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Funny / The Asylum

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  • The bad acting and special effects provide a steady stream of narm to enjoy.
  • The very existence of some of their films can be funny in itself, particularly the monster movies.
    • Special mention goes to the Serial Escalation of the "Multi-Headed Shark Attack" series. First there was 2-Headed Shark Attack which featured a shark with two heads. Then there was 3-Headed Shark Attack that featured a shark with three heads, that could also regrow multiple smaller heads for each head lost, like a hydra. Then comes 5-Headed Shark Attack, which starts out with four heads but halfway through inexplicably sprouts a fifth head on its tail. And then there came 6-Headed Shark Attack, which scurries around on land using four of its six heads as makeshift legs and can regenerate so quickly that it can tear off its own heads and throw them as projectiles. Yeah.

Alpha House

American Warships

Battle of Los Angeles

  • Pretty much everything Solano says.
  • The scene where Karla attacks an alien craft with a katana is so gratuitously awesome that it's hilarious.
  • The part where Pete Rogers reveals he's an alien spy by letting loose an ear shattering scream brings to mind a certain scene in Dumb and Dumber.
  • In the stairwell of a facility explicitly located deep underground, one can see a sign reading "No roof access."
  • When Karla and Solano try to encourage Tyler they sound like they're trying to get a hyperactive child to focus.
  • When the alien mothership goes down it looks like one of the animations in Monty Python's Flying Circus.

Halloween Night

Mega Python vs. Gatoroid

  • "We're gonna need a bigger gator".
  • "Feeding steroids to gators. What's crazy about that? What Could Possibly Go Wrong??"
  • The confrontation between the protagonists at a charity banquet is unexpectedly wacky. It's like something you'd see in a children's movie but with more swearing.
  • As the giant reptiles attack Miami, one of the snakes bites a blimp with the Asylum's logo on it. The blimp goes flying off in all directions, taking the snake with it.
