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Huge props to the voice actors who made up those outlandish moments.

Chainsaw Man

  • Power acting homophobic and mispronouncing the word "lesbian" as Lebanon.
    • Then the added hypocrisy in that she's gay herself, and acting in denial for a long time, with the occasional Kobeni prodding.
    • And then later, when she accepts that aspect of herself, her acting tsuntsun for Kobeni. Remember that Power is also Kobeni's bully half the time. She's not amused in the slightest.
  • Denji complaining about how terribly the scripts are written.
  • Aki being annoyed with dealing with Denji and Power.

  • Up to this point, Power had no voice actress and was interpreted by a machine. After Aki manages to force her to eat her veggies, she coughs up a lot, seems about to die...then her voice changes to that of an actual girl, which is even pointed out by the characters.

aki finds power's search history

  • Power attempts to boot up the PC... with a hammer. Denji is not happy with the results.
  • While showing off the folders she had, there is one labeled "things I want to eat." Kobeni is included in this section.
  • Power deletes her "girls kissing" folder to prove that she's not gay... and accidentally reveals that it has nearly 50,000 files.
  • After deleting her files, Power opens Chrome, then carelessly restores her history... which immediately shows the search results for "girls kissing"

kobeni works at burger king

  • Makima, of all people, loves Burger King much to Kobeni's incredulement, and even sings the "Whopper Whopper Song."
  • After Power and Kobeni mess up her order, Makima blows up the Burger King, with Power and Kobeni inside.

denji has a date with makima

  • After making a date plan with Denji, Makima sings the "Whopper Whopper Song" again whilst adding "grooming minors" to the lyrics.
  • Aki momentarily transforms into Charlie while cheering for Rocky alongside Denji and Beam.
  • After Denji blows off his date with Makima, rather than her being mad, Makima appeared to be more perplexed that Beam was a better manipulator than her.

kobeni needs a break

  • While declining to hang out with Himeno, Kobeni mentions how she (somehow) got drunk off the beverages at a Burger King.
  • After she makes Kobeni call her "Himmy," Himeno drunkenly declares that she should make her own division, "the Himmy Division," before settling on making a nation.

power meet denji's girlfriend

  • Power makes fun of Reze for her odd appearance because she was only introduced at the end of the first season.
  • When Power asks why she never gets any kisses, Reze bluntly tells her it's because she smelled terrible.

power starts a youtube channel

  • Power decides to do an ASMR session by screaming into her microphone.
  • Kobeni overhears Power talking in her sleep only to have a panic attack when she learns that Power wanted to eat her.
  • Having acquired some Character Development from a few videos back, Power pokes fun at Kobeni for being short than her being a lesbian.

asa mitaka might be a femcel

  • In this one, Nayuta and Yoru criticize Asa for her tastes in music. Nayuta, for instance, continuously calls her a "weezo" due to liking Weezer.
  • Nayuta sings Shitnut's "Whopper Whopper" song asserting that even if she was a reincarnation of the Control Devil, there was still a trace of Makima within her.
    • Additionally, the blooper at the end where the VA tries to sing the song and quickly descends into a Cluster F-Bomb in the exact same child-like tone.

kobeni meets nayuta and company

  • Part of Kobeni's past traumatic memories that the Falling Devil threatens her with is Power endlessly calling her a "Lebanon".
  • Even in an abridged skit, Kobeni is doomed to trip when handing food over.
  • When Fami starts giving her order, she does so at a painfully slow pace starting with her request for "two number nines".

nayuta steals a car dressed as a penguin

  • Nayuta cares more about winning a costume contest than the fact the world would be ending.
  • In order to get a ride to school, Fami and Nayuta carjack Kobeni at a McDonald's drive-thru. More hilariously, as if Kobeni couldn't get any more of a break, she gets hit by her own car.

chainsaw man but it's the office

  • Makima tries to be more hip with her employees by using slang. As expected, several of the characters find it weird at best, and terrifying at worst.

Jujutsu Kaisen

gojo and geto eat burger king

  • Gojo's plan to get Utahime out of her Burger King shift? Annihilate the building with a Maximum Output Blue. Utahime and Geto's reactions only sell the sheer overkill of the plan along with "Where Our Blue Is" playing in the background as Utahime's screaming, all under a beautiful Art Shift to Roblox as the incident plays out.
    Utahime: (Utterly confused) What the f-
    (Cue her and the Burger King being consumed by the Blue as "Where Our Blue Is"' chorus kicks off)
    Geto: Oh my God.

gojo and geto celebrate christmas

  • Just the fact that Gojo ran over Rudolph the Reindeer during last Christmas:
    Gojo: Suguru. Just calm down and let me drive.
    (...Cut to a shot of Geto's hand as he's reading texts on his phone from Shoko, in particular a warning about Gojo driving)
    Shoko: "someone or somethings about to die then."
    Gojo: What's the worst that could happen?
    (Cut to a shot of the city... as a reindeer is just standing in the street as "If I Am With You" is playing)
    Rudolph: Hey guys. It's me Rudolph the... the reindeer-
    Gojo: (As he crashes the car into Rudolph) BLACK CRASH.


anya commits tax fraud

  • Anya screeches repeatedly in the video to the point she transforms into a Velociraptor.
  • Yor beats up the IRS agents when they revoked Anya of her lemonade stand.
