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Funny / Chick Busters

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  • AJ is teaming with CM Punk to face Kane and Daniel Bryan. She is accidentally tagged in to face Kane. What does she do? Skip around him like a school girl and then jump up and lock lips with him for about two minutes.
    • Kane's reaction makes this hilarious. He tags Bryan in...rather forcefully...and then just walks out of the arena.
  • Most of AJ's interactions with Kane probably can fit in this category, but the funniest would have to be a backstage scene on Raw after No Way Out 2012. When AJ is confronting the individuals of her love quadrangle (Punk, Bryan, and Kane), she has a talk with Kane. Kane runs down a list of all the crazy and evil things he has done in his WWE career, before telling AJ that even her craziness is too much for him to deal with. If there is at least one accomplishment AJ can take with her from WWE, there are probably few things as impressive as being too insane and unstable for the Big Red Monster.
  • AJ interrupts another match by coming out dressed as Kane and skipping around the ring.
    • Again, Kane sells this with a priceless "WTF?" expression.
  • The NXT Kissing Contest:
    Matt: Kaitlyn you have to start again and yes I know this is the first time you ever had to kiss two people in the same night.
    Kaitlyn: It is! Please believe me.
  • The "How Well Do You Know Your Pro" challenge where one question was what did the rookie think their pro's first impression of them was. Kaitlyn suggested Vickie thought she was "so much prettier than her". Vickie's answer? A man.
    • Kaitlyn is also asked to predict what Vickie ranks her wrestling ability as. She picks the lowest score (because Vickie doesn't like her). Turns out Vickie voted a 3 and Kaitlyn looks so cutely happy at this.
  • AJ's tweets are hilarious. Examples:
    • "Just wrestled about fifteen girls in the rain in what I can only assume was someone's dream sequence"
    • "The guy at TSA said 'you have pretty hair' and let me through. Thank you for stroking my ego instead of stroking my mysterious lady parts"
    • "Been on the road for about six hours now and I'm starting to think this unicorn named Vanessa isn't real"
    • "Fun Fact: asking for a wedding dress to be ready in one day will in turn cause all bridal shop employees to congratulate you on your pregnancy"
    • Anything in regards to her follower count.
    • "Embarrassing moment of the day: Stood up and smashed my head into a barbell at the gym, then proceeded to shout "SORRY!" to the barbell."
    • "I'm in an exit row and the flight attendant asked me "How old are you sweety?". Having a great day so far."
    • If there's anything I've learned from seeing Tensai in lingerie on Raw, it's that everyone on the roster has better cleavage than I do.
