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Fridge / Anonymoose's Monster Girl Saga

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Fridge Brilliance

  • Why is Rosette that forceful in her methods to snap Levan out of his self-loathing? Given what the world is, and her line of work, she have probably seen WAY too many once-good people, after they seeing that their noble intentions brought themselves nothing but trouble, feeling that Virtue Is Weakness and ultimately turning into Sociopaths and Psychos For Hire. She does not want her beloved Levan to fall to such depths and turn into an evil monster after this event. Granted, there are quite a few better things for Rosette to say instead of the blood-chilling "I like trouble, and you give me strength. Don't worry about me. If you make trouble with the whole world, nothing would make me happier!", but it is rather befitting for her personality of a blood-thirsty Berserker.

  • Why can't Rosette really use any idioms without mispronouncing/misusing a word? She was a Street Urchin in the Empire (which heavily discriminates against non-humans, thanks to their religion) in her early years, so there is little chance for her to learn "proper" speech back then, and even after she moved to a more monster-tolerant area and earned all that money by working as a mercenary, given her personality, it's more likely than not that she only learnt those idioms and phrases from overhearing them in someone else's conversation instead of actually learning about them using a dictionary or so. Hell, it's already a miracle that she is literate given her upbringing.

  • Where did Levan learn to use the repeating crossbow in Volume 4? Remember that he used to go on camping and hunting trips back when he was on Earth. Although the dream sequence is about him being good with the Colt 1911 (which the demon-princesses dredged up from his apartment along with a few rounds), he would most likely be using a rifle or a shotgun when he's actually hunting. The description of the repeating crossbow he used indicated that the weapon have a similar handling with a bolt-action rifle - which is commonly used for, well, hunting.

  • Why is it that pretty much every time Levan got into a fight he is either forced on the run or got his ass handed to him? Although he is not exactly famed aside from the wanted poster courtesy of the Inquisition, pretty much everyone in the world knows Rosette the Thorn Knight, and any of Levan's adversaries would be more than likely prepared to fight her upon knowing whom Levan is accompanied with - which would also mean absolute overkill when going against Levan.

Fridge Horror

Fridge Logic

  • Just why or how would Levan call Shoshanah "Susan"? All other nicknames Rosette gave her during their bickering didn't stick with him, and he managed to pronounce her name correctly before all the bickering started, and that's before the fact that "Hannah" can be considered as a legitimate shortening of her name (shares the latter two consonants and the last syllable, and have a similar spelling) and "Susan" much less so.
