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Fanfic / My Battle Acamaidia

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What is better than maids? Battle maids!

Join Izumi Alpha, leader of the League of Villain's Pleiades Battle Maids as she and her adoptive older brother, Tomura Shigaraki try to change the world.

My Battle Acamaidia is a multipart series on Archive of Our Own, created by Drink_Some_Water. In it, the series details Izumi Midoriya's descent into villainy as a battle maid, how the League of Villains would become family, and how society would be changed through the Pleiades.

This series has seven parts, with more on the way. The series can be found here

Works in the My Battle Acamaidia Series include:

  • My Battle Acamaidia (3 Chapters, Complete) - Tomura Shigaraki had a problem. Well he had many problems, but the one he wanted to focus on now was that his League of Villains was lacking something. Maids! Fortunately for him, the solution fell right into his lap, literally.
  • My Battle Acamaidia: Aftermath and Regrets (One-shot, Complete) - In the aftermath of the USJ incident and the reveal of what happened to Izumi Midoriya, a lot of people have regrets about events in their life.
  • My Battle Acamaidia: Delta (8 Chapters, Complete) - After their attack on the USJ, the League of Villains and their elite team of Battle Maids, the Pleiades, led by Izumi Alpha, plan their next move towards completing their goal of an equal world. Along the way, they might even pick up new members or allies.
  • My Battle Acamaidia: Welcome to the Villainous League (12 Chapters, Complete) - After the events of Hosu where the Pleiades announced themselves to all of Japan, change has been happening. Join the League of Villains as they recruit new members and make new friends and enemies.
  • Guy's Night (One-shot, Complete) - Guy's Night, the night that all the guys in The League of Villains get together for a fun activity, leaving their female members back at the hideout. Just what does one of these nights look like? Takes place at some point after Chapter 1 or 2 but before Chapter 3 of Welcome to the Villainous League.
  • My Battle Acamaidia: Surprise! (One-shot, Complete) - Happy Birthday to Izumi, the leader of The League of Villain's elite team, The Pleiades Battle Maids. Today though, she is just a normal girl celebrating her birthday. Well as normal as you can get being the second in command of The League of Villains.
  • My Battle Acamaidia: Zeta (5 Chapters, Complete) - The time has finally come, The League of Villains bring the fight to Yoroi Musha at the Wild Wild Pussycats Lodge. They prepared for it, but will have no idea just how much it will shake up their lives.
  • My Battle Acamaidia: Family, as well as an untitled one-shot are in progress.

Tropes related to the My Battle Acamaidia Series:

  • Abusive Parents:
    • While not outright abusive, Inko suffers from Selective Obliviousness, which makes Izumi unable to trust her with any problems. This culminates in her being and feeling truly alone, as no one wants to help her until Shigaraki and her father take her in.
    • Himiko's parents, as in canon, focused on Quirk suppression, believing it was a villainous Quirk. This naturally led to a self-fulfilling prophecy, though they believe that their daughter is far more violent and unhinged than she actually is, to a point that actually concerns the investigators.
    • Mei lives alone, with her father doing little to raise her beyond sending her just enough money to keep her alive. When he does come home, he's noted to be verbally abusive towards her. From what little details are from her personal life, this behavior started after her mother left, but it's left ambiguous as to whether that was also abandonment or if the woman died when Mei was younger.
  • Adaptational Badass: The League of Villains is this, due to having more members than canon, with the prominent ones being Izumi, Ochako, Mei, Yui, and Tesla alongside the canonical group.
  • Adaptational Relationship Overhaul:
    • In canon, Izuku and the League are on different sides of the law. Here, after Izumi's failed suicide attempt, she is taken in by Shigaraki and All for One, the latter of whom turns out to be her long-absent father. Their training eventually makes Izumi one of the most feared villains in Japanese history.
    • In canon, Izuku and All Might have what is essentially a father-son relationship. Here, however, Izumi despises All Might for breaking her dreams, resulting in her suicide attempt.
  • Adaptational Superpower Change:
    • In canon, Izuku was a Quirkless kid before receiving One for All from All Might. Here, after being taken in by Shigaraki, Izumi is given all the Quirks the Anti-All Might Nomu would've had in canon but paced slowly to prevent her mind from deteriorating rapidly.
    • Mirio gains One for All in this series.
    • Ochako gains Absorption and Release and a minor regeneration Quirk.
    • Himiko gains Tsubasa's Quirk, a body enhancement Quirk, and Vitality Stealing.
    • Mei gains Chart, Metal manipulation, Wolfram's former strength Quirk after joining the League.
  • Ascended Extra:
    • In canon, Tesla was a low-level thug who was prominent in the USJ. Here, he becomes a recurring character.
    • The same is said for the Chainsaw Nomu, which the League names Hanma.
    • Habuko Mongoose was a one-off character from an OVA. Delta splits focus between her and Mei as they both come into contact with the Pleiades, and she continues to make appearances as she effectively becomes a part-time vigilante battle maid.
  • Asshole Victim: Several corrupt Heroes perish or are thoroughly beaten, and given they abuse or mistreat their positions of power, they deserve every aspect of it. Captain Celebrity, Wheelout, Purpleman, Death Arms, and Great Ape are some of the more prominent examples.
  • Anti-Villain: The League of Villains more-or-less function as this, thanks to Izumi's influence seeing them pivot from trying to just tear down society to specifically targeting and removing corrupt Heroes from power, while also highlighting and supporting more virtuous ones.
  • Bait-and-Switch: Twice during the Training Camp Arc.
    • Mustard, sensing people coming at him from within his gas, starts to prepare a gun and shoots at the student coming at him, and gunshots are noted to be him potentially having brought a gun against orders. It's revealed that what he shot was a capture net in from a gun built by Mei, while the gunshots they heard were Mei neutralizing Moonfish for trying to attack students.
    • Sir Nighteye gets into a fight against two Teslas and manages to make one dissolve, revealing it to be a clone. Just when the remaining Tesla is about to knock him out, Nighteye throws a stamp at Tesla's neck and is described as being covered in something wet, without stating if it's blood or the mud Twice clones dissolve into. It's revealed in the next chapter that Tesla is perfectly fine, being with Twice, and the Tesla killed by Nighteye was also mere clone.
  • Because You Were Nice to Me: A large part of the Pleiades join the League in part because of Izumi's kindness to them.
    • Izumi took Ochako into her home after she passed out injured on the train after the UA Entrance Exam. She then fed the girl, escorted her back to the motel she was staying at, and helped her retrieve her belongings from the scummy motel owner who was trying to extort her. When she learns she didn't make the cut for the Hero Course, Izumi offers her a place as a battle maid, which Ochako accepts as a means to support her parents.
    • Izumi was the first person to willingly give Himiko her blood and then took her in when she learned the girl was homeless, letting her live at the League base until she officially decided to become a maid.
    • The Pleiades were the first people to show an active interest in Mei's inventions, as well as showing her genuine kindness. Even after learning about their villain status, she'd rather join them in villainy than lose the only people who were genuinely nice to her.
      • After joining the League, Mei still makes and gives support equipment to Pony, Hitoshi, and Tsuyu, as the three were the only students at UA who made an effort to be nice to her after the events of the Sports Festival.
    • The Pleiades helped Habuko get away from a perverted classmate who was sexually harassing her and continued to treat her kindly despite her extreme mutations, unlike most of her classmates. Even after realizing they are almost certainly villains, she keeps such a fact a secret and even decides to become a part-time vigilante battle maid while continuing to be in the Hero Course, with plans to become a full-time maid as a backup should the Hero Course not work out.
    • Fuwa Mawata, a student in Class 2-A at UA, who has only appeared once in canon, ends up appearing during Hosu when she's attacked by a Nomu. Her actions ultimately help Shoto find a way to use his fire, albeit not in the same way as canon, and she continues to make appearances as she grows closer to Shoto.
  • Becoming the Mask: Izumi originally went along with the "battle maid" idea purely because Tomura was a nice guy and the first person in a long time to show her compassion without a hint of pity, so acting as his maid seemed like the least she could do. She later gains a secondary reason in the form of annoying her father but quickly realizes that she truly does find being a maid fulfilling, as doing domestic work fits in snuggly with her innate desire to help others.
  • Break His Heart to Save Him: Izumi tells Mei that she and the other maids have to leave her, believing that her being around villains will only put her in danger and that she will hate them anyway when she learns of their status. However, when Mei learns about their identities after seeing the video of them in Hosu, she instead decides to join them, as she doesn't want to lose her only friends.
  • Brick Joke:
    • During Dabi's introduction, Tomura reads off several rules to him, one being to always eat Izumi's cooking and not to order takeout. A few chapters later, it's revealed that Dabi ended up ordering takeout at some point, so Izumi decides not to cook for him for several days, much to his dismay.
    • At one point, the League sneaks into Best Jeanist's office in order to see if he has any unsavory secrets that would make him one of their targets, only to discover his massive collection of Naruto merch, including pictures of himself cosplaying as various characters. When they end up facing him during the Kamino Raid, they start making references to the show when speaking to the hero to clue in to the fact that they know about his secret collection.
  • Broken Pedestal: Izumi loses all faith in All Might and hero society in general because All Might told her that her Quirkless status would've rendered her a liability in heroics.
  • Catch a Falling Star:
    • Tomura accidentally catches Izumi when she tries to commit suicide by jumping off a building.
    • During Hosu, Fuwa Matawa, a Class 2-A student, ends up being knocked off the roof of a building by a Nomu. Shoto luckily sees her as she falls and catches her.
  • The Cavalry: Just as it looks like most of the League is about to be captured by the heroes, the robot skeleton army Mei has been building is activated, swarming the heroes and allowing the villains to get away.
  • Chekhov's Gun: After joining the League, scenes involving Mei's workshop usually have robotic skeletons mentioned at least once, with characters relaxing in their frames while speaking to her or Mei actively building one. Come the Kamino Raid, dozens of them get activated just as the League is about to be captured from the heroes' ambush, turning the tides of the fight and allowing them to escape.
  • Chessmaster Sidekick: Izumi to Tomura. Anyone who witnesses the group operate for more than a few minutes catches on pretty quickly that, even if Tomura isn't totally incompetent at it, Izumi is the true brains behind the League of Villains' day-to-day operations, which is also a fact no one really tries to hide. This only becomes more true when Izumi and the Pleiades become the face of a nationwide reexamination of hero society after the events in Hosu, inspiring a rise in vigilantism and becoming the main reason why people want to join the organization. The main reason why All for One doesn't label her as his successor instead is because Izumi doesn't want the role; she states that this is because she's committed to being a maid, but it is also clear to AFO that the duo has developed a strong "older brother, little sister" bond and their dynamic as leader and second-in-command is on some level reflective of this.
  • Condescending Compassion:
    • Several people on the heroes' side claim that they wish to save the Pleiades from villainy. However, none of them seem to acknowledge just how much happier the maids are with the League or recognize that the only reason they had to turn to villainy in the first place was from the failings of society that they are working to fix. At one point, Habuko stops and thinks through what would actually happen if the girls were successfully "rehabilitated" and put into hero courses, and concludes that it would just be putting them in new variants of the bad situations they managed to escape from since they'd have to contend with the baggage of being former villains on top of everything else.
    • After what happened with Izumi, Katsuki attempts to turn over a new leaf by being kinder to Quirkless people. However, his views are still heavily bigoted, viewing Quirkless people as fragile. This is best seen with Melissa, whom he goes out of his way to bodyguard and protect at every instance, despite part of him acknowledging that the girl is capable of defending herself.
  • Corrupted Character Copy: Big Chill is basically Lady Nagant if she actually enjoyed her assassin work at the HPSC.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: Izumi's second fight with Mirio during the Kamino Raid barely takes up a few lines. Justified, as Izumi has had the chance to analyze his Quirk after their last fight, her lack of knowledge of said Quirk being one of the reasons she had such difficulty fighting him in their first fight, while Mirio has only gone from five to six percent of One For All since their last encounter.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Subverted with Ochako. Unlike every other member of the League, she doesn't have a prolonged tragic backstory that predates her fall into villainy. She simply resonated with the organization's goals and saw joining as the superior option to attending UA as a General Studies student and praying that she could beat the odds and still join the UA Hero Course, especially since doing so more quickly achieves her personal goal of helping her parents financially. Other characters have privately mused about how this makes her the odd one out amongst the group.
    Giren: (thinking) Gamma was probably the most unusual member of the League of Villains. She had a good home life, a decent quirk, and before joining, had no real reason to become a villain. None that he could tell from digging into her backstory at least. Sure, her family was on the poor end, but not to the level of the maid having to resort to thievery. Yet here she was, as loyal as they come to probably one of the villains he respected most.
  • Didn't Think This Through: UA decided to have Ochako leave the school after she had been critically injured during the Entrance Exam, exhausted from the healing and still mildly injured, with nothing but a pair of crutches to support her. Had it not been for Izumi meeting her on the train and taking her home when she passed out, Ochako might have been kidnapped or taken advantage of. Moreover, it ends up becoming part of her motivation to join the villains due to how the heroes failed her.
  • Dramatic Irony:
    • The heroes spend several installments under the belief that Izumi is being manipulated and controlled by All for One. Even once they do realize that Izumi is operating under some level of freedom, they assume she obviously must hate the villain just as much they they do, and the only reason she hasn't defected already is because happens to hate All Might and heroes even more. It isn't until the end of "Zeta" that they learn Izumi is his biological daughter.
    • Power Loader originally assumes that Mei was kidnapped due to her inventions and intellect when she stops coming to school and is greatly worried about her well-being. Of course, the reader knows that she willingly left UA to join the League and is perfectly fine.
  • Exact Words: Izumi tells All For One that she wouldn't turn all of the Nomu into maids if she were part of that project, she would turn some into butlers.
  • Face–Heel Turn:
  • Failed a Spot Check: No one in the League realizes that Yui tagged along with them when they left the training camp until Tomura asks Izumi who their new recruit is.
    This earned another collective reaction from the villains that Tomura would later describe as throwing a cucumber into the middle of all of Eraserhead's cats.
  • Foreshadowing: The Nomu that Shoto fights is noted to keep looking at a girl's dress and Burnin's hair, along with attacking a seemingly random car. It turns out that it's triggered by the color green, which he uses in order to distract the Nomu long enough for him to finish it off.
  • The Friend Nobody Likes:
    • All the other students at UA view and treat Bakugou as this, due to being publicly known as being one of the main reasons Izumi attempted suicide and became a villain, though Kirishima and Ashido eventually decide to earnestly befriend and help him.
    • Muscular and Moonfish are this to the League of Villains due to their lust for ultraviolence and bloodshed, with Muscular having the bonus annoyance of being the poster boy for toxic masculinity and misogyny. Izumi outright tells Muscular that she planned to either turn him into the heroes or have her father All for One convert him into a Nomu, to at least make him tolerable. When the two of them inevitably try to murder innocents, they're incapacitated and handed over to the heroes as warned.
  • Good Feels Good: Mt. Lady starts to feel this way about heroics after she gets praise from both All Might and Izumi about her heroic actions.
  • Good Parents: In stark contrast to the others, Ochako has a loving and supportive relationship with both of her parents. She calls them every week or so on a burner phone and occasionally visits whenever the group has downtime between missions. They are also fully aware of her villain status, and after some initial hesitancy, come to wholeheartedly support that as well. During the Hosu arc, it's revealed that they've been proudly watching the entire broadcast while waving homemade flags with their daughter's face and cheering at her every move.
  • Giver of Lame Names: Tomura is regarded as this by the rest of the League.
  • Groin Attack: What Izumi does to Mineta, due to his uncle being a perverted Pro Hero she and Shigaraki killed. Multiple characters state that Mineta had to be in the ER due to Izumi's Megaton Punch on his groin, to save his testicles.
  • Has a Type: Yui finds people with mutation Quirks attractive, particularly those like Kamakiri and Spinner.
  • Hidden in Plain Sight: Yui manages to sneak into the League's base by dressing up as a maid and blending in with the rest of the group as they're leaving the training camp. She also had the added benefit of Izumi being thrown too off-kilter by Bakugo's appearance to do a proper headcount.
  • I Reject Your Reality: Inko refuses to accept the fact that Izumi has become a villain, claiming that her daughter is far too fragile and adores heroes too much to even consider becoming a villain, insisting at every turn that she is merely being manipulated by the other maids and has been tricked into believing she has a Quirk. It's later revealed that she's actually trying to convince herself of these things because accepting the truth would also mean accepting that she failed to be the mother that Izumi needed.
  • Karmic Jackpot: Mt. Lady, when faced with Katsuki being suffocated by the Sludge Villain, decides to break a nearby building in order to save him, despite the fact she knows doing so will likely bankrupt her from the damages. All Might then comes in to pay for the damages himself while praising her for her actions, which boosts her ratings. Moreover, the event causes her to turn over a new leaf and start being more heroic simply because she wants to, which in turn earns her the respect of the Pleiades, ensuring that she will not be targeted by them while boosting her ratings even further.
  • My Beloved Smother: As Izumi describes, Inko was a helicopter parent "in all the ways that mattered the least and none that mattered the most", which is why Izumi doesn't contact her after she becomes a maid. She pitied Izumi and treated her as fragile for her Quirkless status, discouraging her from her dreams of heroics, and also completely failed to notice (or actively deluded herself) about how her daughter was being abused at school, thinking she's just accident-prone and has a tendency to roughhouse. Her ignorance of what Izumi went through is to the point she believes that Katsuki would be a good husband for Izumi, despite the fact that it's been made painfully clear that he was her main abuser.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero:
    • Katsuki's suicide baiting and All Might's rejection drove Izumi to a failed suicide that led to her meeting Tomura. The subsequent chain of events seeing her become both the strongest member of the League of Villains and the public face of a growing desire for societal reform, the realization of which horrifies the two men.
    • UA's handling of Ochako, from not stopping the Zero Pointer from crushing her legs, to having her leave the school, injured and exhausted, with nothing but a pair of crutches as support, to their rather indifferent way of telling her that she didn't make the cut for the Hero Course. Oh, and the rejection message ends with her favorite hero saying that the school wants their crutches back. All of this culminates in her wholeheartedly accepting Izumi's offer and becoming a villain.
    • Power Loader, while incredibly proud of Mei's abilities and endless creativity, never actually voiced any of this to the teenager. Instead, he would only berate her for her hyperactivity and inability to follow instructions. This is in addition to being completely ignorant of the bullying and ostracization that she suffered from her fellow Support Course classmates, never asking Mei for her side of the story, and taking his other students' claims that she's just anti-social at face value, resulting in regular lectures about how she needs to learn how to interact and make friends with her peers. As such, when she learns of the other girls' villainous activities, she has zero qualms about abandoning her current life to join her only friends, under the belief that no one would even miss her anyway.
    • As part of All for One's Breaking Speech, he reveals to All Might that not only did the hero's actions ensure that the daughter of his greatest enemy would become a villain, but that the societal compliance that All Might inadvertently caused due to being an ever-present force resulted in his mentor's own grandchild getting lost in the cracks of the system and becoming a villain as well.
      Hisashi: How do you think [Nana] would react knowing that the reason her grandson was not only set to continue my legacy, but to surpass me as my son, was because of you. How do you think she would react to knowing that you caused the fall into villainy for not only my daughter but her very own grandson?”
  • "Not So Different" Remark: Big Chill, a hero acting as an assassin for the HPSC, points out to Shoto how his extreme and careless use of his ice has caused plenty of harm to others, whether it be from freezing Izumi's limbs off (which would have crippled her if she couldn't regenerate) to nearly sending Tsuyu into a coma during the Sports Festival.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: More like Obfuscating Ego, but Monoma pretends that he's keeping the butler aesthetic of his Hero Costume, despite the fact that the motif now has ties back to villains, because he had it first, when in reality he's keeping the butler motif as silent support for the Pleiades and their goals.
  • Oblivious to Love: Mei doesn't realize that she's romantically attracted to Izumi, Himiko, and Ochako until Tesla enviously asks how she's able to constantly be around her crushes without behaving awkwardly or making a fool of herself.
  • Odd Friendship: One between Mustard, a middle schooler turned villain, and Hanma, a bioengineered weapon. The two are shown taking walks together in the woods, and Mustard helps Hanma put reward stars up on the walls of his room. Hanma's narration also refers to Mustard as Friend Mustard.
  • Parental Substitute: While Kurogiri generally plays a parental role for the League due to being the most responsible person in the room, especially when Izumi isn't present, he more directly acts as this for Himiko and Mei, who outright consider him to be a surrogate father and call him "dad".
  • Point of Divergence:
    • When All Might breaks Izumi's dreams of being a hero, she decides to follow through with Katsuki's Suicide Dare and jumps off the building she was left on, only for Tomura to catch her and give her a new purpose as a battle maid.
    • Izumi finds Himiko on the streets some time before the UA Entrance Exam, causing her to join the League early as a battle maid.
    • Without Izuku there to stop the Zero Pointer and indirectly help her gain Rescue Points, Ochako both fails to get enough points to get into the Hero Course and gets her legs crushed by the Zero Pointer (though she is able to be healed), both of which end up factoring into her turning to villainy.
    • Because she's taking the place of the USJ Nomu, Izumi, able to think for herself, runs back to Tomura and the others when she gets hit by the attack that sends her through the roof of the USJ. She then delivers a final strike to All Might that forces him back into his skinny form, revealing his shrunken state to several students.
    • Mei isn't able to find a team for the Cavalry Battle and is thus forced to drop out.
    • Shinso wins the Sports Festival, riding off the anger of Tsuyu being put in critical condition by Shoto.
    • Both Stain and Endeavor get beaten by the Pleiades during Hosu, with Izumi declaring the existence of League of Villains and their goals to Japan in place of Stain's speech, causing her and the other maids to gain his fanbase.
    • After the attack on I-Island, The Pleiades kidnap Wolfram, De-power him, have his Quirks given to Mei and intentionally engineer him claiming that he blackmailed David Shield to help him, so as to prevent Melissa's future from being utterly ruined.
  • Related in the Adaptation: All for One is Izumi's father.
  • Running Gag: People having the same exact mental reaction to Izumi revealing that she really does consider herself and others to be real maids.
    Wait, the maid thing was real? [X] thought that was just a gimmick!
  • Shout-Out: The maid team is a reference to the maids in Overlord, something that is occasionally brought up by the characters in-universe; All for One doesn't know how to deal with the knowledge that his successor's love of pre-quirk anime inadvertently created an actually good plan, while Habuko is secretly overjoyed that all this change is being brought about by one of her favorite shows and few people even realize it.
  • Sins of Our Fathers: The second All Might learns that Izumi is All For One's daughter, he immediately changes his tune about making up for his past actions and saving her from villainy, now being completely convinced that she was destined to follow the same path as her father and would have destroyed the hero system anyway.
  • Spared by the Adaptation: Ragdoll doesn't lose her Quirk like in canon, due to the Wild, Wild Pussycats being true heroes.
  • Thou Shall Not Kill: All the Pleiades follow this rule, though they aren't against brutalizing opponents they feel deserve it, or letting some of their other teammates kill those they find especially wicked.
  • Thought They Knew Already: When All for One taunts All Might in the final chapter of "Zeta", he remarks that the hero has no hope of beating him if he can't even defeat his daughter... only to realize from All Might's confusion that the man had no idea that Izumi is his biological daughter.
  • Villain Respect: The League respects any heroes who are morally good and care for more than just a paycheck, like Fat Gum who runs food drives or Mt. Lady who truly puts herself on the line to protect civilians.
  • Villain with Good Publicity: After the events of Hosu, the League of Villains, particularly the Pleiades present, end up gaining a massive fanbase, to the point that bootleg merchandise quickly springs up after the event. Even several hero students secretly support them, and the group showing their support to any heroes they deem to be "true" ones causes said heroes to have boosts in popularity.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Bakugo and All Might are the most prominent victims of this.
    • All Might gets called out every time someone learns of what he did to Izumi.
    • Bakugo gets it similar to All Might, but he also gets called out by Melissa on how he still views and treats quirkless people.
    • Those who were in Ochako's Test Site get called out by her for leaving her.
    • All Might gets called out by both Izumi and All For One for immediately changing his mind about rehabilitating her and helping her become a hero once he learned she was the villain's daughter.
  • When He Smiles: Yui notes after she's done talking with Monoma about her leaving UA to join the Pleiades in their goal of making society better, that he had a small but true smile on his face the entire time.
  • Willfully Weak: Izumi, having the strength to match All Might, theoretically should be strong enough to take on anyone with ease. However, because she doesn't want to kill anyone she fights or cripple heroes that she actually respects, she can't use her full strength against most opponents and needs to carefully manage it while fighting.
  • Worf Had the Flu: Part of the reason the League has so much trouble during the Kamino Raid is that the heroes caught them off guard, with several members not having their maid weapons on hand.
