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Funny / Enter the Gungeon

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  • The guns in the game are split into several categories based on what they do. "ICE" weapons are ice-based, "SILLY" are Lethal Joke Weapons, and so on. What category do most of the lesser weapons go, including the starting weapons? "SHITTY".
  • Nothing about the High Priest as a concept is anything other than drop-dead hilarious. It looks like the only relatively normal boss in the game for most of its on-screen appearance, even fairly menacing to boot... only to be the most unsubtly gun-based creature in the Gungeon, being a hooded sorcerer with an entire Glock for a head.
  • The achievement icons for opening the shortcut elevators are the Tinkerer being slowly lowered out of frame relative to how deep the shortcut goes. By the Final chamber, the icon seems to give up and show a circular window.
  • The Rad Gun is absolutely ridiculous. First off, the gun is mounted to a tiny skateboard and is wearing a baseball cap. The central mechanic of the gun is manually reloading with proper timing to increase its damage, accompanied by "NOICE", "COOL", and "RAD" in neon letters. Better yet, all of these lines are read out by a stereotypically "cool" voice. Eventually, the bullets themselves will be wearing miniature sunglasses. It also derides you if you mess up the timing. How? "WACK!"
    • However, this gun is not to be trifled with. At six reloads, it does about 90 damage — enough to two or three shot even the toughest enemies. And that's pretty rad!
  • In the realm of Lethal Joke Weapon, there is Casey. It's a baseball bat, nothing outstanding aesthetically, other than being a melee weapon in a place called the Gungeon. Here is the fun part, it's attacks do 100 damage each, and knocks enemies back leading to chain reactions that do the same amount of damage. With enough skill, this can be the most overpowered gun in the game, and it's not even a real gun.
  • From the AG&D update, the Wood Beam. It's a beam, aka a laser, but it's literally a wooden beam, as in the thing you build stuff with. Firing magically extends the beam, and attacking is best done by flailing an oversized wooden beam in the general direction of enemies.
    • The item name also leads a lot of Accidental Innuendo, with people saying things like "look at that wood!" and "Will this upgrade make my wood longer?"
  • The lower case r. It's a letter r and shoots out the word BULLET, accompanied by a monotone voice saying the same. Other than that, it wasn't much until the AG&D update came. Now it has a dozen synergies, and nearly all of them change what the bullets (and text) say.
    • Alpha bullets adds an alpha to the start of every burst, making the voice say "A BULLET".
    • Silver bullets turns every round silver with the words BLESSED, SILVER, and DIE, WEREWOLF, DIE.
    • Charmed rounds make the words a guaranteed charm effect with the words CUTE, HANDSOME, and CHARM.
    • Explosive bullets make the bullets explode with the words BOOM, KABOOM, POW, and ROCKET.
    • Angry bullets turns the words into various (and often childish) insults: DORK, LOSER, TAFFER, CHUMP, and NOODLE.
    • Magic bullets transform the words into ABRA and KADABRA.
    • Ghost bullets make the rounds spell out SPOOKY, GHOST, and BOO.
    • The Book of Chest Anatomy changes the words into CHEST and MIMIC, in addition to the chance of freely opening locked chests.
    • Golden bullets give the shots an extra bling with the words CASH, COINS, SHELLS, and GOLD.
  • The hilariously dark description for the Unicorn Horn.
Description: This is proof that at least one unicorn existed, and is now either dead or hornless.
  • Mimics are especially prevalent in the Gungeon. That chest? Probably a Mimic. That wall? Go deep enough and it'll be a mimic. The reward podium for beating a boss? Could be a mimic! The boss door? It is the boss! And if the chest you get produces a good weapon, don't think you're out of the woods yet, because much like you'd expect in the Gungeon, even the guns and the bullets they shoot can be mimics!
  • In the Farewell to Arms update, there is an active item that summons the Gatling Gull. The item in question is an "Admit One" style ticket, which doesn't make sense on first glance, until you realize what it actually is. Considering Gatling Gull's Heroic Build, it's a ticket to the gun show.

House of the Gundead

  • The game's entire premise is that a detective is alerted by Commander Iron that President B.Stashe has been kidnapped by the Blobulonian Empire, imprisoned in the Gungeon and asks if they're a dude who's bad enough to save the president and find a bad partner... bad as in good, who's escaped the Gungeon before.
    • The ending of the game involves the Gungeon Collapsing with the Detective and their partner using the Blobulonian Mothership to get out, rushing to the control room. They somehow forget about the president (in the control room tied to a chair of all things) and when they do, the detective comments with Air Quotes that she and her partner were bad enough to save them. B.Stashe was infuriated about this, even when the entire planet the Gungeon was on got blown up by the Mothership.
