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Fanfic / Dream With Me

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Can be found here Dream With Me

Tani didn't know how she ended up on the passenger ship that was being raided by Alvida Pirates, but she certainly wasn't going to waste the opportunity in front of her. After all, her dream could only be completed by joining the man who was going to be King of The Pirates!

Excerpt:Straw Hat. That was Straw Hat Luffy. The man who was going to be king of the pirates, the man who was actually rubber. The man who would help change the world just because he wanted to be free and had a kind soul.My body felt numb. I had somehow woken up in One Piece. I didn't even know how, nothing I did before going to sleep was special. I hadn't made a wish on a star or a birthday candle, I didn't see a portal, or a person, and I certainly wasn't reborn here.

Tropes in Dream With Me:

  • Action Girl: Tani is doing her very best to become one. Same goes for Nami.
  • Action Survivor: Tani's current status.
  • Adaptational Badass: All the Straw Hats manage to awaken some form of haki thanks to Tani's knowledge and training.
  • All Girls Want Bad Boys: Tani definitely likes them dangerous and is well aware of it.
  • Blood Knight: Zorro, as Tani notices.
  • Cool Old Guy: Red Leg Zeff gets along quite well with the younger generation, thanks to Tani ensuring he gets a better impression of the Straw Hats.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: It is hinted that Tani's drive to protect children is due to something awful in her past. So far it hints that someone dear to her died due to an animal attack, since Rika's situation hit too close to home.
  • Double Standard: Due to Tani's being the Straw Hats spokesperson, they establish a much better rapport with the Barratie staff. Zeff and Sanji are both far more likely to show patience and let a pretty girl explain the situation than they would be with Luffy or Zorro.
  • Female Gaze: Tani has a few moments around Zorro and Sanji.
  • Friend to All Living Things: Tani befriends Shushu the guard dog and Ben the news coo. It helps to be able to communicate directly with animals due to hearing The Voice Of All Things
  • Friend to All Children: Tani is easily able to get the trust of Rikka and also that of Pepper and Onion.
  • Forgot I Could Fly: Tani reminds Luffy that he is made of rubber, the stretchiest material. Therefore he can easily slip through the bars of Buggy's cage.
  • Food Porn: Sanji's food is a wonder of the world.
  • Eating the Eye Candy: Tani does this to Zorro and Sanji. While she is working as Barratie's singer, quite a few of the male customers do this to her.
  • I Just Want to Be Free: Luffy's main motivation to be the Pirate King, the one that is the most free. Tani as well desires freedom. something her world cant truly give her.
  • Insistent Terminology: Sanji is not a Vinsmoke because the Vinsmokes have never treated him as family and blood alone does not family make.
  • Jumped at the Call: Tani immediately takes the offer to become a Straw Heart pirate.
  • Mama Bear: Do not harm a child, any child in front of Tani.
    • She rescued Rika from Helmeppo and Usopp's friends from the Kuro pirates.
    • She vows to tear Dragon the Revolutionary, the most dangerous man in the One Piece world a new one for failing his fatherly duties in regards to Luffy's education.
  • Once Done, Never Forgotten: The Strawhat crew will never let Tani forget that she had to give her seventeen year old captain The Talk. She plans on taking Ace, Dragon and Garp to task regarding that failure in Luffy's education.
  • Papa Wolf: Zeff, if sacrificing his leg for Sanji did not qualify him, kicking the living daylights of a customer that sexually harasses Tani certainly does.
  • Seers: To explain why she knows the future Tani lies that she saw it in a vision.
    • She can hear the Voice of All Things.
  • Serious Business: The Whitebeards owe Tani a life debt thanks to her letter warning them about Blackbeard.
  • Spared by the Adaptation: Tani sends a letter to Marco via a News Coo named Ben. Marco is able to prevent Thatch's murder and even manages to kill Marshall D. Teach.
  • Through His Stomach: Platonic version. Tani endears herself to Luffy via introducing herself by inviting him in a food stealing run.
  • Tragic Keepsake: Tani's faded, old pink teddy bear is hinted to be one.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Tani gives Dragon a verbal beatdown about abandoning Luffy. The Daddy Had a Good Reason for Abandoning You excuse does not work on her.
  • Work Off the Debt: Luffy still gets Barratie damaged. But instead of him working as a waiter, Tani works as a singer, pianist after Zeff hears her play his piano.
  • Undying Loyalty: Tani confronts Dragon the Revolutionary, the most dangerous man in the world, and demands that he explain himself for abandoning Luffy. At the end of the day, Luffy is her captain and she would do anything for him.
  • The Unfair Sex: Zorro is rather annoyed at how differently Sanji treats Nami and Tani, aka, gives them free food.
