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Fridge / Hunter: The Parenting

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Fridge Brilliance

  • A major reason shouting helps disrupt Kevin's concentration is likely a combination of his natural personality and the DMT in his system. Hallucinagens and high-strung demeanors do not pair well with loud noises.
  • Pyotr's visible frustration with Apeboy's pontifications and dislike of Shitbeard make much more sense once you learn they both are of lower generation than him, but he is older and more experienced and that made him de facto leader of the group. He's basically having to look after two people who got better position in Vampire hierarchy than him, despite having none of his knowledge.
  • Door always refers to "his old mining days". At first it seems like Door being himself, but consider: Pyotr is loose in the house and could hear anything the hunters said. It's quite likely he was using Ambiguous Syntax intentionally to avoid tipping Pyotr off about the minefield in their front yard.
  • Door stopping to measure the park bench is him indulging his Vice, a game mechanic that rewards such odd and negative behavior. Which, considering who he is based on, would make sense that his Virtue is Construction...and his vice is also Construction.
  • As many commentors have pointed out, the Imperial-to-Metric conversion in Episode 2 is incorrect. But in the previous episode's intermission slide, Door "cannot, nor cares to, decipher the British Language". Door was so stubborn against learning the Metric system that he did the math wrong.
  • Kevin's anger at Ape for "overfeeding" makes even more sense after Kevin's interrogation at the hands of Big D, as this is not the first time his advice to be frugal and feed responsibly is ignored in favor of being excessive and disregarding the long-term consequences of attracting unwanted attention.
  • Kitten grabbing his stilts from the shed makes perfect sense when you consider the front lawn is mined. If he accidentally stepped on a mine, he'd be less likely to get his legs blown off. Not only that, but the stilts would help draw Pyotr's eyes up and away from the ground, making him less likely to notice the mines.
  • The lack of respect Apeboy gets and his incessant extolling of the Sabbat becomes clearer once it's revealed that he's a shovelhead, a Sabbat vampire who is smashed in the head with a shovel, turned, then dumped in a mass grave and forced to dig their way out before being sent on a suicide mission. Even if they survive, they're considered the lowest of the low and have to work to be considered 'true vampires' in the Sabbat.
    • He also never went through a Vaulderie yet (as stated by Pyotr), and thus does not have the same bond of Vinculum that the other three Licks had between one another.
  • The fact Pyotr was clearly handsome before his embrace implies he is a Cleopatra, who are often targeted not only for their beauty but their arrogance and pride. Observant watchers could figure this out early as while he's clearly not obsessed about his beauty anymore he does still see himself as above both humans and his packmates, and he's also very receptive towards (what he interprets as) compliments.
  • The reason why Big-D was adamant on not calling the cops in Episode 3 is because the Vampires have agents everywhere, as later shown with Detective Sergeant Guy Chapman in the third audiolog. The same might even apply to medical services, where the Family might have to explain where they got their injuries, which will inevitably lead to a police investigation...
  • In Episode 2, it's shown that Marckus's gaming/surveillance system has a treadmill instead of a gaming chair. Being a Hunter, he would want to stay in tip-top shape in order to fight Vampires and other supernatural creatures.
  • In the Horse audio log, Horse speaks to Boy, but only AFTER Boy points out the blood spattered all over the walls actually look like paintings. Even more telling when Horse addresses Boy as “oracle”.
    • Furthermore, one of the most prominent moments of Horse vomiting is after Marckus asks a particular question; "Will you lead us?" Seems the answer to that was "Yes", albeit not in a way Marckus would understand at the moment.
  • Pyotr’s stated dislike of Shitbeard and slight fondness for Ape fits perfectly with all their characters. Pyotr fully embraces his inner Beast and holds firmly to the brutal ideals of the Sabbat. Meanwhile, Shitbeard clearly regards his status as a vampire as a curse, frequently laments his loss of human normalcy, and still tries to hold onto some of his humanist philosophies. In contrast, Ape is more like Pyotr and has fully committed himself to the Sabbat, even if he is somewhat overeager and annoying about it. Between the two, it’s no wonder Pyotr would kind of like Ape and feel nothing but contempt for Shitbeard.
  • Throughout Big D's police interview with Guy Chapman, what seems to be a strange and unsettling facial tic combined with different signs of concern that Big D sees in Guy's complexion and demeanor are given different light with the reveal that Chapman is a ghoul. His glazed eyes and clammy complexion aren't entirely because he's worried about "Kevin's" safety. He's at a constant war with his own withdrawal symptoms to remain composed and professional at all times.
  • The pacing and focus of the series is given a greater context due to SpeakerD's introduction video on the World of Darkness games and how he and the crew view their systems and what they cater towards. Most of Hunter and Vampire's intertwined elements play heavily towards intrigue and roleplay thanks to the inherent paranoia involved with their cat and mouse dynamics. Meanwhile, Big D is deathly serious about the fact that werewolves are not to be taken lightly because their systems excel with combat encounters, meaning they are literally built to thrive in conflicts compared to Hunters and even several Vampires. Mages are given very frequent mention but are always in the background thus far because of they're of a similar bend to both Hunters and Vampires, but the difference in sheer power doesn't allow for consistently satisfying confrontations when mixed together, hence why Big D also recommends avoiding pissing off True Magi. The Fair Folk are rarely seen but often feared because while their books don't get many updates, they are highly revered and on such a high scale of power that their dedicated book has players creating characters that were universally their victims.
  • In "The Probing of Kevin," Kevin describes how he fell out the Regent's favor once he pressed her about her not paying her ghouls. She just took all of their money for herself, with them too hypnotized to protest before they became destitute and potentially starved to death. Knowing that ghouls still mingle with human society, day or night, Kevin warned the Regent that the HMRC (Britain's tax office) would eventually notice these peoples' cash disappearing without explanation; the resulting investigations would throw a massive wrench into her plans. It seems Kevin's observations stem only from his accounting skills, but they line up with one of the commandments that Caine gave in the Book of Nod: "There will always be Caesar, pay him his due." Kevin was able to notice this issue and adhere to Caine's principles better than his superiors because of the skills he developed as a human—an irony that especially flies in the face of the anti-human Sabbat, which he'd join later.
  • In Chapter 4 Big D takes Elise with him for "interrogation". Marckus assumes that this means torture and storms up to prevent his father from torturing his friend. Instead he storms in to find Elise... working on Big D's hair, making it identical to hers. Marckus is very confused about this and Big D only says he's interrogating. As established in Audiolog 3, Big D knows all about effective interrogation techniques- and the way the cops try and get info is to make the subject feel comfortable and relaxed. Big D allowing Elise to do his hair allows her to feel relaxed. The best part is, it's working, Elise is talking about what she was doing. Big D does have his sword still in hand, planted point-down in the ground, so clearly he's ready to defend himself in a moment if Elise tries something, but D clearly knows that torture is an absolute last resort. After all, his torture of Kevin was seemingly completely ineffective- it's when he figures out Kevin's miserable and begins to sympathize that he turns Kevin from enemy into ally.
  • In the first audiolog, when Kitten offers to tell Big D about the local folklore, Big D says he's interested in "spectres, witches, werewolves, [and] giraffes." The thing is, giraffes do have some mythological clout; when the giraffe was introduced to China, it was mistaken for the mythical Kirin. Even today, the Japanese and Korean words for 'giraffe' also mean 'kirin.'
  • Spit casually reveals in Chapter 4 that he was just hired as a Chapter House security guard. Extending this fact to Git and Brok would explain why Grimal didn't recognize any of the three during "Marckus Goes Pubbing." There are a couple conclusions to derive from this:
    • Brok likely didn't become head of security until his father urged him to join—as a direct consequence of "Marckus Goes Pubbing." This is Remold's way of setting Brok straight, by providing him a job where he must maintain order, not disrupt it... But given how nutty and belligerent Remold is throughout Chapter 4, his idea of an orderly Brok must be horribly skewed.
    • Following his employment, Brok probably asked his father to provide Git and Spit with similar jobs. Being the Sergeant at Arms, he wants his guys around so that he's actually in charge of people, and possibly because he just likes their company. Moreover, he could also be helping Spit afford his Ritalin.

Fridge Horror

  • It's only a matter of time before the rest of the Family discovers Big D's rather unconventional attitude towards some Vampires, and it's highly unlikely that they'll take it well, especially Door.
    • How is Door going to handle his father recruiting Kevin? Also, while killing members of the Sabbat is one thing, what happens if Door comes across vampires with higher levels of humanity who just want to be left alone? The man is a Van Helsing Hate Crime waiting to happen.
      • Though considering he had no problem keeping them around for research it's possible that while he doesn't see them as people he's not opposed to keeping them around for practical purposes. He's not going to be Kevin's friend but he won't kill him either so long as he isn't a threat.
  • D mentions that he thought Pytor might have been planning on Embracing them and burying them in a mass grave, shovelhead style. Pytor also called Door a Shovelhead. He was planning on burying the whole family in that pit he dug in the garage.
  • In the fourth audio log, Kitten shares that he's met vampires before he re-connected with Marckus and his family, the first of which was having to defend himself against Edwin, a man he knew personally, after he killed a friend of his to feed. Edwin went on a rant about his needs as a vampire to justify himself to Kitten, and in the end Kitten was forced to kill him in self-defense. Given the immense trust issues he had from that, alongside the post-traumatic stress he only barely managed to keep at bay with Big-D's explanations, it's no wonder he had so little sympathy for the Licks and blew up at Pyotr, stooping over Marckus's beaten and bruised body dripping with blood. Not only was the Nosferatu killing his fiance, he was doing so in a way that reminded him of a different traumatic experience.
    • The explanation Big-D gave him included the idea that the vampire was not the same person as he was in life but an inhuman creature in his skin, which Kitten cites as the part that comforts him the most. When he finds out that's a lie (and with Kevin hanging around he will) his mental health and their relationship is going to take a massive hit.
      • Though given that phrasing and Big-D's known view of vampires as simply cursed humans its possible that what kitten fought wasnt a vampire but a changeling hence wearing the skin line.
  • In episode 4, Door and Boy go to get O'Tolley's. In the World of Darkness universe, O'Tolley's is a subsidiary of Pentex. It's very likely our merry band of chucklefucks are in danger of being corrupted by the Wyrm.
