of joy. It’s such a sweet gesture and genuine response.
  • This exchange:
    Anne: (cleaning up the remains of Domino 2's webs, sighing) Well, just goes to show ya. You can't take some wild animal you found in the woods, have it live in your basement, and think everything's going to be ok.
    Sprig: (looks briefly off to the side) I dunno. Sometimes it works out.
    (Anne looks behind her, to where her bed has been set up in the Plantars' basement)
Taking Charge
  • After watching Sprig, Polly, and Hop Pop get overly suspicious of one another (from watching "Suspicious Island") over who drained Anne's phone, it's refreshing to see the Plantars return to being a trusting family by the end of the episode.
  • Anne and the Plantar family going to great lengths to help her recharge her phone when it runs out of power. In the end, the Zapapedes charge it to the point it's at 10,000% power. The heartwarming part is when one realizes it means she'll be able to look at the pictures on her phone, the only pieces of home she has, whenever she wants (possibly until she finds a way home).

Anne Theft Auto

  • Though she initially does it out of sheer boredom, Anne finally deciding to read Bessie's "manual". She really gets into learning about Bessie's life story, from cheering on Hop Pop winning her in an auction from a crooked buyer, to crying when she reads how Bessie saved him from freezing to death. It also doubles as a parallel of someone deciding to read a "boring" book for the first time, only to discover its profoundness and beautiful storytelling.

Breakout Star

  • Despite Anne acting dismissive towards the Plantars due to her new celebrity status, Hop Pop insists that they support her, because she's one of their folks, and they don't leave family behind.
  • Anne, realizing that the Plantars were the only ones caring about her before she got her pimples, wipes off the berries from her face in front of the public, saying she wants to be with the folks who support her regardless whether she's a monster or a celebrity, in spite of the orders from Mayor Toadstool.

Sprig vs. Hop Pop

  • While in the graveyard, Hop Pop finds a beetle stuck on its back and takes the time to turn him over. This act of kindness earns the loyalty of this beetle, whom Hop Pop names Jeremy, and all the other beetles too. The ending of the episode shows the beetles are still Hop Pop's loyal servants even after he returns home.
  • The episode ending with Hop Pop taking Anne's suggestion to heart when she asks if they can have a little shade while they work.

Girl Time

  • Anne admitting to Polly that it wasn't right of her to force being a "real girl" on Polly.
  • Polly making a name for the Plantars by breaking Wartwood's spitting record is this when one remembers "Hop Luck". For the longest time, the Plantars have been known for losing the Pot Luck every year and sitting in the Cage of Shame because of it. But now, thanks to Polly, the Plantars can be known for winning something.

Dating Season

  • Although they're just friends, Sprig and Ivy have surprisingly good chemistry. They're affectionate, comfortable in each other's presence, and enjoy sparring with one another. Their being friends unto itself is heartwarming, considering it was established in previous episodes that Sprig has never had friends, much less one that isn't weirded out by his personality.
  • Admittedly, the Love Doves are pretty and loving towards each other, despite being vicious frog-eaters.
  • The episode ends with Sprig off-handedly admitting to Anne that he's fallen for Ivy. What makes this especially sweet is that he fell for her because they bonded naturally and of their own free will, rather than because they went through some pressured courting ritual.

Anne vs. Wild

  • Even if they know it means they will never see Anne again, the Plantars have affirmed their support in helping Anne return home, whatever it takes.
  • Anne's decisions in the episode are driven by feeling like she's not part of the Plantar family. Conversely, the Plantars make it clear that they want her to be happy, and encourage her to go home with Bessie if she's uncomfortable. Even when Anne suggests going more hardcore in an attempt at fitting in, the Plantars pretty much go "If you're happy, we're happy".
  • Soggy Joe turns out to be a great guy, despite his oddities. Even with his crazy survivalist attitude, he takes the Plantars out for pancakes afterward.


  • Although it's partly out of guilt, Anne steps up to the task of taking care of the Plantars when they get sick from working in the rain. What's more, she legitimately believes the Plantars were sick. A lesser person would've thought they were faking it themselves.
  • Anne is tearfully overjoyed when she learns the Plantars are not dying from Red Legs.

Family Shrub

  • Sprig babying the Pumpkin Monster to the point it's happy. At least, for a while it was...
  • Anne learning about Emma the Newt, a traveler who settled in Wartwood and became an honorary Plantar in the family. Given Anne showed no interest earlier in helping with the Family Shrub because she wasn't a Plantar by blood, this convinces her that she can have a place on the Plantar Family Shrub just like Emma does.

Lily Pad Thai

  • In previous episodes, Anne acting like she knows best — namely with pizza making — would mean her schemes, no matter how well-intentioned, would go wrong. This is the first time that one of her well-intentioned schemes has worked, to make Stumpy's a success.
  • Stumpy also appreciates that Anne is putting in 110 percent effort.
  • This is the first episode where the frogs aren't scared of Anne and are happily learning about Thai food from her. They love her and Stumpy's cooking.
    • Mrs. Croaker orders a dish and asks about the pronunciation. When Anne corrects her, Mrs. Croaker is overjoyed at still being able to learn new things at her age.

Plantar's Last Stand

  • Anne feels guilt at Sadie Croaker's compliments to the Plantar family, meaning she can no longer distance herself from them when it suits her.
  • Anne also refers to the Plantars as her "frog family", showing that she truly considers herself part of the family.
  • After the fly attack, Anne cradles a younger Plantar in each arm to comfort them.

Toad Tax

  • Anne doesn't take any pleasure in being part of the toad soldiers' "collections". Even though the townspeople had mocked and insulted her earlier, she feels nothing but sorry for them, and even sees to it that they get to keep at least one of their possessions.
    • Notably, the thing she gives Wally is the very same thing that he swiped from her when shopping earlier before calling her 'scarecrow'. To some, it would have been justice. To Anne, it was what she could do. There is a reason Wally changes his mind about Anne after this episode.
    • Though Anne turns on the collectors when the Plantars are targeted, her discomfort with the "collections" and her justification for turning on them makes it clear that this was merely the last straw:
      Anne: Just because these people treated me crummy doesn't mean I'm gonna do the same to them. I'm done with this. I don't care if they've broken the law, you can't treat people like this!
  • Hop Pop showing Anne how to do taxes — while it's hilarious, it's sweet that he's teaching her something about responsibility and something important about Wartwood, just in case she does end up staying longer than she hoped. She's also considered a deductible, which is usually reserved for one's children. She is legally considered part of their family.
  • After standing up to the toad soldiers, Anne has finally earned the respect of the townspeople. From being called a scarecrow to being celebrated as the town's hero, it brought Anne to tears to see she's finally been accepted.
    Anne: (with happy tears as everyone cheers for her) Thank you, everyone.

Prison Break

  • While it's undercut by how she's only doing it to amuse herself, Sasha's method of manipulating the guards is to be genuinely nice to them. She's gotten rid of five guards assigned to her cell just by talking them into following their dreams, and every other guard that visits her is clearly happy to see her.
  • Grime's Establishing Character Moment: after using the first half of the episode to belittle his soldiers, he notices that Sasha is fighting for her life — quite effectively, at that — inside her cell. He immediately sees potential in her and charges in to save her. Sasha returns the favor soon after.
  • Percy and Braddock's Relationship Upgrade,
    Percy Before we die, Braddock, I love you. I've always loved you.
    (Braddock slaps him in shock and then kisses him.)
  • At the end of the episode, after Grime has made Sasha his second-in-command, she pulls out a photo of herself, Anne, and Marcy — the same one that Anne herself has. She softly and genuinely says that she's going to find them, and they'll be able to get home. Even though it happens just before giving a Cheshire Cat Grin at the thought of all the carnage she'll be causing before that reunion, it does show that she truly does care for both of her friends.

Grubhog Day

  • While it goes wrong, at least at the beginning it seems that the Grubhog is enjoying itself on the rides and getting treats.
  • In a twisted sense, Sprig and Anne accidentally saved the Grubhog's life. They created an opportunity for the bird to rescue it. Although, that gets undercut by the Grubhog planning for war.

Hop Pop And Lock

  • It was sweet of Anne to teach Hop Pop how to dance.
  • Even though everyone would say otherwise, in the end, Hop Pop stays true to himself and dances the only way he can, even though it horrifies everyone. And yet, Sylvia is not put off, and she even dances along with him,in the weirdest way possible. He may have lost the dance battle, but Hop Pop surely wins Sylvia's hand in a dance. It's made even more touching when they share a private romantic dance together at the end, with Sprig playing the violin and Anne and Polly dancing along with them.


  • When Hop Pop feeds the baby birds during the second challenge, Sprig notes that Hop Pop used to feed him and Polly the same way when they were younger.
  • Jeremy the beetle makes a short return, with him and some of his beetle brethren helping Hop Pop win the third trial by showing him the way back to civilization after being left in the woods. Hop Pop even thanks him and gives him a button.
  • Even though Hop Pop lost the election (thanks to the mayor getting the rest of the valley's vote), the townspeople appreciate what he did so much they get him a new vegetable stand. Hop Pop is so touched he's brought to tears. Also, on the stand's sign is printed "Plantar & Grandson & Granddaughter & Human" (notice how they're finally referring to Anne by her correct species term, rather than by the more generic term "creature").

Snow Day

  • Anne realizing that the weasel captured Polly to feed its young, and leaves it with the omelet she made earlier so they don't starve. She even regards the weasel with a touch of admiration as she leaves the cave.
    Anne: Now that's a protector.
  • A bit of a small detail, but Mayor Toadstool, despite all his flaws, truly cares for Toadie, as he is shown sadly hugging him in fear of losing him. They're even shown to be in an embrace once they're frozen.
    Mayor Toadstool: (sadly) Possible goodbye, Toadie.

Cracking Mrs. Croaker

  • Sprig tries to do a good deed for Mrs. Croaker by supposedly reuniting her with her ex. While it goes wrong — said ex has been trying to kill the lady due to a years-long rivalry — Mrs. Croaker tells Sprig she appreciates he tried to make her happy, and will make an attempt to like him.
  • It's an easily-missed detail, but Anne started off with a mattress on the floor when she first began living with the Plantars. Now she has her own actual bed.

Night at the Inn

  • Sprig cheers up Anne when the mountain pass is blocked by taking her hiking through a dangerous part of the woods.
  • Polly is terrified of the innkeepers and the dark. What snaps her out of it? Seeing that her family is about to be eaten, including Anne.
  • Hop Pop frees all the snails that were imprisoned in the barn, letting them flee into the night.
  • After the events of the episode, Hop Pop gives permission for Polly to sleep on her own. She says she wants to tuck in with him, however; Anne and Sprig then arrive and ask if they can stay with the two. Everyone snuggles while Hop Pop complains about Sprig's cold feet.

Wally And Anne

  • The conversation between Anne and Wally about her reputation.
    Anne: Back home, your reputation is everything.
    Wally: Well, lucky for you, you're not back home.
    Anne: Huh?
    Wally: Anne, the way I see it, you've got a great opportunity in front of you. Whole new world, new people... Free to be whatever you want!
    Anne: That's... kinda genius, Wally.
    Wally: [falling asleep] Yup, yup, yup, yup, yup.
    Anne: Hey dude, you still awake?
    Wally: Yup, yup, yup, yup, yup.
    [Anne covers him with a blanket]
    Anne: [sweetly] Weirdo.
    Wally: Yup, yup, yup, yup, yup.
  • Anne and Wally bonding during their trip to search for the Moss Man, from Wally saving Anne and her phone from falling off a cliff to Anne showing him her elaborate handshakes.
    (after losing track of the Moss Man)
    Wally: You lost your one chance to get proof, and it's all my fault. Now everyone's gonna think that you are as loony as I am.
    Anne: You know what, I'm good with that.
    Wally: Wait, really? What a turnaround!
    Anne: We know what we saw, and a good friend once told me it doesn't matter what other people think of you.
  • As Wally and Anne say goodbye to each other at the end of the episode, Wally sing a little song as he's leaving,
    Wally: There once was a lass named 'Anne the Fair', she put up a front and played a part, but soon enough touched this loon's heart.

Family Fishing Trip

  • Sprig telling Anne all of the memories him and Hop Pop have made over the years on their family fishing trips. It has flashbacks to Sprig when he was just a pollywog (Cuteness Overload, anyone?) and all the fun times they've had, ending with Hop Pop and Sprig fishing together with the former's arm around the latter. It is genuinely touching to see the close bond they once shared compared to the somewhat strained one they have in the present (with Hop Pop thinking that Sprig can be irresponsible, reckless, and impulsive), and it makes it even more emotional when Sprig realizes he might lose the one day he can truly connect with Hop Pop on all those fond memories to someone the older frog just recently met (Sylvia).
  • Sylvia noticing how depressed Sprig feels brings out the grandmotherly instincts in her. She harbors guilt over how lonely he must feel, instantly realizing that she may have unwittingly caused this. She is gentle and patient when she confronts Sprig on his feelings and doesn't press further when the latter denies anything is wrong.
    • Not to mention how she tries to bond with Sprig, showing that she not only accepts Hop Pop, but his grandkids (including Anne) as well.
    • And even when Sprig tricks her, resulting in her nearly getting killed by a giant crab, Sylvia doesn't get angry with him. She's warmed by his sincerity when he tells her he really is happy to have joined the family on their fishing trip.

Bizarre Bazaar

  • Hop Pop having followed Anne and Sprig when they snuck out to visit the Bizarre Bazaar, one again displaying his need to protect them once again. However, rooting for his parental care immediately dies down when the end of the episode reveals he's buried Anne's magical box, just after promising her he would help find some way for her to get home.


  • Anne is creeped out by Maddie putting bread shaped like Anne and Sprig in the oven, but Maddie later brings the same bread to their house as part of their order. Maddie most likely custom-made the bread in their likenesses as a friendly gesture.

Anne of the Year

  • Anne being chosen for the Frog of the Year award shows just how much she has grown as a member of the Wartwood community, and it's touching to see how the townsfolk have accepted her as one of their own.
    • Hop Pop quietly but proudly saying "A Plantar, Frog of the Year", showing that without a doubt, Anne is a member of their family.
  • When her hardcore party becomes a disaster and Anne ends up saving everyone (with Mayor Toadstool's help), she thinks she's ruined everything and miserably asks why Wartwood even voted her 'Frog of the Year'. We get this gem that shows how wonderfully developed everyone has become since the beginning of the series:
    Hop Pop: Anne, we didn't vote for you because you're flawless. Heh, far from it. We voted for you because of how far you've come. You've grown so much in your time here. And this town just wouldn't be the same without you.
    The citizens of Wartwood: (cheering in agreement)
    Wally: Hear, hear! That's why I voted for her!
    • What makes this moment even more incredible is Mayor Toadstool is forced to concede that the others are right. He even admits to Anne he's impressed with the way she just saved everyone.
  • It's revealed that Ivy likes Sprig as well after Sprig has spent the whole episode trying to convince himself to tell Ivy how he feels.
  • The end of the episode finally sees the reunion of Anne and Sasha after Anne has spent the entire season thinking she was the only human in Amphibia. The way they scream in joy and hug each other does seem to show a genuine friendship between the two. Of course, it's kinda overshadowed by the fact that Sasha brought along Grime and his entire army of toads, and we know they are NOT friendly at all.


  • In the flashback prior to their arrival in Amphibia, Sasha is shown protecting Anne from a bully who tries to steal her food.
  • A small one, but when Sasha and the toad army assure Wartwood that they merely want to invite them to a banquet at the tower, unsurprisingly, the citizens are skeptical. Then Mrs. Croaker calls out what Anne thinks of this whole thing. While may be overlooked, it's a sweet reminder how much Wartwood not only cares about Anne, but also seeks her opinion and guidance.
  • Sasha knows an execution would be traumatizing for Anne. So she takes her to her personal chambers and pampers her with hot showers and human snacks. That Anne doesn't appreciate it after learning Hop Pop has been sentenced to death is beside the point.
  • Anne, for her part, refuses to let Hop Pop die. She sneaks out of the chambers, poses as Sasha to send the guards away, and tries to bust out all of the frogs.
  • When Hop Pop is horrified and frightened over the toads' plan to execute him, Mrs. Croaker assures him that she and the townsfolk won't let them. This proves that despite a lot of things shown throughout season 1, Wartwood is a close-knit community who really do look out for one another.
  • A villainous example when Grime compliments Sasha on how smart she is...even if through an Amphibia-based metaphor that goes completely over her head.
  • Sprig cements himself as Anne's real best friend by standing up for her when she is about to be pushed around by Sasha again.
    Sprig: For someone who's Anne's best friend, you sure don't know her very well. She's brave, she's smart, and most of all, she's not going to be pushed around by a bully like you!
  • During the castle's destruction, we see Mayor Toadstool carrying frogs on his back as they run to safety. It wouldn't be a surprise to see him trying to save his own hide instead, but he chose to save others as well. While he does claim he needs someone to govern, one can assume he was likely saying that to save face as not to look too kindhearted.
  • Anne and her friends are trying to save Sasha from a deadly fall, in spite of what she'd done to them. When it is clear that they would only fall with her, Sasha lets herself fall so that at least Anne would be saved.
    • Grime saving the unconscious Sasha and carrying her to safety. The distraught look on his face as he looks at her in his arms shows that he really has grown fond of her.
  • The Plantars consoling Anne after she breaks down after seeing Sasha choose to let go of Anne’s hand (even though Grime saved her).
  • The fact that Anne would not go home if it meant anything bad would happen to the people of Wartwood. On the other hand, the Plantars stick to their promise that they will help Anne find another way home.
