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Drinking Game / Team 8

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  • Take a shot every time the villagers antagonize Naruto.
  • Take a sip every time the Village Council is mentioned as being behind some way of making Naruto's life miserable.
    • Take a shot when conclusive evidence implicating them is found.
  • Take a sip for every case of Gratuitous Japanese apart from Japanese Honorifics.
    • Take a shot every time it's used incorrectly (e.g. "teme" as a noun or suffix)
  • Take a sip every time Naruto swears.
    • Take a shot every time Shino or Kurenai swears.
    • Down the bottle when Hinata swears.
  • Take a shot every time Hinata mentions her mother’s death or otherwise thinks about her.
    • Take another shot if it lasts for more than one sentence.
  • Take a sip every time Hiashi belittles Hinata or the branch family.
    • Take a shot for every implied or threatened case of physical abuse.
  • Take a shot for every scene featuring Kurenai accusing people of being sexist, complaining about sexist tendencies, or being on the receiving end of a sexist comment.
  • Take a sip every time Naruto or Hinata angsts about their respective lives.
    • Take a shot if it's about the other's life.
