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Funny / Jason X

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  • Brodski gets stabbed in the lungs by Jason but shrugs it off before Jason stabs him again.
    Brodski: "It's gonna take more than a poke in the ribs to put down this old dog." *gets stabbed again* "Yeah, that oughta do it."
  • Jason is stalled with a holographic representation of Camp Crystal Lake, complete with sexually promiscuous Co-Eds. Both co-eds declare how much they love drugs and premarital sex (verbatim)note  before they take off their clothes and lie down on sleeping bags. Cut to the protagonists trying to repair an airlock. Cut back to the simulation: Jason has zipped both co-eds into their bags and is beating one to death with the other in his own twisted version of a co-ed pillow fight.
  • "Guys, it's okay! He just wanted his machete back!"
  • When the android Kay-Em is receiving a breast upgrade, her nipples fall off.
  • Jenessa's final words before getting sucked out into space:
    "This sucks on so many levels!"
  • Honestly, the fact that the entire movie is Recycled In Space makes it hard to take ANYTHING in it seriously.
