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Funny / Cat-Ra

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  • Like in canon, Catra falls for the mouse line and Adora still laughs at it.
  • Bow dresses Catra up with a tunic and flower to get her through Thaymor. She thinks to herself that she would die of embarrassment if Adora saw her like this. Sure enough, Adora notices when she shows up later.
  • In stark contrast to Adora in canon, Catra is nothing short of terrified of Swift Wind initially, much to Glimmer's delight.
  • Catra is heavily annoyed by Bow's playing of the violin.
  • Instead of acting drunk, the First Ones virus causes Catra to act like a housecat, including licking Glimmer's face. She resolves to never tell Catra that part, only for Catra to find it in her diary a few episodes later.
  • Castaspella makes a sweater for Catra that says "Sleepy Kitty." The others slip it on her while she's sleeping and it takes her a while to catch on.
  • The Running Gag of Catra's distaste of the She-Ra outfit lacking pants. Special mention goes to Catra's vindicated glee when Adora comments on how odd it is.
  • A barely awake Catra wanders into an important meeting in her pajamas, and awkwardly offers some of her breakfast. Glimmer's reaction: "We're doomed."
  • When showing off the the Sword of Protection's shapeshifting abilities to Glimmer and Bow it transforms into a chamber pot, much to their amusement. Catra proceeds to slam it over Bow's head when he won't shut up about it.
  • Like in canon, Scorpia likes hugging a lot. Adora constantly threatens to limit how much Scorpia is allowed to hug her.
  • The first alliance meeting in the fic's take on "The Frozen Forest" is full of shenanigans. By the end of it, Catra is chasing Frosta around the room, Bow has been knocked unconscious trying to stop them, Glimmer is wisely staying clear, Mermista and Perfuma are arguing about nicknames, and Spinnerella and Netossa are making bets.
  • Catra and Frosta froze Angella to the toilet.
  • Bow's take on the original series designs from "Roll the Dice" still puts Catra in her old outfit. She's especially outraged to be wearing makeup. She did kind of like that her tiara's eyes were green. She also hated how revealing Bow's version of the She-Ra outfit was compared to her own.
    • Perfuma's version is Sailor Moon, with Catra in the girliest outfit. Mermista, Bow, Glimmer and Frosta breakdown laughing afterwards.
    • Frosta's version has Catra and Glimmer as her cheerleaders.
    • All the versions of Adora are hilarious, but special mention goes to Bow turning her into a hammy vampire queen, complete with Vampire Vords.
  • When criticized by Bow for her plan of making Catra and Frosta talk to each other again in "White Out", Glimmer replies that she's simply invoking what always happens. When asked to clarify:
    Glimmer: "Think about it. Every time Catra's in one of her moods, we go on an adventure, stuff happens, then she's back to her regular self by the end of the day."
    Bow: "And... you're basing your whole scheme on that?"
  • When Scorpia attempts to asks Adora to hang out, there is an extra scene where Adora gets a papercut and Scorpia freaks out over it. Scorpia then falls over and messes up Adora's paperwork.
  • The second appearance of the virus in "White Out" has Catra more like the canon "drunk Adora" thanks to being more attuned with the sword, made even better by the now very serious and evil Adora having to deal with it. Catra later destroys all her paperwork.
    • Drunk Catra mistakes Scorpia for a crab-person and bites her.
    • Catra gets into even more antics than canon drunk Adora, like nearly peeing in public.
    • During Scorpia's tug of war with Sea Hawk over Catra, Frosta joins in. After Sea Hawk and Scorpia let Catra go, she fell on Frosta.
  • In a flashback, Catra accidentally hit Shadow Weaver in the face with a water balloon. She then tells Adora to get Catra.
  • Scorpia finds a baby picture of Adora and blushes over it.
  • Bow's act for his dads now involves Catra being his girlfriend. She seems to take it surprisingly well...until it turns out she actually didn't know what the word means. After Bow and Glimmer more or less give her The Talk, she threatens Bow by turning her sword into a chainsaw.
    • On a related note, Glimmer blushed when Catra asked if being a girl and Bow's friend meant Glimmer was Bow's girlfriend.
  • Like canon Adora, Catra pretends to be a guard to see Shadow Weaver. While it didn't work, it was stated to have worked every other time.
  • Like Adora in canon, Catra is completely smitten with Huntara upon meeting her.
  • In "Huntara", the titular character's goons attempt to hold Bow and Glimmer hostage, threatening to harm the duo if Catra tries to hurt Huntara any further, saying that there's no possible way Catra would risk her friends just to get back at them. Bow and Glimmer's immediate response? Panic, knowing that Catra would have absolutely zero qualms with doing just that.
    Bow: Lady, you REALLY don't know Catra like we do!
    • The kicker? Catra follows that up by thinking that while she'd like to avoid it, Bow is absolutely right that she wouldn't mind them getting hurt if she can't think of any other plan.
  • In the narration, Catra threatens to cut off a leg of the announcer if they reveal her weight.
  • The alternate reality from the end of Season 3 includes Kyle being the coolest guy in the Horde.
    • Mermista's perfect world is being waited on hand and foot by a dozen Seahawk clones. Catra wants to take a picture to blackmail her with.
  • Shadow Weaver and Castapella team up to give Catra a bath. After Catra learns this, she runs away before being subdued by Shadow Weaver.
  • Like Adora in canon, Catra freaks out after Huntara calls her soft. Glimmer happily telling Catra that she has become much more kind and considerate only makes it worse. She even believes she will become like Perfuma.
  • Like in canon, Scorpia goes on a rant after thinking Double Trouble is her sister and later clone. The narration adds Scorpia thinking about gossiping Adora with her double and worrying about her gaining a love rival for Adora's affections.
  • After Flutterina calls Catra the coolest, she decides to have her replace Swift Wind as her sidekick. Comes back as a Brick Joke at the end of the episode, with Swift Wind being surprised this is still in effect.
  • The entire "1000 Review Special" chapter is full of this, but special mention goes to the producer's confusion regarding Angella and Catra suddenly having a mother-daughter relationship.
    Producer: They have a mother daughter relationship? Since when?
    Screenwriter Guy: Since the beginning.
    Producer: You mean when she gave Catra a terrifying threat. Then didn't say a single nice thing to her, not even a "good job" after she saved four kingdoms and rebuilt the Princess Alliance. Then only after she rescued her own daughter she invites Catra to join them for dinner, which isn't so much nice as it is a common courtesy since they live together?
    Screenwriter Guy: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
  • After taking full control of her shadow powers, Adora discovers she can copy other people's magic... by accidentally doing it with Glimmer, resulting in a very surprised and confused Evil Overlord uncontrollably teleporting all over the place.
