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Trivia / Hunter: The Parenting

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  • Approval of God: Due in part to a lot of Paradox Interactive staff being fans and the TTS crew having worked with Paradox in the past on a Stellaris crossover, the series has the explicit permission of Paradox, neatly avoiding it being potentially Screwed by the Lawyers.
  • The Danza: SpeakerD as Big D.
  • Descended Creator:
    • SpeakerD, one of the lead writers, is also the voice of Big D.
    • Earndil, another writer, voices Kevin, Shitbeard and Lord Fatigue.
  • Real Life Writes the Plot: The fifth audio-log's opening features a man barging into the (Miami, Florida) radio station that Big-D is listening to (from England, which may be possible in modern day but would be much more difficult in 2006 where the series is set) to give a bizarre, random, rambling advertisement for a Swedish tabletop game store from Gavle. Alfabusa clarified in the comments that the ad wasn't sponsored; it was him giving free press to his local game store, without which he wouldn't have been able to make his way to this as his career. He also did state that audio-logs would then be sponsored. Following that, a game store in Wisconsin then provided an actual monetary sponsorship to be advertised in the NEXT audio-log... in the exact same rambling and random manner. (Said game store also played into the series's running gags with a knight in full plate mail holding a blender with a price sticker stating '99p', and popped into the comments to chat with viewers.)
  • Shrug of God:
    • SpeakerD has stated in the series discord that while authorial intent for characters like Grimal and Pyotr was not to make them allegories for 40k characters, he doesn't mind that interpretation.
    • Similiarly, when people asked whenever Elise having scratch out "brother" on her Arcanum ID and write "sister" next to it was meant to show her frustration with Arcanum's outdated customs or was meant to suggest she's trans, the crew said the former, but they don't mind fans reading it as the latter.
  • Staff-Created Fan Work: Eliphus, one of the illustrators of Episode 4, made a YouTube Poop based on the episode.
